

This was published 5 years ago

The Sydney school that has topped 2000 students

Creative thinking is needed as Sydney's population stretches beyond 5.8 million in the next decade.

By Nick Bonyhady, Sarah Keoghan and Ben Weir

Cherrybrook High School's gym.

Cherrybrook High School's gym.Credit: Nick Moir

At Cherrybrook Technology High School, more than 2000 students file in each day. They arrive together, eat lunch together and leave together.

The school is the largest public school in a city that has belatedly realised the need to build more schools — fast — as Sydney's population tracks to surge past 5.8 million by 2030.

Home of celebrated mathematics teacher Eddie Woo and among the top-10 comprehensive schools in last year's HSC, Cherrybrook had 2020 enrolments this year — up from 1982 students in 2018.

Cherrybrook principal Gary Johnson describes his school as "the most innovative and high-performing comprehensive high school in the land".

But it is also pushing the limits of its physical infrastructure. Cherrybrook has eight demountable buildings and had more before the completion of a new structure with 22 classrooms last year.

Going up — as the new high-rise schools in Parramatta and Ultimo do — is one solution, but students still need open space to play and exercise.


School Education Program Director at the Grattan Institute Dr Peter Goss said building schools near public transport and sharing infrastructure such as parking and sports facilities with the wider community will help release population pressure.

"New infrastructure should be designed to do double duty," Dr Goss said.

What will the curriculum look like in 2030?

The NSW government is conducting a "once in a lifetime" review of the state curriculum, the first of its kind in 30 years.

Chief executive of the Australian Council for Educational Research Professor Geoff Masters, who is leading the review, said he is considering the use of technology to group students by ability — rather than age — with the aim of creating more individualised learning.

"The way we’ve organised schools historically is to group students into age groups and to teach them the same thing basically based on their age or their year level," he said. "I think technology has the potential to tailor teaching and learning to the needs of students."

The review will also focus on the challenge of automation, Masters said.


"One of the things that I think we need to recognise is that many of the low-skilled, particularly manual jobs that have existed in the past simply won’t be there in the future," he said. "Machines will do an increasing amount of low-skilled work and that will mean many of the jobs that students have gone into will not be there for the future."

Dr Ben Cleveland, a school design expert from the University of Melbourne, said more schools are incorporating "maker spaces" replete with 3D printers to educate students about the high-end manufacturing processes of the future.

Drummoyne mother Gladys Mallqui hopes her son Tony, a year 1 student at St Mark’s Catholic Primary School, will study coding as a major work subject when he completes his HSC in 2030.

"I think coding is the linguistics of the future," she said. "We are no longer going to need five different languages as an option I believe in high school."

St Mark's Catholic Primary School currently uses external company CODE4FUN to teach their students coding.

St Mark's Catholic Primary School currently uses external company CODE4FUN to teach their students coding. Credit: Wolter Peeters

And Ms Mallqui said she thought grouping students by ability rather than age was fine as long as those classes are well managed.

"I don’t see any problem with a year 1 working alongside a year 7, or a year 6 so long as there is correct supervision ... so you don’t have massive classes where you have great age disparity," she says. "They potentially could bounce ideas off each other and create better solutions with each other in a collaborative environment and there is also potential mentoring."


Dr Cleveland said larger, flexible teaching spaces that can accommodate three or four teachers and 75 to 100 children are already popular in Victoria and increasingly accepted in NSW.

"There’s a sense of collaborative teacher practice increasingly being seen as a good thing," Dr Cleveland said.

On for young and old

Chief executive of Early Childhood Australia Sam Page said demand for childcare in Sydney will likely outstrip population growth between now and 2030.

"I think there is a growing demand for outside-school-hours care so childcare centres are certainly going to be part of the landscape in Sydney in 10 years time," Page said.

She wants new centres to be planned more deliberately to give parents access to childcare near their workplaces.

Chiang Lim from the Childcare Alliance said many centres have had to start offering new services as parents become more discerning.


"You are not seeing the competition on a price level, you are seeing the competition on everything other than price, be in the location, the feel of the place and the staff," Lim said.

Universities move away from traditional learning

It is not only the early childhood education sector that is booming. Higher education is Australia’s third-largest export.

According to a recent paper by consulting firm EY, the sector will be better able to use analytics and AI to deliver content and personalise student learning by 2030.

Dr Christine Steinmetz, a planning expert from the University of NSW, predicts universities will have largely moved away from the traditional lecture and tutorial model by then.

"I think we will still have to have some level of a lecture hall, but they won't be the only way a course is delivered," she said. "I think there will be smaller breakout tutorials and other types of infrastructure."

She believes large universities such as the University of NSW and the University of Sydney will be better connected to their surrounding neighbourhoods, bringing academic nous to nearby businesses.


"We will not see that division between the university itself and Randwick and Kensington," Dr Steinmetz said.

"It will be more organic looking and built into the surrounding neighbourhood rather than institutions that are just stuck in the middle of the neighbourhood."

The Sydney Morning Herald is hosting a population summit on September 23. For more details and to view the list of speakers click here.

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