

This was published 1 year ago

Learn from mistakes

Peter Hartcher’s headline: (“Joyce did what’s expected of any private company’s CEO. That’s the problem”, September 9) is not quite accurate. Before Alan Joyce took over Qantas its share price was $6.20. After 15 years it is now about $5.57. Adjusted for inflation, the value of the company based on fundamentals has fallen dramatically. In the period of Joyce’s tenure Qantas paid out over $2.5 billion in dividends and buybacks, but acquired about $2.5 billion in funds through loans and government bailouts. Over the period of Joyce’s tenure the average age of the fleet has gone from eight years to 14.7 years. Qantas has also alienated what were its loyal Australian customers, many who swear they will never fly Qantas again. By any measure the operation of Qantas as a business has been appalling. I am not quite sure that is what was expected by shareholders. I agree with Peter’s last comment reflecting that something is rotten in the state of not only Qantas, but much of corporate Australia. Rob Siebert, Skennars Head

 Alan Joyce stepped down as Qantas CEO this week

Alan Joyce stepped down as Qantas CEO this week Credit: Bloomberg

Peter Hartcher elucidates what so many of us have known for a considerable time: privatisation of government assets does not bring improvement to our way of life. Qantas, the Commonwealth Bank, Telstra, Sydney Airport and our electricity system, for starters – so many promises, so much betrayal. Money that should be of benefit to Australia as a whole is funnelled into private pockets and often to overseas interests. Services decrease as profits rise. Quasi-privatisation such as Australia Post is just as bad; costs rise and services decline. It is time to rethink and readjust a system that fails our society. Nola Tucker, Kiama

Peter Hartcher highlights another monumental failure of privatisation to deliver for taxpayers. The next time any government threatens to privatise a government entity they should be forced to give at least one indisputable example of a privatisation that has worked for consumers. That should kill any new proposal in its tracks. Ross Hudson, Mt Martha

David Evans has absolutely nailed it. Vanessa Hudson should send this Herald opinion piece (“A message from the flight deck”, September 9) to every Qantas employee, urging them to do everything possible to restore the company to the “proud” airline that Evans previously experienced. Perhaps the usual CEO’s bonus could instead be shared among those staff members who do the most to help “steer this Australian icon back on course”. Peter Lacey, Quaama

Vanessa Hudson as the new CEO of Qantas has 29 years of experience with the airline. “A new broom sweeps clean” is the old proverb. This certainly applies to Ms Hudson, doesn’t it? Not! Rose Panidis, Graceville (Qld)

Your correspondent Brian Everingham (Letters, September 9) makes a good point that the new Qantas CEO needs to reach out to former customers. My recent trip to Melbourne was not with Qantas – the change of heart resulted from having to work long and hard over 120 days to get a refund after a Qantas online booking site malfunctioned. However, some confidence might be regained if there were to be some board renewal, as many of the present problems have arisen on the watch of the present chairman and board. Philip Laird, Keiraville


Voices of reason

George Megalogenis’ insightful analysis (“Dutton has a case of wrecker’s remorse”, September 9) raises a thorny question: would Peter Dutton experience “wrecker’s remorse” if the Voice were defeated? There may be implications for Dutton in the next election – as Megalogenis describes – but he is going ahead regardless. This “wrecker” tactic appears not only in parliament but on certain media channels. It is propounded by right-wing think tanks and former politicians, who seem to have imported the negativity of Donald Trump in an effort to undermine progressive governments everywhere.

The well-dressed and obviously off-to-work young man who took the Yes pamphlet and promptly put it in the bin is a new kind of Australian, infected by the “us and them” virus. No wrecker’s remorse there, if the Voice fails, he will think he has won. But it is no contest: the education, health and housing gap between Indigenous Australians and the rest of us is widening. Our empathy deficit may also be widening. Fiona Colin, Malvern East

Would Peter Dutton have “wrecker’s remorse” if the Voice is defeated?

Would Peter Dutton have “wrecker’s remorse” if the Voice is defeated? Credit: John Shakespeare

George Megalogenis is correct about the long-term effect on a No vote in the Voice referendum being like Brexit. Last week I was standing in a long “other passports” queue at Amsterdam airport with a crowd of UK citizens while those with EU passports sailed past. All regretted Brexit and a majority of that crowd most would love to go back – but it’s now too late. Andrew McDonald, Menangle

One factor many people took into account when they chose to vote Yes in the marriage equality plebiscite was the concern they had for vulnerable LGBTQI+ young people if a No vote had succeeded. The same is the case for the Voice. Having worked in child protection for over 40 years, I ask that when you put pencil to paper next month, think of our vulnerable First Nations young people. What message might your vote send to them?
Rosemary Fitzgerald, Gladesville

You’ve heard of the pub test – well, I’ve been conducting the Aussie tourist test about the Voice in Greece and Turkey during the last few months. Although not scientific, the majority by a wide margin, unfortunately, have stated they will be voting No in the upcoming referendum. I hope my pessimism doesn’t reflect reality. Con Vaitsas, Patra (Greece)


It is a complete furphy for your correspondent (Letters, September 9) to suggest that the alleged delay “in issuing writs, which allows people to register for a postal vote, will most likely disenfranchise voters who are unable to attend voting booths on October 14”. The referendum timetable detailed on the Australian Electoral Commission website provides for applications for a postal vote to close on Wednesday 11 October and the document to be returned by Friday 27 October. The 33 days minimum required between the issue of the writs and voting day is more than enough time for anyone to apply for a postal vote. Maurice Critchley, Mangrove Mountain

Code is in league with an evil

Malcolm Knox’s article on the insidious influence of gambling in rugby league should be a wake-up call to all supporters (“Tribalism in rugby league now means those who gamble and those who don’t”, September 9). Management of the game has inextricably linked the code to the morally bankrupt gambling industry, and it’s leading to a major change in the way people perceive the game. It’s a game with gambling at its epicentre, like horse racing, instead of at the periphery. When I hear primary school-aged children talking about the odds during a game, we’ve got a problem. We need to nip this in the bud before real and long-term societal damage is inflicted.
Peter Jones, Rathmines

Minister for little

It’s very telling that the only policy your editorial mentions about Marise Payne’s time as a federal minister is her “spectacular failure” to prevent the Chinese security deal with the Solomon Islands (“Payne has long been in political departure lounge,” September 9). The harsh reality is that, in all her ministerial positions, Payne achieved mostly bugger-all, especially as so-called minister for women. Rob Phillips, North Epping

Former foreign minister Marise Payne is retiring from politics.

Former foreign minister Marise Payne is retiring from politics.

In your editorial, you state that the Liberals are finding it hard to replace outgoing politicians with new energetic talent. Neither of the two candidates who want this job – Warren Mundine and Andrew Constance – are new or energetic. Will there be female candidates or is this only open to men? To keep the parliament bubbling over with fresh talent, politicians should have a parliamentary lifespan of only two terms. If you look at both parties, especially the front bench, many have been there for over 20 years and should give up their seats to young up-and-comers. We need more people like Ted Mack, who knew when to walk away. Robert Pallister, Punchbowl


Marise Payne’s shortcomings as foreign minister have been thrown into sharp focus by Penny Wong’s performance. It’s the difference between someone who really wanted the job and prepared for it and someone her party had to find a place for. Ian Adair, Hunters Hill

I was annoyed that John Howard would not give Marise Payne any position of importance because she was a “wet”. Looking at her performance as a minister, I can’t help thinking that maybe he was on to something. Nicholas Triggs, Katoomba

Payne may as well disappear from the Senate; she long ago mastered the art of disappearing as both minister for women and as minister for foreign affairs. Tony Sullivan, Adamstown Heights

I was sorry to hear of the retirement from parliament of Marise Payne, a woman of substance, determination and grace. She has left parliament a better place than she found it. Genevieve Milton, Dulwich Hill

Needless TAHE

The Transport Assets Holding Entity exists because political conservatives want anything with potential to make money sold off (“Rail body fix on the fast track”, September 9). The TAHE corporation is an unnecessary operating expense that could be devoted to services people need. It also has a negative impact on the market value of government bonds. While sub-entity accounts provide very useful information, Transport for NSW should be the primary reporting entity for infrastructure systems, rolling stock and property held for transport-related purposes. Peter Egan, Mosman

Talent lost


Congratulations to Elizabeth Stone for rising to the top of the educational tree (“‘Girls have to be welcomed as full citizens’: Sydney principal takes over elite UK all-boys school”, September 9). The NSW Education Department should take note, having rejected her teacher application and subsequently losing an outstanding educator. She is not the first victim of an inflexibility on accreditation which alienates both aspiring and experienced teachers.
Max Redmayne, Drummoyne

Elizabeth Stone, former principal at Queenwood, is the first woman to be appointed head at Winchester College.

Elizabeth Stone, former principal at Queenwood, is the first woman to be appointed head at Winchester College.Credit: James Brickwood

What a short-sighted decision by the NSW Department of Education. They lost an incredibly talented and educated teacher through petty requirements. No wonder public school teachers are up in arms and the whole system is struggling when you have these nonsense decisions made by bureaucrats.
Ian Ferrier, Long Jetty

More ocean trash

We humans seem to be slow learners. It appears that we are hell-bent on coming up with new ways to damage our planet (“Undersea riches to be reaped by the few”, September 9). A bunch of shady characters now want to start a gold rush in our oceans. Poor fellow my planet. Paul Doyle, Glenbrook

With evidence mounting daily of the trashing of the planet, with space increasingly littered with junk, it would seem that the cowboys have found a new frontier. With few controls possible, I suspect we’re entitled to feel very uneasy that the enrichment of a few will again be at the expense of the broader community and our environment. Rod Hughes, Epping

As we have done such a good job raping and pillaging our earth, now the oligarchs are pushing to mine the ocean, making our planet as uninhabitable, barren and waterless as the moon or Mars. Where is the common sense – is no one listening to the scientists’ predictions? Christina Foo, Wahroonga


No to any undersea mining anywhere in the world! Today’s story was enough to make my blood boil. Surely there’s some international body that can over-rule any country’s government which permits these greedy machinations. My heart cries for the sea and sea life that will inevitably be affected around the globe regardless of a mine’s location. Pamela Harris, Braidwood

Humanity is concerned about the environment and climate change and yet a few billionaires, including an Australian “Elon Musk”, decide that to mine the sea beds of the world is somehow a good idea. Have we humans not destroyed enough of this beautiful planet? There is nothing positive about this potential industry. Janine Burdeu, Mona Vale

Energy spending

Keeping Eraring open to avoid the possibility of occasional blackouts (“Spoke in the wheel of change”, September 9) would be very expensive. Could some of those funds be used instead to subsidise community measures to reduce or shift demand, including retrofitting solar panels on strata title buildings, replacing resistive water heating with heat pump versions, time-shifting loads, installing domestic batteries or contracting battery owners to make a fraction of their stored energy available? If the possible shortfalls are predicted for 2025-26, there is time to act. Joe Wolfe, Point Frederick

Illegal bike mess

The problem is not legal, speed-limited ebikes (Letters, September 9). It is the widespread use by delivery riders of illegally modified bikes that do not require pedalling and which are not speed-limited. These are a menace and a danger to other bike and shared-path users. Tom McGinness, Randwick

Less is more

Cult filmmaker Roger Corman once said that “no film should be longer than 90 minutes without special papal dispensation” (“Another three-hour movie? It’s time to bring back cinema intermissions”, September 8). Clearly, many contemporary film producers have some very influential friends in the Vatican. Phil Rodwell, Redfern

No moss here

“Old men”? (Letters, September 9). After a lifetime of sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll, Mick and Keith are still releasing records and shaking it like nobody else. They are immortal. Have their bodies been pickled? Do they spend time in cryogenic suspension? I suspect that in the case of a nuclear holocaust, only cockroaches and the Rolling Stones will survive. Robert Hickey, Green Point

Time to move on

It is a year since the Queen passed away, and Charles is now our monarch. I believe that this is an appropriate time for Australia to move away from the monarchy and become a republic. No need for a referendum – just pass the legislation through the parliament. Graham Russell, Clovelly


I am a prolific – but alas, widely unpublished – author of letters to the Herald, but there are two topics on which I will not comment: cases before the courts and cats. Ian Falconer, Turramurra

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on

No safe place to call home: Vulnerable children housed in hotels amid foster carer crisis

From Mon 61: “At $200m per year would not it be wiser to build purpose built accommodation at locations around the state. The whole situation presents as very sad indeed.”

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