

This was published 4 years ago


Ten years after Labor dumped me as premier, it's high time it cleaned up its act

By Nathan Rees

Ten years ago this week, as NSW premier, I stood in front of a packed press conference and said I would not hand the state over to the likes of Eddie Obeid. Later that day, my leadership was ended in a caucus vote largely along factional lines.

Nathan Rees.

Nathan Rees.Credit: Kate Geraghty

In my remark about Obeid, I wasn’t simply making reference to the personalities that loomed large in the NSW parliamentary Labor Party. Perhaps more importantly, I was trying to change the culture. For too long, factional bosses had ruled the party. People were told what to do, and they did it without question. Over time, this had led to the NSW party becoming transactional and bitterly divided.


A month before being rolled, I’d removed some of the malignant forces from the cabinet. It was this action, always a calculated risk, that precipitated the move against me. I wanted to clean up the party; it was crystal-clear to me that the people of NSW had had a gutful.

I banned developer donations and started a process to move towards greater public funding of election campaigns. We had overhauled the Freedom of Information Act and replaced it with Australia’s leading “right to know” legislation. Our new Government Information Provision Act had an explicit bias towards release of information. We established a commissioner to oversee the function and to keep agencies and ministers accountable. I’d introduced a register and code of conduct for lobbyists, and enhanced the powers of the Independent Commission Against Corruption.


These were good measures that have stood the test of time, but they weren’t enough to save Labor, or me.

Ten years on, the critical question is what has Labor really learnt from that period and the period since? There have been five subsequent leaders, and three election losses, in the decade since. Each of these leaders would claim they made moves to change the culture of NSW Labor.

However, recent ICAC hearings demonstrate just how difficult engendering cultural change is. The ICAC heard testimony from three general secretaries of the party regarding an alleged illegal donation of $100,000. From the testimony, it appears not one person involved had the instinct to give back the money and report the matter to the Electoral Commission. Instead, the reaction seems to have been to keep the filthy lucre and try not to get caught.


It beggars belief that this was the prevailing culture in a political party branch that claims it is the dominant force in Australian politics. Bear in mind that a string of Liberal MPs were dragged through a parallel ICAC investigation into donations, and the Liberal premier was forced to resign during these hearings.


We don’t yet know what the findings of the most recent ICAC hearings will be. What is obvious, however, is that NSW Labor has had its dirty linen laundered, yet again, in full public view.

Think about this: if you are between 18 and 32 years old in NSW, media coverage of NSW Labor has been dominated by ICAC hearings, criminal prosecutions, convictions, and sentencing.

Labor's current federal and NSW leaders, Anthony Albanese and Jodi McKay, understand the threat to their electability that is presented by a decayed and sclerotic head office. They have moved swiftly to get ahead of the ICAC findings by appointing former attorney-general Michael Lavarch to conduct a review. This review has recommended significant changes to the responsibilities of the powerful administrative committee of the NSW Labor machine – and herein lies the rub.

In politics, courage is like the Night Parrot – you hear a great deal of talk about it, but you very rarely see it.

Lavarch’s report has made a number of recommendations that go to the heart of governance and the role of the administrative committee. He notes: “The General Secretary’s reporting line is to the Administrative Committee and Conference but, in practice, this provides inadequate oversight …” And “… there has been no consistent and certainly no published delegation of responsibilities between the General Secretary and the Assistant Secretaries; this lack negatively impacts on accountability, transparency, efficiency and effectiveness … all of these weaknesses are made more complicated by factional dynamics …”


The challenge for the administrative committee is to step up and be fearless in its application of standards and probity of process to the functioning of head office.

The current factional approach to serious decision-making is slowly but surely choking the NSW branch to death. Worse, where malfeasance has occurred it exposes these party officers to serious sanction. The Labor Party is not a corporation, but ordinary branch members, and the broader public, have a right to expect transparency, consistency and compliance with the law.

At the heart of the recent rot is political donations. For 10 years now, I have been saying we should move, as far as possible, to publicly funded campaigns with caps on spending and modest provision for individual donations. Corporate and overseas donations should be rejected in their entirety. In the mind of the public, donations are a corrosive and sinister influence on our system of government. No one seriously believes that a corporation that donates doesn’t expect something in return.

It is the responsibility of leaders to nurture and provide succour to the health of democracy. They need to be supported in their action by the party apparatus, not white-anted by a head office cravenly chasing a dollar.

If party officers do not support their leadership in their endeavours to clean up culture, then election success will remain distant and elusive. Just like the Night Parrot.

Nathan Rees is a former NSW Labor premier.

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