

University of Sydney students in suspected inner west murder-suicide

By Sally Rawsthorne and Jessica McSweeney

The University of Sydney is co-operating with police as they work to contact the Chinese family of an international student found dead in a suspected murder-suicide at a Burwood unit complex on Monday.

Investigators were called to the Burwood Grand at 8.45am on Monday when a member of the public found a 21-year-old man dead in a garden bed at the Conder Street block, having apparently leapt to his death.

Strike Force Trophins has been launched after two bodies were found at the Burwood building.

Strike Force Trophins has been launched after two bodies were found at the Burwood building.Credit: Edwina Pickles

Officers then entered his apartment and discovered the body of a 21-year-old woman and what they say was the murder weapon.

The woman, also a Chinese international student at the same university, had been stabbed to death.

Investigators are trying to reach the man’s family in China to inform them of his death. The woman’s family have been notified.

University of Sydney vice-chancellor Mark Scott said the university is aware of reports that the two deceased students attended the university. In an email to students Scott shared support resources after the “unsettling news”.

“We are co-operating closely with the police who have advised that the identities of the individuals have not yet been formally confirmed. The police investigation is ongoing and the information I can share with you at this time is limited for that reason,” the email said.

Police on Tuesday were working to confirm that the pair, who had been living with a third Chinese international student in the inner west suburb, were in a relationship. They were not previously known to police.


“Violence against any person is not, and will not, be tolerated,” Superintendent Christine McDonald said on Monday.

McDonald said police would keep all lines of inquiry open, but there was no suggestion from police that they were hunting anybody else.

“Post-mortem examinations will be conducted in coming days to confirm the identity of the man and woman, and to determine cause of death,” police said in a media release on Tuesday.

Education officer at the Sydney University Postgraduate Representative Association, Weihong Liang, said international students generally were struggling with the cost of living and visa crackdowns, but said Chinese students had a large support network at the university.

“There are lots of Chinese students here, we have a strong community and it’s not difficult for Chinese students to access services,” Liang said.

The University of Sydney and the Chinese Consulate in Sydney have been contacted for comment.

If you or anyone you know needs support, you can contact the National Sexual Assault, Domestic and Family Violence Counselling Service on 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732), Lifeline 131 114, or Beyond Blue 1300 224 636. The men’s referral service is on 1300 766 491.

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