

This was published 2 years ago


Politicians trash-talking their leader is not new, but here’s what worries the PM most about the Berejiklian text leak

You call that a leak? A state Liberal leader and a federal cabinet colleague trash-talking their national leader and the damaging private phone conversations being made public.

This week’s embarrassing release of a purported text message between former NSW premier Gladys Berejiklian and an unnamed federal minister – both disparaging Scott Morrison - was not the first example, nor even the most sensational.

Illustration: Simon Letch

Illustration: Simon LetchCredit: The Sydney Morning Herald

It will be 35 years ago next month since the leaking of a private phone rant between the then Victorian opposition leader, Jeff Kennett, and federal frontbencher Andrew Peacock about Liberal leader John Howard.

This was in the days before mobile phones, before we’d even heard of hackers. In March 1987, car phones were an exciting new toy. The political class was an early adopter. Kennett and Peacock were blissfully unaware that their unencrypted conversation could be – and was being – picked up by an old-fashioned radio scanner.

Now, thanks to the internet, the entire transcript of the recording is available to provide insights for future generations of political watchers, perhaps even politicians who might want to learn from history.

Andrew Peacock and Jeff Kennett on the campaign trail in May 1985.

Andrew Peacock and Jeff Kennett on the campaign trail in May 1985.Credit: The Age

The context of the conversation was that the Victorian Liberals had just won a by-election despite the federal party being in a tumultuous state and the bitter ongoing leadership tensions between Peacock and Howard. Among the many highlights, here is one in which Kennett recounts the conversation he’d just had with Howard and quotes verbatim to his mate Peacock:

KENNETT: And I said to him, “Tomorrow, I’m going to bucket the whole lot of you”.

PEACOCK: No! Don’t do that Jeffrey.


KENNETT: Hold your flow. I said, “Tomorrow John” and he said, “I know where your sympathies lie”, and I said, “I couldn’t give a f---. I have no sympathies any more. You’re all a pack of shits and tomorrow I’m going berserk”. Well, he went off his brain and in the end I said to him, I said, “Howard. You’re a c---. You haven’t got my support, you never will have and I’m not going to rubbish you or the party tomorrow but I feel a lot better having told you you’re a c---.”

PEACOCK: Oh shit!

KENNETT: And the poor little fellow didn’t know whether he was Arthur or Martha.

Peacock – who vainly counselled Kennett to “be humble, mate” – was sacked from the shadow front bench by Howard after the leak, though he went on to briefly become leader. He died last year. Kennett, who went on to become premier, remains unhumble.

Apart from providing entertainment for political voyeurs, the more serious point in repeating this episode is to demonstrate that politicians exchanging poisonous assessments of their supposed allies is nothing new. It is a rare thing, however, that technology intervenes to provide voters with such rich insights into how politicians really talk among themselves. It is not pretty.

And so to the text revealed this week by political reporter Peter van Onselen (PVO). We may have progressed somewhat from the swearfest of last century, or was that only because the text, as reported, involved at least one female politician, the self-described “goody goody” Gladys Berejiklian. The Prime Minister was merely a “horrible, horrible person” according to her and a “complete psycho” according to the unnamed minister.

That text dates all the way back to the bushfire crisis in early 2020. And yet the timing of its leaking – in the countdown to a federal election – will be of greater concern to Morrison. It points to the toxic internal battles inside the Liberal Party, most notably in Morrison’s home state of NSW. And that viperous battle could end up being the critical factor that denies Morrison another term in government.


In a strident defence of Morrison on Thursday night, it was his former challenger and now Defence Minister Peter Dutton who said the Prime Minister was “human” and “like the rest of us, doesn’t get everything right”. Perhaps there is nothing more human than people not always getting along, even when they’re on the same side.

The Herald’s Peter Hartcher reported last August that Berejiklian had privately referred to Morrison as “evil”. Relations between the PM and then NSW premier, already sour during the bushfires, continued to deteriorate during the pandemic. Insiders say that during the early days of national cabinet, Morrison showed his disdain for her by favouring Labor premiers Dan Andrews and Annastacia Palaszczuk.

Few would know that some in the PM’s office had been known to refer to Berejiklian disparagingly as Anne Frank. The reference was not some misplaced anti-semitic slur but more a silly sexist nod to her resemblance to the famous photo of the young Nazi victim with her short dark bob and little white collars also favoured by Berejiklian.


The frosty relationship between Canberra and Macquarie Street survived the change of premiers. And no wonder. Last August, when Perrottet was still the state treasurer and pushing for further pandemic funding support from Canberra, the Prime Minister called him a “f---wit” during their phone call. And this despite Perrottet being closer factionally to the right-wing Morrison than is the moderate Berejiklian. Sometimes it’s just personal.

But all this reflects the broader problem Morrison has with the political machine in NSW and the internal brawl over who will be the candidates in various seats. Morrison’s man on the ground and centre-right faction ally, Immigration Minister Alex Hawke, has not only failed to resolve the problem but actively inflamed tensions to the point that he united the hard right and left of the party to resoundingly vote down his compromise motion last week.

With the seats of a slew of sitting members, and even ministers, under threat, the PM has threatened the nuclear option of federal intervention in the NSW Liberal Party. It is seen as a hollow threat given the logistics of such a move. It would almost certainly be subject to legal challenge, even while a federal election is due within three months.

Which brings us back to this week’s leak. It is not what was said in the titillating text that has insiders talking but the crucial timing of its exposure. The witchhunt for the mystery minister has led to many denials but you have to wonder whether Morrison is as keen to find the culprit as the rest of the Canberra bubble.


If the leaker is indeed a female cabinet member – as Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce helpfully seemed to intimate this week – the last thing the PM needs is to sack one of his few senior women so close to the election. And if she was from his home state, imagine what that would do the parlous state of the state of the NSW Libs.

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