

This was published 4 years ago

Orchid fever as 10-year quest finally unlocks Queen of Sheba’s secret

By Emma Young

Orchid hunters are a real group of people, and Western Australia is one of the best places in the world to be one – especially when one of the world’s most rare and spectacular specimens is primed for a comeback.

The orchid family is the largest plant family in the world with 25,000 species, but the greatest diversity of species is in only a few spots globally, according to Kings Park orchid conservation scientist Belinda Davis.

Albany orchid enthusiast Keith Smith helped collect the seeds that have led to the Queen's comeback.

Albany orchid enthusiast Keith Smith helped collect the seeds that have led to the Queen's comeback. Credit: Keith Smith

One of these is the biodiversity hotspot that is WA's South West. The state is home to almost 400 orchid species, nearly three-quarters of which are endemic, meaning they don’t occur anywhere else. Of those, 77 are of conservation concern.

One of the rarest is the Queen of Sheba, the holy grail for orchid people – colourful characters, according to Dr Davis.

There are the growers and keepers, who show their orchids. Obsessive collectors with glasshouses full of things that would never normally grow in the place they live, who daily inspect and cosset their blooms like their own children.

Then there are the Facebook groups full of the “orchid hunters”, who have bumper stickers for their cars and meet up in bushland areas.

Dr Davis sees them on her field trips and chats with them – though laws actually prevent her sharing information with them about the precise locations of protected species.

“It’s like bird-watching. There have been books written about the fever, the fervency,” she said.

“When something starts flowering, word gets out and it’s time to go and see this or that.


“Once while on a field trip I met someone who had flown in from Scotland to see a particular flower.

“And when the Queen of Sheba starts flowering, a wildfire response goes through the community.”

The early stage of seedling development. The orchid's "fungal partner" enters the seed through the hairs, and the orchid digests the fungi to gain nutrition. Getting the balance of nutrients and media right is critical; if the scientists get it wrong, the fungal partner will instead act as parasite and 'eat' the seedling.

The early stage of seedling development. The orchid's "fungal partner" enters the seed through the hairs, and the orchid digests the fungi to gain nutrition. Getting the balance of nutrients and media right is critical; if the scientists get it wrong, the fungal partner will instead act as parasite and 'eat' the seedling.

It takes increasing commitment to see the Queen of Sheba, though.

It used to be found throughout Perth and the south coast, but due to habitat clearing, only small populations remain around Bunbury and then Albany, with a few scattered towards Esperance.

But it’s not just its rarity that fires people up.

“In the orchid world there are not many others like it, it’s like a fever comes over people,” Dr Davis said.

“This orchid is the only orchid that looks the way that it does in all of Australia.

“It’s got a very unusual flower ... as if someone got paint and painted the most crazy flower they could think of, purple and pink with dark purple spots, and petals outlined with this bright yellow-gold.”

Its looks and its strange name drew people to seek it out in the wild; this in itself was now a threat. It was so highly prized people went everywhere to go see it and might potentially walk over its habitat, and like anything endangered, it has also suffered some poaching.

But its beauty and its fame, while increasing its danger, have also made it a “poster child” for conservation, though a fiendishly difficult and mysterious one.

Early stage germination: orchid seedlings growing on a petri dish with their fungal partner.

Early stage germination: orchid seedlings growing on a petri dish with their fungal partner.

Conservation of threatened flora relies on scientists being able to collect seeds and achieve high lab germination rates that allow them to create new populations in the wild.

But despite a decade of work from Dr Davis and colleagues across Australia, the Queen has eluded such efforts.

Ground-dwelling WA orchids are tricky anyway because of their reliance not only on seeds but on a “fungal partner” – they all have highly specific requirements for such a partner to act as the root network to forage for soil nutrients, without good root systems themselves.

Germination attempts over the past 10 years had never yielded more than a handful of mature plants – a very low success rate, Dr Davis said.

For a long time, people in the field had thought it simply impossible for this species.

Then a chance conversation Dr Davis had last year with her Royal Botanic Gardens of Melbourne counterpart Noushka Reiter at the national orchid conference led to fresh determination.

She and Dr Reiter teamed up with Albany orchid enthusiast and seed collector Keith Smith to collect the seed from a population in Albany and went hell for leather in a whirlwind of seeds, fungi, growing media, nutrients and warring propagation techniques.

“A lot of petri dishes and a lot of time,” Dr Davis said.

“From the point of sowing to seeing plants we are talking a three-month timeframe to see if you succeeded.”

Orchid seedlings in their 'humidicrib', the step between lab (petri dish) and glasshouse (soil).

Orchid seedlings in their 'humidicrib', the step between lab (petri dish) and glasshouse (soil).

Finally, they cracked the Sheba’s secret: the nutrient requirement to support the meeting of the fungus and the seed. Not only did they have to approximate the soil conditions, they also had to provide a little food for the seed itself, contrary to normal thinking in orchid propagation in which the fungus provides the food for the seed.

“We had to provide what they both needed,” Dr Davis said.

“This is big news. This will be the first time we’ve been able to propagate in great numbers the Queen of Sheba.

“Now we have cracked that, we can look at getting them back out into the bush.”

So one day soon it might not just be the most intrepid hunters who get to meet the Queen: with a little more luck and work she might appear in a Kings Park display, and continue her role as conservation poster child – but now as a success story.

Lab-grown seedlings flowering among the Kings Park seed orchard, from which the researchers can harvest seed without impacting wild plants.

Lab-grown seedlings flowering among the Kings Park seed orchard, from which the researchers can harvest seed without impacting wild plants.

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