

This was published 1 year ago

The two elephants in the classroom exposed

Finally, a report that highlights how teachers and the school system need to address the two elephants in each classroom - the behaviour of students and their parents (“Teacher made to apologise for giving child ‘improvement strategies’”, August 22). Student misbehaviour has always been a major concern. No amount of training at university can prepare a newly graduated teacher for the difficulties of dealing with unruly students. The truth is that apart from particular disabilities, misbehaving students just don’t want to be in the classroom and don’t value education. If Australian education leaders want to improve our position in world rankings then this issue needs to be addressed. Robert Mulas, Corlette

Can’t you just let him play on his phone?

Can’t you just let him play on his phone?Credit: John Shakespeare

I don’t hold out much hope for any significant results from the Senate inquiry into disruptive classrooms, given that it is the very adults examining the issue who model behaviour to children in the first place. For decades now society’s ability to think, construct an argument and challenge our own views, to think critically and laterally, has been progressively degenerated. In some postgraduate humanities courses students are given episodes from Netflix as study materials; and yet to admit that some things are of greater worth than others is “elitist”. The complexities of human identity have been bowdlerized into stark, pristine binaries. Parliamentarians - the very ones inquiring into our classrooms - are themselves in need of some behaviour modification. Are we seriously asking how we got here? Simon Tedeschi, Newtown

Many parents don’t engage with kids around the dinner table at night, have no meaningful communication with them about their day let alone their life, fail to work together to establish basic standards of behaviour in the home and then complain when their child doesn’t like being expected to provide an appropriate learning environment at school for other kids. While most teachers are hard-working and committed we have no right to expect miracles from them. Brian Barrett, Padstow

Dr Paul Kidson said that young people expect things to go their way and if it doesn’t, somebody else is to blame. It also applies to politicians. Look at our last PM, Scott Morrison, who has effectively blamed public servants for robo-debt, and has refused to accept any personal responsibility. How’s that for leadership and example? David Gordon, Cranebrook

Unless you have had to manage a mixed ability class of thirty teenage boys you are not entitled to talk about classroom management. It only takes one or two very disengaged and poorly brought up students to spoil the learning experience for the whole class. If Australian classrooms are among the worst in the world, then we should be thinking hard about the mental health of teachers, not always worrying about the students. Vivienne Parsons, Thornleigh

Anyone who has worked in the state school system in the last twenty years knows how bad classroom behaviour can get. There is no meaningful reciprocity of obligation. The system says that no matter how badly you behave we can’t kick you out, you are entitled to your education. Unlike private schools, expulsion isn’t final, it just means you have to change schools. The upshot is there are now schools where nobody wants to teach. Garry Feeney, Kingsgrove

Greiner’s immigration call is too little, too late

I applaud Nick Greiner’s desire for governments to fix the sorry mess which is immigration detention (“Refugee limbo has to end: Greiner”, August 22). But where has this heavyweight been since his last fight? Where was he as thousands were jailed, mistreated, demonised and killed in appalling conditions as we abrogated our responsibility? Why no criticism of Dutton or Morrison? And what punch does Greiner’s well-meaning rhetoric have with our current listless mob?
Mark Paskal, Austinmer

Nick Greiner says the limbo must end for refugees on Nauru and Manus Island.

Nick Greiner says the limbo must end for refugees on Nauru and Manus Island.Credit: Wolter Peeters


In 2013, Greiner’s own party designed and started Operation Sovereign Borders, a policy continued by the ALP. Now, as head of Australia’s Refugee Council, Greiner advocates an end to indefinite offshore detention of refugees. Australia must deal better with refugees. Offshore detention is cruel, wasteful of talent, expensive and breaks international laws on human rights. In future, Australia will face a flood of refugees whose homelands are in political turmoil due to drought, heat and famine.
Geoff Black, Caves Beach

Heartening to hear a former political leader recommending putting an end to the politicising of asylum seekers who arrived by boat. “In limbo” cannot describe what has been done to completely innocent people by both sides of politics. Those 75 or so men still in offshore detention now in Port Moresby have a life of daily trauma, fear and suffering. When Labor won power in 2022, an act of mercy released the Tamil family from detention and sent them back to their community. Time for another act of mercy also for this other national disgrace that has gone on too long. Christine McNeil, Ballina

Thanks must go to Greiner for calling for an end to the politicisation of refugee issues. For over 10 years refugees who came to Australia to escape persecution have been used as political footballs all because they came by boat. Let’s hope Greiner’s voice can influence the Albanese government to free those living in limbo from a life of uncertainty. Judith Reynolds, Leura

Nick Greiner’s got it right. Why should 1000 boat refugees be left hanging in limbo by the trenchant policies of two prime ministers that torpedoed the best in Australian benevolence and generosity?
Max Fossey, Oakville

It is time to allow resettlement of remaining refugees. The cruelty shared between both parties should end, not only on humanitarian grounds but because it makes obvious economic sense. We have already nailed our colours to the mast as a country unfriendly to refugees and one likely to reject the generous welcome extended to us by the original inhabitants. Let’s show we can do better.
Louise Dolan, Birchgrove

Drawing the line at Latham

Mark Latham seems determined to break the record of Billy Hughes, who represented six political parties in parliament (“Latham quits One Nation, alleges it misspent taxpayer funds”, Aug 22). He led five, outlasted four, and was expelled from three. When asked why he had never been a member of the Country Party (now called the National Party), Hughes famously replied: “A man’s got to draw the line somewhere!” But will any political party ever have the good sense to draw the line at Latham? Tom Kelly, Potts Point

Mark Latham has accused One Nation of misspending taxpayers dollars.

Mark Latham has accused One Nation of misspending taxpayers dollars.Credit: Joel Carrett / AAP

Back well off, beware of the explosive toxicity and behold the imminent implosion. Cleveland Rose, Dee Why

Minns’ sins

Chris Minns’ plan to be a one-term premier is going beautifully (“Coal-fired plant to gain new lifeline”, August 22). He’s got the teachers offside, Western Sydney commuters and businesses in turmoil, gambler families disappointed, and now the environmentalists aghast with plans to extend Australia’s largest coal-fired power station. What’s next, Chris? Peter Hill, East Ballina

As the world spirals into climate boiling, with Australia being one of the highest polluters, we should be leading the way in renewable energy. Sadly for the current Labor governments, it’s business as usual, using our taxes to prop up the fossil fuel and gas industry and their corporate mates. Sandra Langtree, Lilyfield

What an enormous waste of taxpayer money: handing a lifeline of $200 million to $400 million to continue polluting our atmosphere with coal-fired power. To continue and escalate our droughts, floods, bushfires. Surely the government can come up with something more innovative and not rely on the same old fossil fuel advocates for advice time and time again. ​Peggy Fisher, Manly

Net benefits

Premier Minns is correct – it is not yet time to remove shark nets (“Mayor speaks out against NSW shark nets”, August 21). The NSW government maintains the nets because their protection of human life is beyond dispute. Nine young people, at a median age of 17, were mauled to death by sharks at Sydney beaches in the decade leading up to net installation in 1937. There have been no fatalities at netted ocean beaches in the subsequent 86 years despite a massive increase in ocean use. The probability of this occurring by chance is less than one in a million.

As the nets do trap other marine life, it is hoped that new technologies will soon remove the need, but that time has not arrived. All marine life is important but, as a physician and a volunteer surf lifesaver, I can’t help prioritising the protection of human life. Graeme Stewart, Palm Beach

Beaches north of Sydney want to be the first to ditch shark nets after almost 100 years in favour of newer technology that will have less impact on marine animals.

Beaches north of Sydney want to be the first to ditch shark nets after almost 100 years in favour of newer technology that will have less impact on marine animals.Credit: Brook Mitchell

Public problem

As Nicole Gurran says, the housing problem will not be solved while left to private enterprise (“The real reason housing supply isn’t keeping up with demand”, Aug 22). The pro-business policies of our government are aggravating the crisis. For example, the concessions to property businesses and overseas buyers align with the perspective that housing is for accumulating wealth, not providing shelter. The result is an inflated demand for housing. In this overheated market, first home buyers must compete with cashed-up property investors, and the homeless and other renters must compete with the flood of new immigrants who need homes. Ian Penrose, Kew (Vic)

So we want to actually build an extra 100,000 houses a year. Surely any house or apartment takes two years of work? So we are looking for 200,000 out-of-work skilled construction or building materials workers, and we intend to just flex this up and down, depending on how the economy is going. I don’t think this will work. Noel Thompson, Riverview

Pay your way

At the moment, more than 17 per cent of the Australian population is aged 65 or over (“Workers set to shoulder tax burden in next decade”, August 22). Fewer than one in six of these people pay any income tax or Medicare levy, largely because of the short-sighted vote-buying policies of previous federal governments. The proportion of over 65s is forecast to rise to over 21 per cent by 2063. The present inequitable benevolence is clearly unsustainable. The many financially comfortable retirees who can afford to contribute towards the cost of their support should be required to do so. Col Nicholson, Hawks Nest

Bill doubts

The proposed equalities bill by Alex Greenwich MP is like the curate’s egg: good in parts. (“Greenwich to push LGBTQ reform”, August 22). Plans to ban gay conversion therapy and employment discrimination based on sexual orientation are laudable. Of more concern is the plan to allow people to legally change their sex on their birth certificate without the need for sex reassignment surgery. This is more commonly known as sex self-ID and will mean the end of women and girls having any single-sex spaces, services and sports in NSW. As a long-standing Labor member I am alarmed at these proposals. The Minns government must subject this bill to significant scrutiny and seek public feedback, not just wave it through in a bid to be inclusive. Lisa Miller, Ashfield

Show respect

Thank you to Caitlin Fitzsimmons for her thoughtful article about conversion therapy (“Jeremy was 16 and depressed. A psychiatrist offered therapy to suppress his attraction to boys”, August 19). At school, from 1957, I sat with the girls and identified with them, but couldn’t express my gender issues. I began cross-dressing at age 11 but had wished I was female well before that age. It took me years to pluck up the courage to come out to some friends, workmates and family. Now I’m on a journey to live as I’ve always wanted, and I’m so grateful to the friends who’ve accepted me. The anti-trans attitudes of Mark Latham and others are hurtful to me as a retired train driver, unionist and taxpayer with 49 years of full-time work behind me. Had it been possible I would willingly have transitioned in the early 1960s. My heart goes out to those struggling with gender issues. It’s not narcissistic or frivolous. Give us some respect. Helen Vann Cremer, Auburn

If the current thought is that (“‘We’re trailing the world’: Push for Aussie-made defence drones”, August 22) how relevant are those $400 billion dollar submarines going to be in more than 18 years time? Maybe they will go straight to the Maritime Museum. Judith Rostron, Killarney Heights

Re compulsory farm jobs (“Forget military service Australia needs mandatory farm stints”, August 21), perhaps this concept should be broadened to also include a mandatory stint as a teacher’s aide in a school classroom before parental status is achieved. Graham Tooth, Kings Point

The old rental system was that rents could only be increased by the CPI. I don’t hear any mention by the Greens or Labour about this fair arrangement which could easily be reinstated and give security to the many renters in the land. Mike Forster, Mudgee

The key to VAD is the V - “voluntary” (Letters, August 22). Just like religion, you can choose to be involved or not. And no one is arguing against those life choices. Rowan Godwin, Rozelle

Any sensible PM wouldn’t leave the house before inking on the back of their hand the prices of bread, milk, and petrol, plus current interest rates and unemployment levels. Rosemary O’Brien, Ashfield

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on

Workers to shoulder more of tax burden over coming decade

From The Doktor: “PAYG tax collections more than double company tax collections. What is wrong with this picture?”

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