

This was published 3 months ago

Here we go again with Coal-ition climate idiocy

Here we go again with Coal-ition climate idiocy (“PM hits Dutton over climate”, June 11). We have six years to 2030, massive numbers of renewable projects ready to go, yet the Coalition wants to dump Australia’s legally binding climate target to cut emissions by 43 per cent from 2005 levels by 2030. Finland’s latest nuclear power plant took 30 years to plan and build, so if we went nuclear now, we’d break our 2030 commitments, ruin our reputation and the livelihoods of untold businesses and hasten climate armageddon. Further, Finland’s nuclear power plant is built on an island for one very good reason: water. I can assure opposition climate change and energy spokesman Ted O’Brien the Hunter River is a trickle in drought, so how exactly can a Liddell nuclear power plant function? For the second driest continent on earth, nuclear is pure fantasy. Sue Young, Bensville

We’ll never have Paris.

We’ll never have Paris.Credit: Matt Golding

It appears that worsening floods, bushfires, droughts, coral bleaching and even threats to the ski season are immaterial to Peter Dutton. Rather than provide bi-partisan support to address our fossil fuel-induced environmental challenges, he is intent upon reassuring coal and gas producing electorates that the Coalition will not be a threat to their interests. Certainly, meeting Australia’s commitment to the Paris Accord’s emissions-reduction target will be a challenge. But, indeed, the challenge to comply with the accord only grows with Dutton’s negativity, his effective procrastination (courtesy of his pro-nuclear policy), and the efforts of his fiercely “anti-renewables” colleagues, Barnaby Joyce in particular. The latter’s obstructionism is even more incomprehensible given that the rural sector, which he ostensibly represents, stands to suffer more than most due to global warming. Roger Epps, Armidale

To prevent the worst consequences of climate change requires the fastest transformation of our industrial base in history. This needs courage, hard work, money, creativity and tenacity to overcome failures. For the Coalition to say Australia needs nuclear because the government’s 2030 renewables goals are not achievable is like the Blues saying before half-time in the first State of Origin match that they expect to lose the first game, that they should give up playing the next two games and take up cricket instead. Australia needs leadership that faces scientific reality. A party that does not face scientific reality is acting against the interests of all Australians. Sarosh Batliwalla, Northbridge

Tim O’Brien is right when he says the Coalition will not pull emission targets out of thin air, the air will be much thicker with CO2 by the time they get their act together. Ed Gaykema, Kiama

Maybe PM-in-waiting Peter Dutton should take his own advice:“there’s no sense in signing up to targets you don’t have any prospect of achieving”. Margie Christowski, Roseville

Dutton and the Coalition are opportunistic cowards. It has been said that when faced with a huge challenge, whether you think you will succeed, or you think you will fail, you are probably right either way. I feel sure that all countries will meet their 2030 Paris targets, either genuinely or by fudging and clever manipulation of the incredibly complex data. Of course there is only one arbiter that matters regarding the overall climate response by the nations of the world, and that is the actual state of the environment in 2030 and beyond. All the rest are lies, damned lies and statistics. Peter Kamenyitzky, Castle Hill


The Coalition failed in a number of policies, especially those related to climate change, in government for nine years. Looks like the same is now likely to happen for nine more years in opposition. Peng Ee, Castle Cove

Costello exposes pitfalls of post-political careers

Your editorial rightly says that it was time for Peter Costello to go as chairman of Nine Entertainment. Then it describes Costello’s achievements during his tenure (“Costello finally accepted he had to go”, June 11). This is where the problem starts. Any organisation’s chairman has two jobs – financial and people management. In chasing a dollar, growing the company, and keeping the investors happy, the latter is ignored or is not considered important. We have seen time and again that when a CEO performs well financially, they are rewarded even if all is not unacceptable. In Nine’s case, troubles were brewing for a long time and Darren Wicks was tolerated by the management because of his performance in keeping the ratings up. It is important for Nine’s sake that no politician of any side is appointed as the chairman of the board to remove any perception of bias. Mukul Desai, Hunters Hill

Sure sign.

Sure sign.Credit: Cathy Wilcox

Stephen Bartholomeusz sings the praises of Peter Costello as federal treasurer telling us how he could have been prime minister (“Rapid downfall illustrates stress of internal ructions”, June 11).
Young voters will not be so generous in their praise. For them, Costello’s legacy is the overly generous treatment of superannuation and capital gains, both of which benefit the older retired generation at the expense of the younger working cohort and are a significant factor in the federal budget’s structural deficit. Maurice Critchley, Mangrove Mountain

Your leader writer illustrates that the editorial independence of the Nine mastheads is clear, at least for the moment. The observation “the Herald believes his [Costello’s] tenure is a case study in why ex-politicians often do not make good company directors” is a view I am sure is held by many.

The November 2012 issue of Company Director, the magazine of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD), carried an opinion piece headed “Life after politics”. My letter in response included these remarks published in the said journal: “A parliament resembling a great big melting pot and, as we have seen, particularly in the current parliament, anything but good governance. If politicians wish to aspire to a post-political ‘career’ as a director, then performance during their elected term must be capable of being measured. Yet, on the other hand, a perceived ‘good politician’ may not necessarily result in an effective director.” Allan Gibson, Cherrybrook


The editorial mentions the awkwardness of Costello’s public criticism of Labor Treasurer Jim Chalmers. Having been Coalition treasurer under John Howard, Costello simply couldn’t skip the opportunity to have a dig at Labor and give Dutton some assistance. Once a politician, always a politician. David Gordon, Cranebrook

There might be “no entitlements” from Nine, but I’m sure Costello’s undoubtedly healthy old-style parliamentary pension will help him cope with any disappointment. Adrian Connelly, Springwood

We must show authorities we’re thirsty for safe drinking water

Not at all surprising that our drinking water is considered unsafe to drink (“There’s no safe level: Carcinogens found in tap water across Australia”, June 11). Just look at the rates of all cancers across the country and compare those rates to those in the 1950s before PFOS, PFAS, plastics and microplastics existed. What will be surprising is if we don’t immediately act on this knowledge and pressure the government to intervene and make all drinking water safe in this country. Daniela Catalano, Haberfield

By all means, sue those who put lives at risk by knowingly producing substances harmful to the environment, including humans. There will be a wailing and gnashing of teeth that the company, its board and its complacent shareholders might go down the gurgler, but these people must realise that, along with wonderful profits, there lies a responsibility toward others and a realisation that they are directly contributing to the ill health or even death of plant, animal and human life. Donald Hawes, Peel

Easy solution

The Liberals’ intention to “scuttle” the state government’s plan to introduce transport-oriented development zones is pretty rich, considering they obviously didn’t do much about the housing shortage during their long tenure (“Minns’ housing plan takes more flak”, June 11). They should leave the elected government alone to pursue its policy, instead of employing Dutton-like tactics to destroy it. Ian Adair, Hunters Hill


Michael Reagan has it easy in the NIMBY stakes wanting more “affordable housing built near railway stations”. He represents the Northern Beaches electorate of Wakehurst with no railway stations. He’s on a winner for his constituents. Suzanne Wicks, Potts Point

Outdated system

It should be mentioned that the $250,000 threshold for additional super tax is based on adjusted tax income (“High earners’ scheme to skip tax on super”, June 11). By doing so it reinforces the fact that employees and not those with family trusts running a business, that bears the tax. Reportable fringe benefits and negatively geared property losses are added to income for the threshold. Of course self-employed persons are outside the FBT system and any property losses can be absorbed through smart trust distributions. Salary and wage earners are propping up our outdated tax system. Michael Blissenden, Dural

Accountants employed by the wealthy to avoid tax on superannuation. I thought all such schemes had sunk to the bottom of the harbour. Ray Morgan, Maroubra

Finnish frowns

Peter Hartcher’s insightful piece on Finland’s Happiness Index win suffers one glaring blind spot: Finland has no Murdoch media with its business strategy of social divisiveness (“Nordic nonchalance … to NATO”, June 11).
Michael Britt, MacMasters Beach

Nordic nonchalance.

Nordic nonchalance.Credit: Andrew Dyson


University challenge

Your correspondent’s assertion that “institutions of higher learning … exist for those who can afford the exorbitant fees” can’t go unchallenged (Letters, July 11). Universities are incredibly expensive institutions to run, both in terms of massive infrastructure and staff, while on the income column, they essentially have fees and government funding. The Hawke government introduced the concept of HECS in 1989, and it is just that, a contribution on the part of students towards their education. The previous Whitlam model of so-called “free” education was unsustainable and the HECS system still seems to me the most equitable and it’s stood the test of time. Ross MacPherson, Seaforth

It’s not just the “degree factories” on which we need a rethink, it’s our increasing adulation of money making which may come at the expense of common decency. Some tradies, for example, capitalising on manpower shortages due to the former government closing TAFEs and over-relying on cheap overseas labour, are exploiting the system. A plumbing company has just quoted us more than $4000 for a day’s work to clean our gutters and fix a small area. We accepted with trepidation, expecting a team of workers. One man arrived. Was his labour worth about $600 an hour? We quickly cancelled the job. Alison Stewart, Riverview

Stressful job

Surely, the worst, most stressful job in the world: Donald Trump’s probation officer (“‘Rigged conviction’: Trump to meet probation officer before hush money sentencing”, June 11). Stephanie Edwards, Leichhardt

Final lesson

I am so very saddened by the death of Michael Mosley, but perhaps he gave us the greatest lesson of all that he tried to teach us: never underestimate the effects of extreme heat and how even an apparently fit man can succumb to the heat within hours (“CCTV footage reveals Mosley stumbling”, June 11). I think we will never know why he decided to walk in the extreme heat of the day, and why he did not take his phone and whether he took water, but there is a lesson there for us all. We have so much to be grateful for with so much of what he gave in trying to improve the health of “the common man”, so I hope we can all reflect on this, his final lesson to us all. Jane Cullinan, Berkeley Vale


Our sympathies go out to the Mosley family. His tragic demise illustrates just how easy it can be to get into a dangerous, potentially fatal, situation in unfamiliar locations and extreme heat. My wife and I very nearly experienced a similar fate some time ago while on holiday in Thailand. A leisurely afternoon walk on a well-worn track in the jungle from one beach to another in shorts and T-shirts had us take the wrong branch of the track which left us, firstly on a savage ants’ nest, followed by having to push through thorny undergrowth, then on to a rocky, unpassable coastline with enormous boulders and very rough water. We had to clamber out on hands and knees up an extremely steep slope in fierce heat as the sun began to set and would have had to spend the night in the jungle but for a fishing boat arriving one hundred metres off the rocks. Please be careful out there. Michael Slocum, Ascot Vale (Vic)

Human hatchlings sitting on egg supplies

I love the headline in Tuesday’s Herald (“Consumers urged not to sit on eggs”, June 11). It conjures up an image of hapless, panicky, consumers sitting on clutches of eggs in the hope of hatching chickens, thereby ensuring future supplies of eggs. Kim Woo, Mascot

Shell company.

Shell company.Credit: Matt Golding

Only time will tell, but eggs may be the next toilet paper. Janice Creenaune, Austinmer

Spotless passport

Couldn’t agree more with Nick Bryant on the need for taking care of your passport (“Tiny tear turned into ripping yarn”, June 11). During a recent six-week trip overseas I made certain that my passport was always in a secure place. It was only on return when taking clothes out of our washing machine that I discovered that my passport was still zipped away in a trouser pocket – now it’s very clean, so clean I fear it wouldn’t pass the Jetstar test. Nick Franklin, Katoomba

Worthwhile fare

While we’re discussing all things ABC, can it be noted that it is now six months since The Drum was axed (Letters, June 11). Surely the ABC will tire of Hard Quiz and Antiques Roadshow repeats eventually and we can return to something more worthwhile. Paul Wynn, Wentworth Falls

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