

This was published 3 years ago


Sydney should bite the bullet and go into hard lockdown

Health Minister Brad Hazzard quickly saw off suggestions yesterday that the NSW lockdown as it is being implemented might have to extend many months, telling journalists at the government’s regular briefing that he would rely on the expertise and on-the-ground information being supplied by his NSW Health advisers to determine the state’s next steps. He is right to listen to his people. And I understand his frustration with the free advice he’s been offered from all quarters in the last 18 months. But as someone who has been deeply engaged in modelling how COVID responds to policy options, including for the Victorian government, I feel compelled to lay out the three options before NSW and express my concerns with the NSW “soft lockdown” model.

Brad Hazzard is backing his team at NSW Health.

Brad Hazzard is backing his team at NSW Health.Credit: James Blackwood

First, NSW can shrug its shoulders and say, “the virus is here now. Let’s just live with it and get out of lockdown”. This would be a disaster. Even with masking and contact tracing taking the edge off the virus’s spread (and reducing the Delta variant’s reproductive rate from five to, say, two), lifting the NSW lockdown would result in 200 cases a day in about five days, 400 cases a day in 10 days, and 1600 cases a day within three weeks. With large mortality, health service disruption, and the (desperate) need to go back into lock down. Option 1 is not an option.

Second, NSW can continue as it is now, with a soft lockdown. Augmented “a la NSW”, with requests that community members self-assess: self-assess if you are an essential worker, and either go to work or not; try and limit mobility and contacts, but without strict rules on mobility such as a 5 kilometre radius; self-assess whether – if younger than the age of 60 – you would benefit personally and your community by getting AstraZeneca.

Credit where credit is due, yesterday some perimeters were placed around the suburb of Fairfield, requiring that any essential workers having to move in and out of Fairfield to have proven testing at least every three days.

Long queues at the 24-hour COVID testing drive-thru clinic at Endeavour Sports Reserve, Fairfield West this morning.

Long queues at the 24-hour COVID testing drive-thru clinic at Endeavour Sports Reserve, Fairfield West this morning.Credit: Louise Kennerley

But it is hard to know whether this NSW approach accompanied by strong contact tracing will work, as it has not been tried before. (The zonal lockdown in Melbourne last year was not accompanied by strong contact tracing, and the Northern Beaches had a well-defined geographic boundary.)

In the context of the highly infectious Delta virus that can and will spread among asymptomatic people (even among the most compliant who are tested every three days), it is hard to believe that it will work – and if it works, it will probably take a long time.

There is a real risk of whack-a-mole. Fairfield today, then the virus seeds somewhere else and another suburb takes off next week, then another one – unless a citywide hard lockdown is imposed to shut down the virus in any new niche it finds.


There is the prospect of a very drawn out “soft-lockdown” with numbers bouncing around until vaccine coverage is high enough to tip the balance – perhaps by October when more vaccine becomes available. This is not appealing to anyone, citizens or businesses.

For a “soft lockdown a la NSW” to turn the curve, NSW citizens would need to be highly compliant and able to navigate the self-assessments effectively. And even if it turns the curve, it is hard to believe it will achieve an effective reproductive rate substantially less than 1.0 – meaning it will take a long time to get cases down to less than five a day NSW wide, and to get locally acquired cases that have been infectious while out and about in the community to zero. The latter is ideal before substantial relaxation, otherwise the virus will just resurge.

The third, tried and true, approach is that Sydney rolls up its sleeves, and gets the job done as quickly as possible with a (really) hard lock down. The term “essential” needs to be defined properly with only truly essential services open. It should be harder than what Melbourne used last year. Why? Because the virus is twice as infectious as it was last year, so we (roughly speaking) need to be tougher and get the reproductive rate down to much less than 1.0.


Something like 0.5 (the combined effect of lock down and aggressive contact tracing) would see the case number halve every five days or so. Theoretically getting from 100 cases a day to less than five a day in about three weeks. (For an average inter-infection period of five days, 100 * 0.5^4.2 = 5 cases, where 4.2 in days is 4.2 * 5 = 21 days.)

Option 2 is experimental (it may work, but I fear not) and could lead to months of soft lock down until increasing vaccination coverage tips the balance. Option 3 looks like three weeks of tough lock down, then perhaps normal living conditions for the rest of the year. And will cost less in societal and GDP terms than grumbling along in soft lockdown.

What does a really hard lock down look like? Arguably, New Zealand over did it last year for a virus with a reproductive rate of 2.5 (remember the good old early days of this pandemic), but now it is just the ticket. It means that essential actually means essential services only are open. Getting takeaways, be it food or coffee, is not essential. Keeping construction sites open is not essential. Everything that can be done to reduce mobility and the opportunity for the virus to (fleetingly) jump from one citizen to the next has to be done. Every extra bit of effort matters.


Imagine NSW implements a more serious lockdown, but decides to keep some not really essential services open. Imagine this lifts the effective reproductive rate from the above 0.5 to a not much higher 0.7. Due to the power of exponential math, this seemingly modest difference means it will take six weeks (not three) to get from 100 to five cases per day. Everything that can be done to reduce mobility and contact helps.

There is another potential silver lining to a NSW hard lockdown. Those people left at work in public facing jobs (e.g. check out staff at supermarkets) are identifiably “true” essential workers, and could be targeted by an outreach vaccination program. Vaccinating these people, regardless of age, will give the biggest bang for buck in reducing community transmission. And provide a back-up to a hard lockdown if it takes longer than three weeks (by which time partial vaccine protection will be kicking in).

Finally, it goes without saying that a strong commitment and economic support from the NSW and federal government to all the workers and businesses that need it is a core part of any effective lockdown policy.

Professor Tony Blakely is an epidemiologist and public health medicine specialist at the University of Melbourne. He helped provide modelling for the Victorian Government’s first lockdown.

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