This was published 4 years ago
State flags new speed limit on Ipswich Rd but council refuses to commit
By Tony Moore
The speed limit on Ipswich Road through Annerley Junction could soon be reduced to 50km/h after numerous crashes and 10 years of campaigning by residents, schools and councillors in the area.
Queensland's Department of Main Roads reviewed the speed of the section near Junction Park State School after a series of accidents.
Residents want the speed limit reduced through Annerley along Ipswich Road.Credit: Google Maps
Brisbane City Council previously refused to reduce the speed, saying maintaining traffic flow on Ipswich Road was the priority, but the review recommended the speed be lowered around Annerley Junction.
In 2017, Insurer AAMI rated the Annerley section of the road as Brisbane's "worst accident hot spot". In 2019 it was the ninth worst, according to the AAMI road crash index.
Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey tweeted on Friday that council had agreed to reduce the speed on a section of Ipswich Road, but council insisted a decision would be made after the July school holidays.
"The council will confirm today [Friday] that after the submission to council of an independent review by the state Department of Transport and Main Roads, the city council will agree to a lower 50km/h speed limit through Annerley Junction to increase road safety for all road users," Mr Bailey said.
But Brisbane City Council said it would first complete a 24-hour pedestrian survey following the school holidays.
"The report recommended that prior to considering a time-based speed limit, a 24-hour pedestrian survey should be undertaken to inform council’s considerations," a spokeswoman said on Friday.
Ipswich Road carries almost 70,000 vehicles a day, 10 per cent of which are heavy freight and transport vehicles.
Councillors Nicole Johnston (independent, Tennyson) and Steve Griffiths (Labor, Moorooka) welcomed the department's recommendation.
Cr Johnston said she had been campaigning to reduce the speed limit for more than a decade and the council had already done research into the issue.
"It's long past time for action on this stretch of Ipswich Road through Annerley Junction," she said.
Cr Griffiths said lowering the speed to 50km/h was a "great idea" and mirrored what had already happened at Moorooka.
"That is what we have done through Moorooka Shopping Centre, reduced it to 50km/h," he said.
"The traffic goes down to that level because that is the speed that cars are actually travelling there anyway," he said.
"So I think it makes sense. The traffic along Ipswich Road is still going to flow, so I would support that."
Create Annerley spokeswoman Ili Bone, who lives near Moorooka, said the council should now reduce the speed on all major arterial roads, not only Ipswich Road.
"Brisbane City Council's agenda up until now has just been to get traffic through there, even though there is a school zone there, even though there have been accidents," Ms Bone said.
"I know heaps of people who won't let their kids walk to school because they don't want their kids crossing Ipswich Road."
"I think this is the first step in acknowledging that we need to change the whole culture and the way we prioritise getting somewhere above the safety of our children."
Brisbane City Council in February reduced speeds on major arterial roads at Kelvin Grove and West End.