

This was published 3 months ago

The real reason Peter Dutton wants nuclear power

There is no Coalition nuclear plan, except to get re-elected (“Dutton hits the nuclear button”, June 20). No nuclear power plants will ever be built here. Avoiding questions about the exorbitant costs, electorate opposition, absence of technology and radioactive waste, Dutton is exploiting those worried about climate change and energy costs who haven’t the time or ability to question his remedy. Unfortunately, this will then be followed by countless committees to look into the best way to implement such a “ground-breaking” and “important” policy for another election cycle or two until, finally, some election strategist decides that changes in policy may be needed. Ten years later Australia is left penniless, without enough energy, and polluting the world with the scraps of fossil fuels it is desperately burning to keep the lights on. Andrew Scott, Pymble

D’oh! Peter Dutton as Homer Simpson.

D’oh! Peter Dutton as Homer Simpson.Credit: John Shakespeare

Canada, a country similar to Australia, has five nuclear plants containing 22 reactors, built 40 to 60 years ago. They produce only 15 per cent of that nation’s electricity requirements. This raises two issues: Firstly, if we could manage to build two reactors by 2037, as Dutton claims, Australia would still need to source more than 90 per cent of our electricity from fossil fuels or renewables. Secondly, the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission states on its website that each 600MW reactor produces 90 tonnes of high-level radioactive waste per year which has to be stored on-site in water-filled bays for six to 10 years until cooled enough to be moved to reinforced concrete canisters also on site. John Keene, Glebe

Before politicians offer their opinion on nuclear power stations I’d like them to convince us that they know how such reactors work, from the refining of uranium, the construction of the fuel rods, how the fission processes function, how they are controlled and through to the eventual disposal of used rods. If they are ignorant of these things, then perhaps they could, to put it bluntly, shut up. Bill Forbes, Medowie

David Crowe (“Seven sites and two black holes: voters deserve better”, June 20) highlights the lack of detail in Dutton’s plan for nuclear power. However, we should allow for the possibility that Dutton thinks that nuclear power will probably never happen in Australia. His only plan is likely to be that of winning the next election by whatever means he can. As in the lead-up to the Voice vote, the aim will be to dominate the framing of the debate and spread division and strengthen tribal partisanship. We may expect a drip feed of bits of the nuclear plan over the coming months, each morsel lacking details. But that won’t matter to Dutton as long as disinformation and division dominate the news cycle. Peter Thompson, Grenfell

Dutton doesn’t care about nuclear. It’s all theatre. What he does care about is causing division with the aim of winning power because the Coalition can’t bear its current irrelevance. He does this via fear, obfuscation and a claim to care about “battlers”. If we voters can’t see through this then all Dutton’s theatrics will pay off. Judy Hungerford, Kew (Vic)

One of the issues in centralising baseload power is national defence planning. Jump forward to 2050, any country threatening us needs just seven intercontinental ballistic missiles to cripple industry and transport over the entire country, never mind the spread of nuclear waste over land and water. Smaller countries could disable the plants effectively with a few drones. Mad Max is real! Keith Smith, Lane Cove


So let me get this right. The political party that claims to be the superior economic manager is offering us an uncosted, unplanned, unsafe, unsure energy efficiency power source on land that they have yet to acquire in communities that it has yet to consult to be constructed decades into the future to address today’s cost of living crisis. Got it! Barry Ffrench, Cronulla

Several years ago I bought a solar array and a battery for my house. The battery was very expensive at $1000 per kW of storage although the costs for gel-ion batteries (developed in Australia) are even less. Our storage carries our household of five through the afternoon/evening peak and most often overnight. We also have a battery-run circuit dedicated to running some lights, the fridge, oven and microwave should there be a blackout in which case we are automatically disconnected from the grid. If the federal Coalition were to spend a portion of the cost of nuclear power stations, say a mere $20 billion, on solar batteries they could currently buy one million 20kW lithium-ion batteries. If the state governments chipped in the same amount, there’d be two million batteries. If the combined governments provided the money as a 50 per cent subsidy, with home and business owners contributing the remaining 50 per cent, there’d be 4 million batteries; eight million if each battery had only 10kW capacity. Even more batteries if gel-ion production was ramped up. Personal storage is one of the best ways to reduce electricity costs. Our worst quarterly bill in three years, for a cloudy, wet autumn was $127 and that included $90 for being connected to the grid. Over a year, we are in credit, so I don’t understand the Coalition’s antipathy to renewables and either state-run or private battery storage. In the face of buying or subsidising battery use, going nuclear would be a mind-boggling silly use … of our taxpayer money. Peter Butler, Wyongah

While visiting a friend in Switzerland recently, she received a package of iodine tablets in the mail. These were issued free by the government, replacing the ones they sent previously which were deemed past their use-by date. Why? Because she lives within 50km of a nuclear power plant … just in case. Julie Wilson, Dubbo

Peter Dutton’s faith in future Coalition leaders is bemusing. I wonder how keen they will be after his maybe six years, to continue with his extraordinarily expensive dream. Where will the costing cuts be made to pay for this? You can bet your life it won’t be negative gearing, franking credits or tax cuts to big business. Watch out you “battlers” facing the cost of living crisis and the need for essential services. Mary Billing, Allambie Heights

Peter Dutton talks of many countries having nuclear power plants, but nearly all of these were built in the past when there were limited other options. Some of the countries are decommissioning functioning plants because of the danger they pose. Very few are building new nuclear plants because there are many better, cheaper, cleaner options. Nuclear is old technology. Peggy Fisher, Manly

Is it too late to nominate the upper north shore for a nuclear plant? With all of our overachieving private schools, there’s no shortage of young people involved in STEM. We’ve also got lots of lawyers and consultants, so the contracts are sorted. As for builders, have you seen the place? Every tradie in Sydney is working on a new six-bedroom, 10-bathroom mansion. We’ve already got lots of trees, so the climate’s covered. As for space, take your pick of the hundreds of parks and ovals ready for development. The upper north shore is ready for a bit of radioactive action. What could go wrong? Chris Andrew, Turramurra

Kudos to John Shakespeare on the brilliant cartoon depicting Peter DOH!tton as Homer Simpson. I expect John Howard will be rolled out soon in desperation as usual by the Libs to play the part of Montgomery Burns. Paul McShane, Burradoo


You only have to look at the national electricity website OpenNEM to see NSW’s current dependence on non-renewables in real-time. The graphs on the NEM site show that in winter at night we currently rely on non-renewables to fill more than 70 per cent of demand. Demand for
electricity is going to increase from population growth, electric cars, demand for computing power and our aspiration to grow Australia’s manufacturing industry. I believe it is appropriate to include nuclear in the planning process as part of the solution to our long-term energy needs – an insurance policy to ensure Australia has a reliable source of electricity irrespective of weather conditions. David Pearson, St Ives

Describing it as “Peter Dutton’s ambitious and uncosted plan….” is valid. The same must be said for Chris Bowen’s ambitious net-zero stance. There are costings for the solar panels, wind generators and transmission power lines which are underway, but there is no overall business plan nor have those costings been disclosed. In addition, there is no accommodation for dismantling and disposal of the solar panels and wind generators – these have a life span of 20 to 25 years. Further, we are placing some hope on green hydrogen and long-life batteries and these technologies are yet to be developed. We need the costs from Dutton and Bowen so that, as voters, we can have an informed discussion. John Amor, Mosman

I think it is time to remind the “nuclear NIMBYs” that Sydney has had a nuclear reactor in its own backyard for many years. With the ever-growing spread of Sydney suburbia, residential developments in Lucas Heights now sit on its boundaries, without a care of what goes on over the fence. Fear-mongering from Bowen does not engender rational debate for the inclusion of nuclear power in Australia’s future energy mix. Mike Cuming, Carlingford

Teachers don’t need more assessment tools to do their jobs

Experts! Not once has a teacher been quoted or asked what they think regarding what is needed to improve student outcomes in mathematics (“Experts want new screening test for all children”, June 20). Methinks it’s not a new assessment regime that’s needed. The money and time used to debate, implement or analyse assessment tools need to be put back into schools and universities – high-quality professional development, expert teachers and time to focus on numeracy. In today’s climate teachers have a heavy load, they are educators, psychologists, occupational therapists, sports coaches, performing arts teachers and family councillors. Talk about expert. Teachers need the time, the tools and universal respect to do their job. Lisa Williams, Dulwich Hill

Students learning maths

Students learning maths Credit: SMH

Before you taste the wine you must pour it. Likewise with children and the screening of their mathematics skills. We must “pour” the information through daily fun, but often explicit activities that include counting forwards and backwards by appropriate numbers, reading the times-tables chart, stepping games based on mental arithmetic, short poems, songs and many other experiences towards instant recall of the basic maths facts needed throughout life.


An active and committed classroom teacher would not need external and expensive screening to ascertain a pupil’s weaknesses. Any testing before year 3 could surely be done at the school level. Also, never underestimate the value of music, in all its forms, towards the sound development of mathematical concepts. Kim Bockos, Oatlands

The non-government school sector still does not get it (Letters, June 20). Funding is all about providing education for all. If you want to attend a private school, then pay for it. And they can afford it. The current system of basing funding on taxable income ignores non-taxable amounts such as on the family home or discounted capital gains. The system is a mess and these schools need to come clean and admit they are well-off, on all counts. Michael Blissenden, Dural

Great idea, Stein Boddington! All for it! However, could I suggest that rather than lease the now-vacant private school premises from “whatever business entity actually owns them”, the government should take them back. Compensation would be minimal, given taxpayers have already paid for most of them. David Clark, Springside

I wasn’t in Goulburn in 1962, but I believe the incident referred to by your correspondent involved raising money to fix a broken toilet block. It beggars belief that the Catholic Church, with its vast wealth, was not asked to pay for the necessary repairs. Stephen McDonald, Goulburn

Prices not the only way to determine the best supermarket

Just comparing supermarket prices of some commodities is not the whole picture (“Choice reveals cheapest supermarket”, June 20). Location, parking and service are some of the other factors which are just as important for us. Our Woolworths is superior in every one of these respects. The store is more easily accessed than its competitors as far as transport, traffic and parking are concerned. It is located near many other outlets which we visit - a comprehensive health service, favourite cafés and restaurants, even my barber. The goods are better organised (Aldi is particularly poor in this respect) and best of all there are always pleasant staff to help - they don’t just say “aisle two”. And they certainly have more staffed check-outs than the other two supermarkets in our area. Finally, our money goes to Australian shareholders, not overseas. John Flint, St Leonards

Choice’s research found a basket of groceries from Aldi is about 25 per cent cheaper than similar baskets from Coles or Woolworths.

Choice’s research found a basket of groceries from Aldi is about 25 per cent cheaper than similar baskets from Coles or Woolworths.Credit: Choice


You may save money by shopping at Aldi but the comparison is not always like for like. The illustration accompanying your article features Bega cheddar cheese in the basket but Bega is not available at Aldi and their cheddar does not match its taste. On the other hand their soft cheese is good value and goes down a treat. It’s a case of trial and error if you can afford to choose. Judith Campbell, Drummoyne

You don’t need to line up at Aldi to save 20 to 25 per cent on your groceries. Local butchers, delis and fruit and veg shops also sell more cheaply than Woolies or Coles, and you will also find staff who can help. Todd Hillsley, Homebush

Supermarkets have been doing this for years but this practice seems to have been turbocharged recently (“‘Deliberate manipulation’: Do supermarkets order too much fruit and veg on purpose?”, June 20). With the majority of meats and fresh vegetables now prepackaged, shoppers can no longer buy two carrots or three sausages, but are forced to buy two kilos of them wrapped up in plastic. It may be cheaper per unit if you can eat them all before their expiry. But more often than not, more is spent, and more is thrown out. Benjamin Rushton, Birchgrove

Lattouf watch

Antoinette Lattouf’s description of ABC viewers as “the colostomy-bag crowd” is insensitive (“Next Media Watch host? I’ve still got my old ABC pass”, June 20). As bowel cancer rates rise among the young, it’s not even an accurate dig against an older demographic. Perhaps Paul Barry could discuss the comment next week. Louise Sorbello, West Ryde

Antoinette Lattouf: Without fear or favour.

Antoinette Lattouf: Without fear or favour.

Perhaps Lattouf needs to to rethink her comments about the “colostomy-bag crowd” and realise that this device is a lifesaver for many people of all ages and enables them to lead the best life they can despite whatever ails them. Maybe time to put her security pass away again. Kath Maher, Lidcombe


Whatever you think of Antoinette Lattouf, you can’t deny her confidence and willingness to take a conscientious stand on divisive issues. She would be a good, maybe risky replacement on Media Watch. Max Redmayne, Drummoyne


Yes, Shaun Carney, Peter Dutton is outsmarting the PM (and the government) (“Peter Dutton is crazy brave to the point of being reckless”, June 20). And yes, part of the problem as you suggest is that Anthony Albanese is Elmer Fudd-like in his communication substance and style. Dutton and the Opposition have realised that modern politics is about the narrative and not the facts. Listening to talkback radio it is clear that large numbers of voters are taken with the Dutton narrative and either do not care about or do not understand the facts. Who in the government could convince voters with an alternative narrative? Tanya Plibersek? Alan Russell, Unley (SA)

Swinging voters

As president of one of the largest organisations representing British citizens living in Australia (British Pensions in Australia), I read the article by Rob Harris with great interest (“Tories look to a million Brits in Australia to save them from oblivion”, June 19). An increased number of expat Britons in Australia are registering to vote and, importantly, appointing proxies to ensure their vote in the forthcoming UK general election is received and counted in time. It is clear that the way the UK government discriminates by freezing state pensions paid to people living here is a strong factor in determining how they will cast their vote. I have been told by several people who consider themselves die-hard Tory voters that they will be switching their allegiance at this election. Patrick Edwards, Gordon

Coffee chase

In this troubled world, it’s refreshing to respond to Julietta Jamison’s article (“How an Aussie coffee addict beats ‘canger’ when travelling”, June 19). A key component of a fulfilling vacation is access to decent coffee. Finding a good cup of coffee in Europe, especially outside major cities, is not always easy. My wife and I travel to the Alps or Dolomites, staying in apartments and as an early-rising cyclist, I crave coffee before dawn. In France, Austria, and Italy, coffee shops are rarely open early, if they exist at all. Until recently, we brought a mini-barista machine from Australia and left it behind. Nowadays, the widespread availability of pod machines has made it easier to tolerate subpar coffee while exploring brands of pods. If only all the world’s problems were as benign as the quest for a good cup of coffee. John Kempler, Rose Bay

Homeless help

Older women are the fastest group of people who are vulnerable to becoming homeless and unable to pay increasingly high rents (“Gray pays $115 a week in rent. But there’s a catch”, June 16). A volunteer group (HOW - Housing for Older Women) arranges housing for older women (over 55), arranging matches between women who have spare accommodation of some sort with women who have become homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Meetings are arranged to determine compatibility. So far, they have at least 48 women registered and have successfully rehoused six of them after only a short period of time. Isn’t this something which should be done on a national level to help with the housing crisis? Women living alone are part of a large group in society but how many would know how to go about vetting someone to share accommodation or how much to charge? Most share accommodation advertised only relates to a much younger group of people.
Judith Rostron, Killarney Heights

When fashion from the mother-in-law comes back in style

My mother-in-law knitted cardigans for me decades ago that still stand as works of art, as well as the test of time (“A new life for chunky knitwear”, June 20). I am so pleased they are back so I can be out and proud in them again. Janice Creenaune, Austinmer

Classic cartoon

The Cathy Wilcox cartoon today is a classic (“Worried about our future”, June 20)! Very much a “this is the way the world ends...” Marjie Williamson, Blaxland

Worried about our future?

Worried about our future?Credit: Cathy Wilcox

Unlucky hat

Lisa Wilkinson should be wary of going back for her hat (“Lisa Wilkinson returns fire in Lehrmann defamation appeal”, June 20). David Sayers, Gwandalan

Brandis backlash

I don’t read articles written by George Brandis (“Brexit will dominate the UK election. Not this one, but the next”, June 17). But I love the letters they evoke the next day. Greg Tome, Burradoo

Lithgow’s twin

So, Lithgow once had a brewery, a picture palace and six pubs, but now has dozens of empty shopfronts. Sounds a bit like Oxford Street, Darlinghurst (“The Coalition is gambling on nuclear. Lithgow is ground zero”, June 20). Ross Duncan, Potts Point

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