

Conflict whisperer: This man knows when you’re angry and how to stop it ruining a night out

By Andrew Taylor

It may be a change in posture, tightening of the jaw or rubbing the neck, but security expert Scott Taylor can see the signs of frustration and anger that lead to violence.

As Sydney’s nightlife seeks to shed its dangerous reputation, industry figures say staff at pubs, clubs, restaurants and even theatres are facing patrons whose grievances are fuelled by a sense of entitlement as much as alcohol and drugs.

Security expert Scott Taylor said pacing, pointing and poking indicate rising frustration that can potentially lead to aggression.

Security expert Scott Taylor said pacing, pointing and poking indicate rising frustration that can potentially lead to aggression.Credit: Louise Kennerley

Taylor, the managing director of Praesidium Risk and Resilience, said violence was often preceded by behaviour such as a change in stance and posture – “dominant and angry people take more space”.

The clenching of fists or jaw and self-pacifying gestures such as suddenly rubbing or scratching arms, neck or head also indicate rising frustration, Taylor said at a free training session on conflict de-escalation in venues organised by the Night Time Industries Association.

“People working in frontline hospitality roles have to deal with people affected by drugs, alcohol, emotion and a mix of those every single day,” he said. “They have to deal with stress and frustration that can escalate into aggression and violence, so it is crucial to give them skills to de-escalate conflict and enhance their awareness.”

Data from the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research shows assaults on licensed premises over the past 10 years are stable, while disorderly conduct, which includes offensive behaviour or language, trespass and criminal intent on licensed premises, is down.

But industry figures say the recorded data does not paint the full picture, with many incidents not reported to police.

More than three-quarters of the offenders prosecuted last year for non-domestic assault or disorderly conduct on licensed premises were men.

Eight-six per cent of the more 3274 incidents of non-domestic assault on licensed premises in 2023 were recorded by police as alcohol-related.


Alcohol and drugs coupled with pride and ego are the principal drivers of aggression, but Taylor said conflict is not limited to pubs and nightclubs.


“Conflict concerns are across the board. I have been delivering this training to stadiums, theatres, corporate offices,” he said, “whenever there are opposing opinions or people do not have their objectives potentially met.”

Taylor said many night-time workers treat conflict as “sadly part of the job they need to deal with” and do not report incidents to the police because they do not want to be caught up in any court process.

Night Time Industries Association chief executive Mick Gibb said the safety of staff and customers was “front of mind” for night-time venue operators.

But he said Sydney nightlife is fundamentally different from 10 years ago.

“It’s more accessible to different generations and the types of offerings are more diverse. These two factors alone contribute to a much safer experience at night,” he said.

Club 77 director Dane Gorrel said the venue’s regulars had no tolerance for people turning up with a hostile attitude “and to be completely honest, we don’t let people with hostile attitudes pass the front door”.

“Most of the time it’s due to approaching intoxication or their attitude and behaviour whilst trying to gain entry into the venue,” he said.

Gorrel said he believed patrons’ attitudes and behaviour had “definitely improved” since the venue reopened after the pandemic.

“The people we deal with are respectful and come to Club 77 to enjoy themselves,” he said. “However, if there is one issue it’s definitely a sense of entitlement.”


The 24-Hour Economy Commissioner Michael Rodrigues said patron safety was a priority for the state government, which signed up to the Purple Flag program designating popular night-time destinations as safe.

“Sydney is well on its way to becoming a leading nightlife city again and prioritising safety initiatives and training on an ongoing basis is part of that,” he said.

Taylor said he did not consider Sydney’s nightlife to be unsafe, “but I do believe we are far less aware than we were – device-centric and less interpersonal skills – so conflict escalates prior to a large number of people being aware.

“Couple this with cost-of-living pressures and other recent events, and you get a range of people carrying around more built-up tension and frustration,” he said.

A mixed martial artist, Taylor said he felt safe going out in Sydney “but that comes from a position of awareness”.

“I don’t walk around with my head in a device or with noise-cancelling headphones in,” he said. “I am aware of my surroundings and therefore can remove myself from escalating circumstances.”

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