

This was published 2 years ago


How might the ‘teals’ do good in Canberra? Follow the NSW trailblazers

So-called “teal” Independents are standing against moderate Liberals in seats like Mackellar, North Sydney, Warringah, Wentworth, Kooyong and Goldstein. Most are running on a platform of climate change, integrity, and equality. It is a populist rebellion directed mainly at the Morrison government but also against the rigidity of the two-party system. If an Albanese government does not deliver, it is conceivable that independents could run against Labor candidates at the next federal election.

This tsunami of community activism and the mobilising of a genuine citizen revolt are refreshing signs that the plant of parliamentary democracy is deeply rooted and sending up green shoots. On the other hand, what practical effect will it have?

Teal independents Allegra Spender (Wentworth), Kylea Tink (North Sydney), Zali Steggall (Warringah) and Sophie  Scamps (Mackellar) in Sydney.

Teal independents Allegra Spender (Wentworth), Kylea Tink (North Sydney), Zali Steggall (Warringah) and Sophie Scamps (Mackellar) in Sydney.Credit: Oscar Colman

There is nothing more impotent in parliament than an independent without the balance of power. They are ostracised by the major parties, ignored by ministers, do not have the support to implement their agenda, and have no one to mentor them in the intricacies of parliamentary practice and procedure.

What about a balance of power situation? In the Senate, it has degenerated into horse-trading: this is what I want if you want my vote. A disparate, ill-disciplined group of independents and minor party representatives in a position of power can lead to instability and poor policy outcomes. It raises serious questions about the legitimacy of thwarting a government’s electoral mandate.

There is, however, a way for independents to bring about change without disruption and instability, as exemplified by the situation in the NSW Parliament after the 1991 election. Four independents held the power of life or death over Nick Greiner’s Coalition government. One, Tony Windsor, a National disgruntled over his failure to win preselection, was bought off easily by concessions for his electorate.

The other three, John Hatton (South Coast), Peter Macdonald (Manly) and Clover Moore (Bligh), had a different attitude. All were motivated by a concern to use their crucial position to reform the parliamentary process, and strengthen accountability and integrity in government. They submerged their individual differences – Hatton represented the rural South Coast, Macdonald beach-side Manly, and Moore the inner city – for the greater good. What they came up with is a template for all responsible independents. First, respect the will of the people by offering to support the party with the majority of seats. Second, do not do so uncritically.

Independents Peter MacDonald, Clover Moore and John Hatton on their way to the State Office Block in 1992.

Independents Peter MacDonald, Clover Moore and John Hatton on their way to the State Office Block in 1992. Credit: Robert Pearce

The guiding force behind the unaligned independents, as they styled themselves, was Hatton. He had been elected in 1973 and had a long, lonely apprenticeship of being marginalised and denigrated by the major parties. He used this time productively to master the procedures of the Legislative Assembly and to develop a wide-ranging reform agenda. When his moment came, with full support of Macdonald and Moore, he seized it.

A detailed, considered program was presented to Greiner as the price for keeping him in office. The unaligned independents reserved the right to vote as they saw fit on other issues. The premier agreed and an era of major reform ensued: a lower house without government dominance; election funding, defamation law and freedom of information reform; whistleblowers’ protection; the strengthening of the independence of the Auditor-General and Ombudsman; a fixed four-year parliamentary term.


Government bills were carefully scrutinised and sometimes heavily amended. Often, better legislation resulted. The government was not in complete control, but this did not mean that it had an insecure hold on office or that it was unable to govern effectively.


The message for the “teal” independents if they hold the balance of power is clear: work together, subordinating ego and pet projects for the greater good; combine and formulate a common agenda to strengthen negotiating power with the government; be constructive not destructive, for example, scrutinise and amend government legislation fairly and objectively; remember that, as Bismarck said, “Politics is the art of the possible, the attainable”, in other words, 80 per cent of something is better than 100 per cent of nothing; and unflinchingly “keep the bastards honest”.

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