

This was published 3 years ago

‘Didn’t want to know’: Rape survivor said school stonewalled him

By Angus Thompson

A rape survivor has accused a prestigious school of stonewalling his attempts to air the abuse he suffered at the hands of a former teacher who also dragged another boy from his bed in the middle of the night.

The two men told the NSW District Court in Katoomba on Friday of the lifelong suffering they endured as a result of being sexually assaulted by Leonard Gardiner, who a judge heard prospered within an “extremely homophobic” and sadistic environment at The Armidale School during the 1960s.

A former teacher at The Armidale School will be sentenced to jail next month for assaulting two boarders.

A former teacher at The Armidale School will be sentenced to jail next month for assaulting two boarders.Credit: The Armidale Express

Gardiner, 83, may now die behind bars after Judge Jennifer English this year found him guilty of charges of buggery and maintaining an unlawful relationship with a child.

Reading from a victim impact statement, one of the survivors said it was a “dagger to the heart” when the school declined his pleas to share the allegations of abuse with the broader school community following a meeting with the administration in 2014.

“We were stonewalled,” the man, now in his late 60s, told the court. “It was obvious that TAS didn’t want to know about the assaults, and it only paid lip service to our grievances.”


The school later changed tack and, after another former student came forward in 2019 over his abuse at the hands of Gardiner, then-principal Murray Guest spoke out in support of the men and encouraged others with information to assist.

“I recall Murray’s jaw hitting the table as he listened to [the former student’s] account about what had happened,” the survivor said.

Following his death in October 2019 Mr Guest was praised for leading the school’s response to addressing past sexual abuse.


The other victim, who attended the New England school from1964 to ’67, said life at the school was reminiscent of Lord of the Flies and rife with “verbal, mental and physical bullying, homophobic and sadistic staff, and corporal punishment dealt out at will”.

He described Gardiner’s first attack on him as imprinted in his memory: “Sometime after midnight ... Gardiner dragged me from my dorm bed, his hand over my mouth, and took me back to his room and raped me.”

The man said Gardiner’s obsession with him was noticed by other students, and he “was labelled as a teacher’s pet or, worse still, what would be referred to today in the vernacular as his ‘bitch’.”

He said it felt as though he had now emerged “from a gruesome, lifelong nightmare”.

Both men described the elation they felt when Gardiner was found guilty of the abuse that set in train decades of trauma that drastically altered their lives.


Gardiner’s barrister, Phillip Boulten, SC, said Gardiner, who is on remand, had been incarcerated for the first time as an old man: “The reality is this, the prison sentencing that he’s serving will be a very, very significant part of the rest of his life, if not all of it.”

The school had been wracked by allegations of sexual abuse in recent years, with a female staff member being handed a suspended jail sentence in 2018 for having sex with several male students.

In February last year the school removed a statue resembling a former celebrated teacher accused of inflicting physical and sexual abuse upon students within days of a public outcry from alleged victims.

A TAS spokesperson said: “The school pays tribute to the courage and bravery of the survivors whose moving victim impact statements outlined the horrific impact of these historical crimes on their lives.

“We continue to maintain an open dialogue with the victims and await the handing down of the sentence in two weeks time.”

Gardiner is due to be sentenced on November 12 at Campbelltown District Court.

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