

This was published 2 months ago

Local high schools should be supported as well as selective ones

Millie Muroi raises some interesting possibilities for students, parents and teachers (“Why selective schools are missing the mark”, July 9). While some parents will always want to send their children to an independent school the possibilities if all other students attended their local high school are amazing. The local school’s NAPLAN results would be better. All students would live locally, rather than having to travel to a school out of their area. And imagine the joys of teaching even some academically gifted students in my local school! Imagine if the local schools had the support of all those parents who are identified as being of “higher socioeconomic status”. Then there would be no distinction between disadvantaged students and others, and all students would have “equal access to educational opportunities”. It’s certainly unfair to compare HSC results from selective schools with those from non-selective schools. Let’s just scrap the three types of school systems (selective public, non-selective public and independent) and have a system that has just two and make sure that the public schools get their fair share of the funding, as promised in the past. Mia David, Wollongong

There is very strong competition for selective school places.

There is very strong competition for selective school places.Credit: Janie Barrett

I am somewhat saddened by yet another article criticising the NSW selective school system for not selecting enough disadvantaged students. Three of our four sons attended the Illawarra selective high school; one attended the local comprehensive high school. While there was little difference in the quality of their teachers, the overall learning environment at the selective school was more conducive to learning with a diverse cohort which accepted and celebrated academic achievement. I believe that this environment was more conducive to our selective sons achieving ATARs 10 to 15 points higher than their comprehensive brother, being self professed “nerds” and able to flourish in an environment of peers. I must acknowledge that their differing education did not impact on their careers in medicine, materials science and medical research. Stephen Kirk, Blackbutt

Selective high schools allow academically gifted children to be challenged and to enjoy the competition and socialisation that comes with being with their own kind. I saw very few students who failed to thrive in this environment and if they were tutored in their earlier childhood to enter this system, their dedication and perseverance made up for any “natural” ability they may or may not have had. Yes, there were some who battled, reluctantly pressured into a school with very high expectations, but many of them, including those who came from recently arrived migrant families, were a credit to themselves, their school and their families. If only all students in our schools could be so academically engaged, but then again, some young people are gifted in other valuable areas. Lyndall Nelson, Goulburn

Some children, happily floating along and achieving well in a small pool, can flounder and sink to the depths when pushed into the depths of a special selective pool if it has been designed for those wanting to just speed towards the winning post. It is the quality of the teachers being employed that can make any school special or not. Joy Cooksey, Harrington

Trivial rules annoy drivers and clog up courts

Your correspondent’s plea for speed limits that are “logical, consistent and reflective of best practice elsewhere in the world” is particularly relevant to roadworks (Letters, July 9). As an election promise, Chris Minns committed to align NSW with southern states with limits reverting to normal when no roadwork was occurring. This hasn’t happened, with a 40km/h limit often left in place on country roads over weekends or for weeks when road machinery is unavailable. And not only drivers are frustrated by this laziness of the road construction company. When I successfully challenged a fine last year the presiding magistrate instructed me to “please ask your local state MP to lobby the premier to implement his election promise. I’m sick of these trivial offences clogging up our courts”. Michael Britt, MacMasters Beach


Having recently returned from a trip to Thailand I was impressed with the country’s three lane speed zones. The left lane being 80km/h, middle lane 100km/h and the right-hand lane 120km/h. Drivers would stick to the appropriate speed lane and the traffic flowed efficiently. If the appropriate authorities in Australia could implement this speed system in certain sections of highways in Australia I feel it would stop drivers from tailgating and weaving in and out of traffic. Peter Nelson, Moss Vale

I recall a fatal tailgating incident. The frustrated car driver in front of the tailgater slammed on their brakes. The tailgater rammed the rear of the car, forcing it into a head-on collision with another car oncoming in the opposite lane. That driver was killed. The braking driver was charged, convicted and imprisoned for dangerous driving occasioning death. Steve Coates, Port Macquarie

Generally, giving way to your right was the embedded truth of road rules for decades, but now on a roundabout this is trumped by the “already on” rule. If you’re already on the roundabout, the car on your right which hasn’t entered must give way to you. This rule variation causes many problems and should feature clearly and strongly in the mooted public education program. Brian Jones, Leura


RoundaboutCredit: Kate Geraghty

As an experienced truck driver based at Lake Macquarie I’ve been driving the M1 almost daily for the past 15 years. Truck drivers are restricted to 100km/h and are not allowed in the so-called fast lanes. All truck drivers sit in the “slow lane” until they come to a slower driver, after which they will check their mirrors to see if it is okay to overtake then pass and travel on their merry way. Paul McCarthy, Gwandalan

Time for gentle nudge from Jill

Your correspondent is correct that my late father, Chester Porter QC, often said “leave the stage while they’re still clapping” (Letters, July 9). It is also true that my late mother, Jean, a very wise woman, advised Chester to retire as she could see his exhaustion when he kept falling asleep at family functions. He listened and retired gracefully and promptly. Without any implication that women are responsible for men’s behaviour, maybe Jill Biden also has a part to play. Josie McSkimming, Coogee


President Biden’s decision to “fight on” reeks of self-interest (“Harris backs Biden but is in pole position to replace him”, July 9). If he runs, he will lose and will submit his country and the world to the mayhem and dysfunction of another four years of a Trump presidency. It reminds me of another previously admirable Democrat who stayed on too long in her job. Ruth Bader Ginsberg should have resigned during Obama’s presidency so that he could appoint another Democrat-leaning Supreme Court judge. She stayed on and died during Trump’s presidency, allowing him to appoint one of his right-wing judges. You must know when to go. Pauline Paton, Centennial Park

The question is not whether Joe Biden can make it through the next four years, but whether he can make it to November? George Fishman, Vaucluse

Keep wheels turning

Electric vehicle batteries may prove the missing link in the renewable energy revolution (“Trial shows EVs can charge to the rescue in blackouts”, July 9). Even though only 1 per cent of our vehicle fleet is currently electrified, this already represents up to 10 gigawatts of storage capacity. When you consider that the federal government plans to have 32GW installed by 2030 – all via big batteries – EVs offer an enormous potential source of stored energy. We need governments to take this into account and pass legislation to allow it to happen. Ken Enderby, Concord

EVs charging in Canberra as part of ANU’s Realising Electric Vehicle-to-Grid Services trial.

EVs charging in Canberra as part of ANU’s Realising Electric Vehicle-to-Grid Services trial.

Public on the outer

The modifications in Infrastructure NSW’s Barangaroo development application underscore the sorry history of Barangaroo’s development (“Plea to Ombudsman over Barangaroo plan”, July 9).


Since 2006, modification after modification has stolen Sydney’s prime public foreshore land from the public benefit. The Crown Casino complex stands on what was to have been public parkland. The congested Barangaroo South’s gross floor area exceeds double the area formerly conceived for Barangaroo as a whole. The promise of Barangaroo having 50 per cent parkland and 50 per cent development has been completely discarded.

Barangaroo has but one highlight: Paul Keating’s headland park. With commercial coffers having already profited beyond Barangaroo’s rightful concept, it’s time that Sydney, its people and its visitors derived their rightful benefit from this extraordinary piece of public foreshore. Barangaroo Central in its entirety should be dedicated as an extension to the headland’s Barangaroo Reserve. This would be a parkland of global merit to benefit all. Harold Kerr, Millers Point

I know it’s asking a lot but as the vested interests duke it out over the final stage of the development, could we have a smidgen more space for the public? Richard Spencer, Glebe

Senator is fallible

What with all the drama concerning Senator Payman, as much as I disagree with her position and the way she has gone about advocating for the people of Palestine, I think it is also worth remembering that she first and foremost is a human being (Letters, July 9).

As a young Muslim politician, she must be going through a tremendous amount of stress, and while a certain amount of that goes with the job, one can also consider the toll this must be having personally. It is all too easy to forget in this judgemental point-and-click world that politicians are people. She strikes me as a decent person who, like the rest of us, is just trying to make sense of a splintered world in her own fallible way. Simon Tedeschi, Newtown


Gods v reality

Ned Mannoun is wrong about the artwork entitled Jesus Speaks to the Daughters of Jerusalem (Letters, July 9). The religious should certainly be free to practice their religion without fear or persecution. However, anyone who offers up beliefs which contain ridiculous and nonsensical notions such as supernatural beings invites ridicule of those ideas. All ideas should be open to clear and critical examination and none exempt from scrutiny. Indeed, it is through subjecting ideas to clear and critical thought that society hopes to advance. Stephen Wale, Balmain

Maude the merrier

I read the article about the various flaws of the reverse age-gap rom-coms now coming back (“Age-gap romantic comedies are back”, July 9). But I saw no mention of the classic and absolutely flawless reverse rom-com – the 1971 movie Harold and Maude which the American Film Institute listed in 2008 as ninth best rom-com of all time. This film is a glorious testament to the joys of embracing life at any age, with the very young Bud Cort’s Harold charmed (as anyone seeing her would be) by the 60-year-older feisty Maude, played by Ruth Gordon as a 79-year-old who looks every year of that age. Anyone planning to make a rom-com in any direction would do well to study this film. Anne Ring, Coogee

 Harold and Maude
Ruth Gordon & Bud Cort

Harold and Maude Ruth Gordon & Bud CortCredit: Not for syndication


Dogs are animals

I am a dog lover but I am often less than enamoured with their owners (Letters, July 9). As the boundaries between human and animal continue to get pushed by those who consider their dogs to be de facto humans, I keep witnessing disturbing interactions with a creature that is an animal and should be treated as such. Last week inside a restaurant in Melbourne, I had to share my evening meal with two dogs, and I often see dogs seated at the table in cafes. Increasingly, I see dogs being walked through premises where food is prepared or sold. Most disturbingly, I recently saw dogs being carried around a shopping centre in a pouch strap as though they were a newborn. John Mizon, Collaroy

Lalor Park fire hero deserves state bravery medal

Jarrod Hawkins, what a hero (“‘I’m no hero’: Man who saved children from blaze tells of horrific night”, July 9). He should be awarded the state’s highest bravery award. Well done Jarrod. Denis Suttling, Newport Beach

Were I to face the horrific circumstances that Jarrod Hawkins was confronted with, I could only hope to have the courage and humility he demonstrated. There are quiet heroes among us. Greg Phillipson, Aranda (ACT)

Wet July

We have heard so many times about Dry July but with rain in Sydney every day, surely someone needs to be held accountable for getting the forecast so badly wrong! Peter Ulm, Randwick

Tough call

I’m not sure which is more outrageous: allegedly appropriating public land for private benefit, or paying $22,000 for a gym membership (“Permit scheme OK for gym but not for the beach”, July 9). Stephen Driscoll, Castle Hill

Good name

Considering his prominent role as a coach, Sutherland Shire Council missed a trick by not calling it the Graham Arnold Field For Emerging Rugrats, or the GAFFER (“Arnie Oval, home of childhood dreams”, July 9). Jeffrey Gabriel, Gladesville

Mop top

Let’s face it, every day was a bad hair day for Boris (Letters, July 9). Allan Gibson, Cherrybrook

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