

This was published 1 year ago


We still can’t trust NSW police: The sad truth for LGBTIQ citizens

A year ago, as Sydney celebrated WorldPride, I spoke at the inaugural sunrise service at Marks Park in Tamarama in remembrance of those we have lost to LGBTIQ hate and violence and honouring the many survivors of those crimes.

I also used that platform to express my hope that the Special Commission of Inquiry into LGBTIQ Hate Crimes would shed light on the dark period of NSW history between 1970 and 2000, and the wave of crimes against our communities. The commission was focused on the many lives tragically lost at that time to homophobia, transphobia and HIV stigma. Prejudice and hate, and those who wielded it, ended too many lives, far too soon.

There was an emotional response to the opening of The Bondi Memorial: Rise at Marks Park in Tamarama.

There was an emotional response to the opening of The Bondi Memorial: Rise at Marks Park in Tamarama.Credit: Rhett Wyman

Twelve months down the track, and as we celebrate Mardi Gras, aptly themed Our Future, we can say that the commission delivered. Its final report, and its recommendations, reinforced what many have known for decades, with confirmation of the large-scale, ingrained, systemic failures that have prevented justice.

The commission exposed the conduct of the NSW Police Force, not only during the three decades of its focus, but in the force’s “adversarial or unnecessarily defensive” engagement with the inquiry over almost two years.

It would be too easy to see the problem as historical, an artefact of a different time when police attitudes broadly reflected those of the wider community, when homophobia and transphobia were acceptable, encouraged and often linked to cultural notions of Aussie “blokehood”. But that is not the case.

Homophobia and transphobia persist and, while they may be more circumspect, they still deliver a powerful punch, often resulting in violence and intimidation, but also limiting people’s opportunities for familial connection, education and employment, and hindering broader social cohesion.


Daily I hear stories of what this looks like and it is not just playing out in dark, hidden places, or on the streets. We see its prevalence online, at the picketing of local Pride events, in workplaces including the NSW parliament, in sporting clubs, schools and churches. It is particularly vile and insidious for trans people, who bear a disproportionate burden and who carry great risk, just by going about their daily lives.

At the recent City of Sydney LGBTIQ+ Safety Summit, there were stories of hate inflicted on community members and the distress and anguish that people are experiencing. It revealed an overwhelming sense of distrust and fear of police, limiting people’s willingness to report crimes when they occur. And there remains insufficient trust that the police force has the capacity, or the willingness, to change.


The commission exposed a secretive internal police operation called Strike Force Neiwand – which ran for two years from 2015, expending considerable resources – as a concerted attempt to discredit the 2005 coronial findings of gay-hate murders in at least two and likely three unsolved deaths at the Marks Park gay beat on the Bondi-Tamarama headlands. Neiwand had set out to dismiss not only the coronial findings but also the police force’s own exhaustive earlier operation, Taradale, which had advised the coroner.

It demonstrated a doubling down within the force, a continuing pattern of behaviour by an institution that does not appear to recognise it has a problem, that will go to great lengths to deflect failures, place blame elsewhere, and not meaningfully or transparently engage. This is not only a concern for LGBTQI communities but for every NSW resident.


While the commission has made recommendations to improve policing, a shift is required in the attitudes that sit above the implementation of any recommendations. Bold, strong, visible leadership is required, urgently, and needs to be both operational and political.

Our communities’ strength and resilience position us well for the work ahead to make NSW a safer place for all its residents and visitors. Ideally, this needs to be done in partnership with law-enforcement agencies, but for that to happen, significant cultural change is required within the NSW Police Force. It needs to be transparent and accountable.

As we meet this Saturday morning at the second Sunrise Memorial at Marks Park, and as we celebrate Our Future this Mardi Gras, I hope that the NSW government’s response to the commission’s recommendations demonstrates that it grasps the gravity of these problems. It must provide definitive political leadership to address historical, current and future injustices.

Nicolas Parkhill is chief executive of ACON, Australia’s largest HIV and sexuality and gender-diverse health organisation.

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