

Nuclear versus renewables row is all about winning power

Shaun Carney, in comparing Brexit with the Coalition’s nuclear policy, targets the importance of a nation’s resistance to change, especially when it involves cost or sacrifice (“Nuclear becomes Dutton’s Brexit”, July 11). In this regard, Peter Dutton took pains to point out that it would be his government that would be financing the reactors. Although it is crucial that Australia demonstrates to the world that it will achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, the nuclear versus renewables debate is largely about winning elections. Reducing our emissions is exceedingly important. Still, it fades into relative insignificance as this nation is fuelling the rise in carbon emissions via massive fossil fuel exports. Cutting these will involve considerable reduction in employment, corporate profits and substantial royalties that augment the government coffers. Unfortunately, it will be Carney’s claim regarding costs and sacrifices, that will see Australia continue to contribute beyond its borders to global climate change. Roger Epps, Armidale

Dutton’s Brexit

Dutton’s BrexitCredit: Dionne Gain

Shaun Carney is spot on: the Coalition’s message is that “you are right not to want to accept change, especially if it might involve any cost or sacrifice”. This would go some way to explain the fact that, no matter how much expert scientific, economic and environmental data is put out into the public domain, nuclear is still an issue. Communities are encouraged by the Coalition to view our renewables transition as costly and damaging, rather than a rational approach to inevitable change. Our transition is costly, but not nearly as costly as waiting for nuclear, and not nearly as costly as nuclear power would be. Just as Brexiters promoted “British culture…freezing immigration and stopping the boats”, nuclear-ites deny any global responsibilities and cling to 20th-century technologies which are the cause of our problems. As with the Brexit campaign, the Murdoch press promotes nuclear in an unrelenting, undisguised partisan avalanche of misinformation. Meanwhile in Britain, a May 2024 poll shows 55 per cent of people thought it was wrong to leave the EU, compared with 31 per cent who thought it was the right decision. Fiona Colin, Malvern East (Vic)

Shaun Carney tells us that support for climate change action waned when people realised there would be costs. There will be costs anyway. And if we listen to a Canute-like Dutton telling us that he has the answer to the coming tide of climate induced catastrophe then we are doomed. That tide will simply flow over and around us causing way more unpredictable and unmanageable costs in the process. It’s just a matter of which costs we want to bear. Greg Baker, Fitzroy Falls

Shaun Carney highlights the Coalition’s simple approach to trying to claim government, to offer something the other mob won’t give you, something that you know you really want. Change without change, or this change in particular (renewable energy) which he alleges has caused all our problems. It’s the same as calling black white, or suggesting nuclear won’t cost you anything because the government will pay. Dutton is building a house of cards and the renewable winds of change should make short work of it. Dutton wants to derail sensible change so he can win government, not because he intends to build anything. Geoff Nilon, Mascot

Only a shutdown can end greyhound cruelty

The greyhound racing industry has been on notice for years about cruelty, and yet here we are again (“Horrific animal cruelty exposed”, July 11). Governments of all stripes in thrall to the gaming lobby have failed to properly regulate for a humane approach, and it continues. Chris Minns has immediately ruled out shutting down the industry – the only way to stop the harm. He promises an investigation, but placatory investigations that fiddle around the edges generally result in little change. How odd that the premier feels so strongly about Anzac Day and yet apparently not strongly enough about gambling harm and cruelty to animals. Alison Stewart, Riverview

Despite allegations of animal welfare abuses, the premier says the sport will continue in NSW.

Despite allegations of animal welfare abuses, the premier says the sport will continue in NSW.Credit: AAPIMAGE

Congratulations to the Herald for once again exposing the endemic and persistent cruelty in the greyhound racing industry. And special praise for the courage of the former chief veterinary officer, Alex Brittan, for detailing the continuing abuse and apparent cover-up by Greyhound Racing NSW. Only by continued pressure will the governing body of this abhorrent “sport” be firstly held accountable and, ultimately, banned for good. Deborah Campbell, Clovelly

Every few years another story comes along to remind us how vile and corrupt greyhound racing is. But yet it still goes on without any apparent change.
Steve Bright, North Avoca

Yet another exposure of the vile nature of the local greyhound racing industry. That the cruelty continues after a previous enquiry and assurances that things would change shows that those in charge are not to be trusted. The fact that Premier Minns has already ruled out a ban demonstrates who he is as a politician. If he doesn’t, with alacrity, initiate a rigorous enquiry, guarantee to legislate any recommendations and keep the industry on the shortest of leashes with constant independent oversight, it will demonstrate who he is as a person. Rod Hughes, Epping

Canine cruelty is not restricted to poor greyhounds. Recently, I adopted a 3-year-old dog from a registered breeder on Sydney’s lower north shore. The dog, a small cavalier, displayed all the characteristics of severe trauma. My vet checked her registration details and found that she had, at under three years, already had two litters. Her teeth were plaque-covered, and her lower front teeth were rotten. I have, in my lifetime, owned some 12 dogs; this poor little creature broke my heart. Anna Roache, Granville

I was very perturbed to read about the shocking treatment of racing greyhounds past their prime, and it reminded me immediately of the same inhumane treatment of racehorses. The organisations involved keep telling us that they are all homed or put out to leisure pasture, but instead, they send the horses to a knackery and the greyhounds to live out their life in a concrete and wire cage, or they euthanise them. It’s about time both gambling industries were banned - aside from the animal cruelty, all they do is take money away from people who can’t afford it. John Frith, Paddington

Again, we hear accounts of the appalling treatment of dogs in the greyhound racing industry. If it turns out that there are sufficient grounds to ban this sport, then surely the same criteria can be used to ban horse racing. Another sport with well-documented mistreatment of animals, not to mention rumours of race fixing and money laundering. Stephen McDonald, Goulburn


We owe our young climate action

Anjali Sharma’s article this week put a brave face on a terrible despair that her generation feels (“The injustice of climate status quo”, July 11). What greater betrayal can there be than for one generation to destroy the future of another? When we permit another coal mine to open, or we fly across the world to watch a sports match, we are taking lives yet unborn. I don’t think this has dawned on most people. Please, anyone over 40, show up for the interests of the young more than for your own. In politics, in personal choice and in showing up at protests, stand with young people. Succeed or fail, they need to know we aren’t all abandoning them. Steve Biddulph, Legana (Tas)

Anjali Sharma, climate activist

Anjali Sharma, climate activist Credit: Luis Enrique Ascui

In her opinion piece, Anjali eloquently explained how the judge criticised the current adult generation for “the greatest intergenerational injustice ever inflicted by one generation of humans upon the next” when he ruled that the federal environment minister had a duty of care to protect young people from the impacts of climate change. Unfortunately, his decision was overturned by the full bench. Since then, it would appear that little has changed as the Duty of Care Bill has been rejected by a Senate committee, which means that there is no legislation that requires politicians to consider children’s health when making climate change decisions. A year ago, Ross Gittins asked his grandchildren for forgiveness for what we have done to them and the world they will have to live in. It is clearly apparent now that we should all be doing the same. Peter Nash, Fairlight

Anjali clearly demonstrates that our ageing pollies have no interest in the future of our children, even though they will be the ones who will be the victims of climate change. Scotland, Brazil and Austria give the vote to 16-year-olds. Perhaps this young cohort of voters would generate a little more interest in the planet’s future both in the media and in our parliaments.
Andrew Caro, Greenwich

I can understand the frustration of young people with our politicians. Anjali has eloquently penned their feelings at the inaction of politicians to legislate to safeguard the future of current and future generations. Career politicians are more interested in keeping their seats safe than to take bold actions that they deem risky for their future election. Hats off to David Pocock for fighting for the rights of young people. It is time that parliament passes legislation to act in the best interests of future generations. Bipin Johri, Epping


Safety on the rocks

It was disappointing to see the Herald choose to publish a photo of a father and son rock fishing at Little Bay with no lifejacket or safety shoes just days after two people drowned rock fishing in the same area. Rock fishing is one of the most dangerous pastimes in Australia, killing an average of 10 people every year for the last 20 years – mostly in NSW. I’d like to remind everyone that people are legally required to wear a lifejacket in Randwick. Rock fishers need to know how to swim well and must be aware of ocean conditions. Beginners should consider fishing off the beach or in a harbour or bay. Philipa Veitch, Mayor of Randwick

Fair go at elections

It is not just the Greens and independents who offer a real alternative to the Lib/Lab duopoly (Letters, July 11). A key weakness of our democracy is that to be noticed, you need a lot of money. The crossbenchers are backed by people who can buy publicity. The mainstream media ignore the small parties, many of whom have a wide range of sensible policies. A solution to this issue would be to ban all electronic election advertising. Instead, all candidates would be provided space in a small booklet distributed to all homes before an election, similar to what was done for last year’s referendum. That would even the electoral playing field. Chris O’Rourke, Bathurst

Pretensions pricked

Your film reviewer, Robert Moran, has called out Yorgos Lanthimos’s juvenile misogyny and exposed as “embarrassing nonsense” the Greek enfant terrible’s so-called subversive comedies (“Another wacky trip for Emma Stone”, July 11). Intelligent, informed film criticism is disappearing from newspapers, so his work is to be applauded. That Poor Things won awards for its perverse exploitation of thinly disguised child pornography remains one of the puzzles of recent cinema. Good to see Moran being the critic of nonsense that others have been too intimidated by “art” cinema’s pretensions to confront. Philip Bell, Bronte

Emma Stone and Jesse Plemons take on multiple roles in Lanthimos’ triptych.

Emma Stone and Jesse Plemons take on multiple roles in Lanthimos’ triptych.Credit: Atsushi Nishijima


French lesson for Trump

Could voters for US democracy, like those in France, form an alliance with one intention: keeping Trump out of office? Bruce Wolpe describes Trump as “an extremist and disgraced convicted felon who would eviscerate America’s democracy” (“For Democrats, replacing Biden will solve one problem but create another”, July 10). That is all that matters now: voting against Trump. Can the US love democracy as much as the French and convince the majority of its people not only to vote but to vote against him? Marion Newall, Point Frederick.

False expectations

What universities do not understand is that early offers without the rigour of a robust HSC will lead to expectations by potential students that entry is enough for them to pass their respective degrees (“Elite uni lowers ATAR bar for entry”, July 11). There is no chance that the universities will have enough support systems, with the result that teaching academics are under pressure to facilitate progression. And let us not forget that it is the retention rate that is critical for these universities, eager to hang onto every domestic dollar available. Elite universities, stung by the government’s rejection of international student visas, are on the hunt for more domestic students. Where is the duty of care? Michael Blissenden, Dural

Stop the wrecking ball

On our street, a perfectly serviceable apartment building of 14 apartments has just been demolished (“Inside look into social housing block turned luxury apartments”, July 11). It used to be affordable and housed people who worked in hospitality and service jobs in the city. It is going to be replaced by a new apartment building of 14 apartments, all of which will be unaffordable for the previous residents of the old building.

Governments say the solution to the housing crisis is to be found by increasing housing stock. The 14 “new” apartments being built next door to us will be counted as “new” homes. A few years ago, for a brief period, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) provided quarterly estimates of dwelling stock, additions and removals. It was last produced for the June quarter of 2022. The ABS website says that “development funding for these statistics was provided through the National Housing and Homelessness Agreement. Development funding ended in 2021–22. Ongoing quarterly estimates of dwelling stock are not funded.”


We do need to build more homes, but we should be discouraged from demolishing homes to build new ones. And we definitely need the ABS to start counting demolitions as well as new construction. Brian Waldron, Woolloomooloo

Pains of the past

Zoya Patel’s article really resonated with me. Growing up in the 60s and 70s in the inner south of Sydney, where there were large populations of migrants, was often difficult. My father was Serbian, and my mother was Australian. My brothers and I did not look like “wogs”, the pejorative term frequently used to describe us – our names were the giveaway! Like Zoya, we went to great pains to fit in with our Aussie peers so we wouldn’t be bullied. In the process, we denied our father’s heritage, which I’m sure was a great disappointment for him and a great loss for us. I hope that today’s Australia is a very different place from the one in which I grew up and in which Zoya’s son will grow up. Olga Stosic, Gordon

ACT advice

Or you could move to the ACT, where property owners are required to have an energy rating and report prepared before selling a home. (Letters, July 11)
Neil Reckord, Gordon (ACT)

Past his prime

Tony Abbott in his lycra bike gear is more like a VOMIT (Very Old Man in Tights) than a MAMIL. John Loveridge, Tewantin (Qld)

Real deal

Unlike at MONA, the pictures on the walls at the Garbage Room Gallery in Carlingford are not fakes, but the genuine article (“Mona’s ‘priceless’ toilet cubicle Picassos? They’re forged”, July 11). If you are now cancelling your midwinter trip to Hobart because of this shocking revelation of fraud, come to Carlingford for the real experience. All genders welcome, free admittance.
David Johnston, Carlingford

Expiry date

Kevin Farrell, letter writers to the Herald already have a retirement age (Letters, July 11). It’s calculated from the year of birth given in the Obituaries column! Robert Hosking, Paddington

For pilots, the right age for retirement is when the copilot tactfully suggests that “the landing might be smoother with the wheels down, Skipper”, whereas Herald letter writers can consider themselves effectively retired when the editor ruthlessly ignores every missive. Col Burns, Lugarno

Dry run

Another wonderful opportunity for local councils would be to allow clothes to dry on balconies where the heat via the sun is free and non-polluting (Letters, July 11). Roger Cedergreen, Kirrawee

Formal dinner

55 years, Edward Loong (Letters, July 11)? My civil engineering class, University of Queensland 1955 has met every year since then for a formal celebratory dinner. We look forward to 2025. John Crowe, Cherrybrook

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