

This was published 5 months ago

For crying out loud, the theatre is no place for a baby

Times have changed (“Miffed mum’s outrage does not stand up”, April 24). Children were not usually taken to restaurants when I was a child and I didn’t actually go to one until I was 17. These days there are many child-friendly restaurants and well-behaved children are welcome almost anywhere. However, if I have paid a high price for a ticket to an evening show, screaming children are not part of the deal. It’s not fair to the other members of the audience or the performers. Judith Rostron, Killarney Heights

No laughing matter: Arj Barker and Trish Faranda with daughter Clara.

No laughing matter: Arj Barker and Trish Faranda with daughter Clara.Credit: Andrew Murfett

I congratulate Arj Barker for asking the mother to leave the theatre with her baby. And what was she thinking sitting four rows from the front? The theatre is no place for a baby. People pay good money for the theatre and deserve to enjoy it free from distractions. We need to show our fellow theatregoers respect. Phil Johnson, Dee Why

I went to see Jethro Tull at the Hordern Pavilion in 1972. There was a baby up the front with mum and Ian Anderson came up to her and said that the baby shouldn’t be here because the band is so “expletive” loud. We heard the band but not the baby. John Brown, Kianga

We discreetly took our 18-month-old daughter with us when we saw Monkey Grip in the early 1980s. Our daughter had regularly seen Noni Hazlehurst in the ABC’s Play School, but when the whole cinema audience was watching Noni’s naked love-making, our daughter looked up from being breast-fed and said “that be Noni!” It certainly broke the tense silence in the cinema. Evan Bailey, Glebe

What about the sound of the loudest lolly wrapper in the world, the feet on the back of your chair, the iPhone screens lighting up with incoming messages, late arrivals, endless chewing down to the last chip in the noisy bag? I gave up on being captive to audience behaviour long ago. In earlier years theatres invested in ushers. These were usually helpful people with a torch who wandered around silently civilising the audience and spreading harmony. I always felt at peace that someone was in control. Now I stay at home with my cat. Joe Whitcombe, Bronte

While my wife and I raised our own children, we accepted the fact that, for a period of time, we did not go to social events, unless there was someone available to look after our babies. This was as much out of consideration for others as anything else. Being out in public with a baby is not the same as attending a live performance. I’m not sure that Arj Barker did anything wrong when asking her to leave his show. Jon Pollard, Moss Vale


When my children were young, my social life mainly revolved around family, and friends in the same situation as me. When I was lucky enough to go to a live theatre event, or even the cinema, did I take my babies with me? Definitely not! On a purely selfish note, I wanted to be able to immerse myself in the experience, without distraction. Leaving my children at home was also an act of courtesy, both to those onstage and to the rest of the folk in the audience. Suzanne Fuller, Thornleigh

Elon’s endless entitlement

Elon Musk asks: “Should the eCommissar (an unelected official) in Australia have authority over all countries on earth?” (“Musk v Albanese: How Sydney stabbing sparked a censorship debate”,, April 23). I’d ask why an unelected oligarch believes that it is his right to determine which policies of a legally elected government, in a country of which he is not a citizen, are appropriate and which ones are not? Does having vast wealth entitle him to be the eCommissar of the whole world and to insult our elected MPs? If he’s so pro-truth and against all censorship, why has he been silent on the banning of books in a number of US states? Alan Marel, North Curl Curl

Federal Tasmanian senator Jacqui Lambie.

Federal Tasmanian senator Jacqui Lambie.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

If Elon Musk has been so irritated by Jacqui Lambie that he has to vilify her on X, that puts her at the top of my popularity list. Go Jacqui, keep up the good work! Pamela Wood, McMahons Point

He might be confident taking on various governments and agencies but only a fool takes on Jacqui Lambie. Good luck, Elon, you’re going to need it. Tom McGinness, Randwick

ASIO, police forces, and the eSafety Commissioner are lambasting Facebook and other social media companies for providing end-to-end encryption because it might be abused by criminals or “misinformed”. This is a turnabout from the Arab Spring when intelligence agencies across the world provided end-to-end encrypted communication to dissidents. ASIO and the police forces also expect us to believe that they will only view the messages of paedophiles. That’s bunkum.
Yes, privacy will be abused by individuals, but police power can and has been abused, too. My mother’s Indigenous activism in the ’70s resulted in her having a “terrorist” file with the South Australian Special Branch. I think the most radical thing she ever did was ask artist Harold Thomas to come up with a flag (it’s the one that the PM now stands beside). Let’s increase funding for police to use their existing powers and not sacrifice our liberty out of fear. Ken McNamara, Wollongong


We can no longer afford to go softly softly in fighting the damage that social media is doing to societies everywhere. Social media bosses with unparalleled wealth and power resent any proposed restrictions on their freedom, and societies everywhere are struggling to find ways to control them. From not taking sufficient measures to prevent children from being exposed to pornography, violence and hate speech to reams of misinformation and disinformation sown by Russia and China to discredit democracy in our eyes, they preference their profit over our welfare. They will put up a fierce resistance to controls but it is encouraging that Peter Dutton signals the fight will be bipartisan. Gary Barnes, Mosman

Monitor suspects out on bail

The recent spate of murders of women and the extent of domestic violence in Australia is appalling (“Molly’s death: Court decisions under fire”, April 24). There is something simple that can help prevent these atrocities. Currently, Apprehended Violence Orders (AVOs) are not treated seriously enough by the police or the courts and the consequences can be deadly. When an Interim AVO is made by a court it should be accompanied by reporting conditions for the defendant to attend the local police station, either reporting daily, or three times a week, and the police should contact the Person in Need of Protection (PINOP) by telephone to confirm that there has been no breach of the order. Records will be kept. A breach, either by not reporting to the police or as confirmed by the PINOP, would then result in a criminal charge, bail being refused and the defendant held in prison until the AVO hearing.

Unfair? Maybe, but the risk of harm to the PINOP, almost always a woman and her kids, is reduced, and the defendant is aware of the seriousness of the offence, and will think twice about his actions. Lives will be saved. And these laws should apply Australia-wide, not state-by-state.
Greg Martin, Balmain East

Molly Ticehurst’s alleged murderer, Daniel Billings, was released on bail just weeks after being accused of sexually assaulting her.

Molly Ticehurst’s alleged murderer, Daniel Billings, was released on bail just weeks after being accused of sexually assaulting her.

The alleged murderer of Molly Ticehurst had been released on bail only weeks earlier after being charged with the sexual assault of Molly and other serious offences. The next page reports that an A-League football player similarly charged with rape and assault offences has also being granted bail. How serious must the alleged offences be before bail is denied?
Helen Simpson, Curl Curl


No action on tax

Shane Wright highlights the fact that, although inflation is falling, Australians are suffering under a welter of state and federal government taxes (“Price pressures to ease but Australians hit by record tax take”, April 24). Economists have been screaming from the rooftops that the Henry Tax Review came out in 2010, little has been done since and a complete revamp of our taxation system is well overdue. With increasing expenditures on defence, the government knows it has a funding problem but has declined to make any major changes and layout a plan as to how it is going to increase its revenue. However, with Jim Chalmers’ budget coming out next month and the next election just a year away, nothing will happen in the near future, so presumably Albanese will tackle this task if he wins another term but, in the meantime, the government just plans to tread water. Peter Nash, Fairlight

Visit Gallipoli

Anzac Day has in its own way become our national day (Letters, April 24). One September we joined an Anzac tour to cross the Dardanelles from Cannakale to Gallipoli on a small ferry. Our Turkish guide showed us the intended landing place and the fatal one. We toured the site in small buses and were impressed by the tranquillity. It is a vast park with the Lone Pine memorial, the cemeteries and trenches surrounded by soft green pines. It is worth the visit during a quiet time to give one a chance to appreciate the views, the history and wipe away a tear after reading the generous words carved on the memorial to the mothers of the sons lying in the ground here. It is worth the visit just for that. Nola Tucker, Kiama

Bad thinking on Gaza

“This idea … that legitimate criticisms of Israel are being shut down by accusations of antisemitism is one of the reasons the council was formed,” says Sarah Schwartz of the Jewish Council of Australia, a group that purports to account for “the abject failures of our so-called Jewish representative organisations to recognise the growing number of Jews who support an immediate ceasefire and Palestinian human rights” (“Australians feel strain of Gaza war”, April 24). And therein lies the heart of the problem. For the JCA is a body that has consistently reduced this catastrophe to entirely zero-sum terms. If you are not for the JCA, you are pro-Israeli government. There can be no middle ground. On the contrary, quite apart from the JCA’s curious failure to call out the rabid antisemitism on the far-left, the reason the vast majority of progressive Jews – those who are equally supportive of Israel’s existence and Palestinian freedom – refuse to be associated with the JCA is precisely because of this kind of coarse framing, which plays right into the simplistic, anti-intellectual thinking spurred by this catastrophe.

It also goes some way to explaining why most left-of-centre Jews in Australia have never felt more politically homeless in their entire lives. Simon Tedeschi, Newtown


Australians are right to feel concern about a rise in religious intolerance. But to oppose the extreme lethal violence the current Israeli government is inflicting on defenceless people in Gaza is not antisemitic. Many Jewish people in Israel and elsewhere also oppose it. Even if they kill every Hamas member in Gaza, the Israeli government’s actions will result in a new generation of militant groups in Palestine and surrounding Arab states, and dissipate the reservoir of goodwill that the world rightly extends to Jewish people as a result of the Holocaust. Kevin Fell, Cooks Hill

Light bulb moments

As Ross Gittins reports we do need a lot more renewable electricity generation capacity to replace dying fossil fuel infrastructure (“New zero? Here’s a bright idea”, April 24). We also need a lot more of the “bright idea” that is using building management to reduce electricity demand. There are plenty of bright ideas including the use of microgrids to enhance resilience and reduce the demand for expensive, long-distance electricity transmission. Bright ideas? Yes please. Greg Baker, Fitzroy Falls

Here’s a bright idea.

Here’s a bright idea. Credit: Dionne Gain

Cut down on plastic

Consumers addicted to convenience are all complicit in generating the glut of single-use plastic wrapping, fast food packaging and discardable plastic cups that form the base of breakdown particles freed to permeate the smallest nook and cranny of our bodies, homes and natural habitats (“The toxic chemicals we live with every day”, April 24).

Until authorities regulate forever chemicals, we could invest in PFAS-safe eco-friendly reusable food containers and keep-cups for takeaway meals and barista coffee. Not only do we reduce personal exposure to PFAS, this green habit is expected to slow the discarding of PFAS-containing packaging that further poisons the environment. Turn the micro-pulverised toxin tap off while we figure out how to rein in the 14, 000 PFAS “forever chemicals” that harmfully insinuate our lives. Joseph Ting, Carina (Qld)


Good blood

I may not be able to run 100 metres in 16 seconds (Letters, April 24), but when I made my last blood donation at the Toowoomba Red Cross Blood Bank one week after my 88th birthday I was told I was the oldest blood donor in Australia. So Brian, if you want to give blood you might have to move to Toowoomba. John Munro, Toowoomba

Job share

I don’t see why people should object to two candidates sharing a seat – we often get a two-for-one deal with ministers, especially prime ministers, whose wives provide political support and advice (Letters, April 23). Kristina Vingis, Church Point

Easy money

Well, well, well (“Bleak outlook for Star as Crown gets licence back”, April 24). Crown is to keep its casino licence despite its appalling behaviour record. I should have put a bet on it. Tim Parker, Balmain

Costly mistake

It now transpires that having escaped the lions’ den, Bruce Lehrmann not only made the mistake of going back for his hat, but also refused the lions’ offer to cover the cost of a new one (“Ten pursues Lehrmann for costs”, April 24). Matthew Stevens, Thornleigh

That could prove to be a very expensive piece of head-wear. Philip Bell, Bronte

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