

This was published 2 years ago

Expanded CityCat network could be 2032 Games legacy

By Tony Moore

Queensland’s peak tourism body believes it is time to investigate extending Brisbane’s CityCat fleet upstream after 25 years of inner-city travel.

That raises an important question.

Could an expanded CityCat network be a citywide legacy for Brisbane from the 2032 Games?

CityCats could be viable upstream if tied to land use redevelopments, a prominent transport planner has said.

CityCats could be viable upstream if tied to land use redevelopments, a prominent transport planner has said.Credit: Tony Moore

Brett Fraser, Queensland’s Tourism Industry Council chief executive, said it made sense to investigate this issue as the region begins Games 20232 planning.

“Whilst CityCat travel isn’t for everyone, arriving at a destination by ferry can be a captivating way for visitors to experience Brisbane,” Fraser said.

“We would welcome wider industry discussion on the sustainable growth of CityCat routes, with a particular view to the Olympics and bolstering our travel and visitor offerings.”

Fraser’s comments come as 2021 census figures showed a major increase in the Greater Brisbane population, but no geographic increase in the areas covered by the CityCat fleet.

Fraser said Brisbane should reimagine CityCat use.

“Perhaps it’s time to reimagine our waterways to keep up with evolving consumer demand for innovative ways of travelling and engaging with our cities,” Fraser said.


“The iconic CityCat has certainly become a staple for both commuters and holidaymakers alike, with many visitors thrilled at the idea of traversing Brisbane via the river.”


The Queensland government in May announced applications had closed for the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games Legacy Committee.

It has the broadest gamut: “To amplify everything from healthy and active community initiatives to arts and culture, sustainability initiatives, tourism, trade and business development opportunities.”

Tourism Minister Stirling Hinchliffe, also minister assisting the premier on the Olympics and Paralympics, said how the CityCats would be used will be “carefully considered by the Brisbane Organising Committee for 2032”.

“Brisbane City Council’s CityCat fleet will be an important mode of inner-city public transport for domestic and international visitors on our decade-long green and gold runway to the 2032 Games,” he said.

Former state government minister Beryce Nelson chaired the Brisbane River Management Committee between 1982 and 1989, which included major businesses and directors-general of all departments overseeing the Brisbane River in the lead-up to Expo 88.

Brisbane’s Expo 88 was an earlier example where use of river tourism was part of event planning.

Brisbane’s Expo 88 was an earlier example where use of river tourism was part of event planning.Credit: John R McGregor

This included early work on the CityCats.

“We looked at tourism and transport, and we wanted to see how the Brisbane River could be impacted by better tourism services,” Nelson said.

Nelson recommended the river body be reinstated in the lead-up to the 2032 Games to help river management, including identifying new sites for the city’s commercial tourist boats and options for CityCats.

“We were going to call them banana boats; that was the tourism angle. But I am so glad they called them CityCats. We lost office and I made sure that [former Lord Mayor] Jim Soorley got all of that research,” she said.

“He did a fantastic job introducing them both as a commuter service and as a tourist service. He made it happen. He turned it from a plan into a project which happened.”

She now strongly supports a business case being prepared into extending the CityCat route before the 2032 Olympics and Paralympics.

“Yes. Absolutely. There should very much be a business case because when the Olympics come, there is going to an awful lot of tourists on the CityCats and probably on the KittyCats as well.

“There is absolutely no reason why it cannot be expanded; however, there may be scientific and logistical reasons – managing the river channel and commercial issues, that would need to be dealt with.”

Pros and Cons of extending CityCats upstream


  • CityCat route has not evolved significantly for 25 years.
  • CityCats are a major national and international tourism drawcard for Brisbane.
  • Tennyson, Indooroopilly, Sherwood Arboretum and Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary are possible upstream stops.
  • Brisbane International Cruise Terminal is a possible downstream stop.
  • Queensland Government indentifies expanding Indigenous tourism.
  •  A CityCat passing Chelmer’s Pamphlett Bridge could explain how explorer John Oxley links with marooned convict Thomas Pamphlett, the Turrbal people, the “discovery” of the Brisbane River and the subsequent site of Brisbane in 1824.
  • An incentive for controlled land development, similar to uplifts at New Farm and Teneriffe.
  • Possible Games 2032 Legacy infrastructure
  • Allows visitors to see Brisbane’s riverside heritage buildings.


  • Cannot go past Seventeen Mile Rocks’ reach of the Brisbane River because of rocks and shallows.
  • Travel is slow, compared with trains or buses. Economic viability issues.
  • Potential problems with riverbank erosion.
  • No business case has explored options.
  • Patronage has slumped to one-third after COVID-19 and the February 2022 floods, from 14,171 passengers a day in 2018-019, down to 5297 per day in June 2022.
  • Will tourism benefit be enough to attract paying customers to offset costs?
  • Who should bear the costs: local, state or federal government, or a developer levy?

Public transport expert Professor Matt Burke from Griffith University’s Cities Research Institute earlier this week said the slow pace of river travel does not suit extending the route, solely for commuters, unless there are changes in land use along the river.

However, Burke said “there is something magical about CityCats” and they should be investigated in line with a ferry-oriented development strategy.

“It would take something like a ferry-oriented development strategy – like going to residents in those areas and saying, ‘We could build a CityCat stop here, but we would need your social licence to really go for it’,” Burke said.

“It would be interesting to see if those residents in those areas would accept those trade-offs.”

Burke noted the retail and apartments planned at the Tennyson transit-oriented development near the Queensland Tennis Centre and Tennyson rail station.

Residents at Tennyson on Thursday volunteered the Sherwood Arboretum, Indooroopilly, the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary and the very popular Rocks Riverside Park at Seventeen Mile Rocks as likely destinations.


But it was Soorley – who introduced CityCats to Brisbane in 1996 – who raised a key tourism point about pushing CityCats upstream.

He said it would allow tourists to learn “how Brisbane got here” by travelling past Pamphlett Bridge at Chelmer.

It was here in 1823 that the three marooned first Europeans – who had been cared for by the Turrbal people – acquired a canoe and paddled towards the mouth of the Brisbane River.

They found explorer John Oxley – then showed him up the Brisbane River – and a new site for the Moreton Bay penal colony after Cleveland was axed. That is how Brisbane was founded in 1824.

“We should have an Indigenous boat cruise which explores the history of the region which became Brisbane,” Soorley said.

Hinchliffe said the government’s own tourism research showed “visitors are seeking unique tourism and cultural experiences”.

“One of the early legacies we want to achieve from the 2032 Games is continued growth of genuine First Nations tourism experiences for more good, secure jobs and to enhance the great Queensland lifestyle our visitors love,” he said.

Queensland Tourism, Innovation and Sport Minister Stirling Hinchliffe.

Queensland Tourism, Innovation and Sport Minister Stirling Hinchliffe.Credit: Matt Dennien

“Developing more authentic Indigenous visitor experiences is a key recommendation of the Tourism Industry Reference Panel to support the recovery of Queensland’s inbound international tourism industry and reshaping our visitor economy towards 2032.”

Brisbane City Council is still reeling from the February 2022 flood repairs and is sensibly reluctant to support major changes to the CityCats while it is still repairing the existing stops.


But it is not uninterested in looking at the CityCats in the lead-up to the Games.

In December 2021, they added 45 new CityCat services before the floods caused $330 million in damage.

“We didn’t get the chance to get quality feedback on the new ferry network improvements before the February 2022 floods hit,” civic cabinet chair for transport Ryan Murphy said.

“So we are looking forward to getting the network back to full operations before considering any further improvements.”

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