

This was published 8 months ago

Climate is too serious to be obstructed by politics

Nick O’Malley tells us all we need to know about Peter Dutton’s climate policy (“Peter Dutton has revved up Australia’s climate war”, June 15). That is, Dutton has no policy, he is just a wrecker like his arch-conservative hero Tony Abbott was before him. Dutton seems interested only in creating conflict, even if it distances himself from the Coalition’s traditional friends in the business community who just want policy certainty to help their forward planning after a decade of climate obfuscation under the previous Coalition government. Dutton offers the community nothing but confusion and a pig-headed denial of the science supporting climate change. Sadly, there are enough voters who, for whatever baffling reasons, find this appealing. Ross Hudson, Mount Martha (Vic)

The return of the climate war has entrenched old fault lines.

The return of the climate war has entrenched old fault lines.Credit: Richard Giliberto

Our adversarial political system works well but is not suited to responding to an existential crisis like global warming. The last 15 years of climate war has slowed our response when we needed and need concerted consistency and action over decades. Adversarial party politics is producing the inevitable scare campaigns and hyperbole on both sides of the emissions reduction argument. Bipartisanship is necessary and can be highly effective as was demonstrated during COVID. Both major parties can and will have to make policy compromises to get there. David Hind, Neutral Bay

There is a simple way consumers and business could oppose Dutton’s nuclear proposals: choose only energy retailers that source from renewables. It’s currently easy for energy consumers to sign up for renewables-only electricity. People could publicly commit now to refusing nuclear-fuelled supply. That would achieve two goals: undermine a willingness to invest in nuclear and lend confidence to investors in new renewables. This would be a virtuous circle, driving nuclear even more expensive and increasing renewable supply. Start the sign-ups now. Ronald Watts, Newcastle

It seems even the Saudis can see the writing on the wall when it comes to fossil fuels (“Saudi Arabia’s energy transition prepares for a future without oil”, June 14). So why can’t the federal Coalition? Even with its abundant supplies of oil and gas, solar power is still the cheapest form of energy in the Kingdom, so what does that tell us about our energy future? In Australia, we have renewable energy sources that are the envy of the world, so we should be taking advantage of them as quickly as we can. To do otherwise is to cling to technologies that are expensive, inefficient and environmentally dangerous. Ken Enderby, Concord

Just because the federal Coalition has revealed their embarrassingly inadequate climate intentions, doesn’t mean we should let Labor off the hook. Yes, Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek has ticked off 51 renewable energy projects. But she’s also approved four coal mine expansions and deferred the promised environmental law reform. Apart from our fossil fuel of choice being gas not oil, Australia remains comparable to other petrostates like Saudi Arabia, which aggrandise their solar credentials while continuing record levels of fossil fuel extraction. These disappointing realities will not keep us, nor our Pacific neighbours, safe from climate harm. Amy Hiller, Kew (Vic)


Face the reality of ageing before you head for a fall

The perpetuation of the modern truisms such as 60 is the new 40 is ridiculous (“Sixty’s the new 40, but not every body gets the memo”, June 15). They stop people facing the reality of ageing. The fact is that our bodies do change as we age. Balance can be harder, joints deteriorate, reflexes aren’t as lightning-quick. We need to learn to respect and understand our ageing bodies so that we can keep them as healthy as possible and thus not burden the health system. Lisa Clarke, Watsons Bay

On your bike, seniors

On your bike, seniors Credit: E+

As any older person knows, one travels with the image and feelings of the younger self until confronted by a mirror or when unable to do something formerly performed with ease. This leads to the hazardous undertakings outlined by Deborah Snow. In a seminar, a hand surgeon mentioned many of his best customers were over-60s males using their Bunnings power tools for the first time. My very sage 89-year-old fitness trainer, a Bondi Iceberg, had very good advice printed on the T-shirts for his over-55 clientele: “Don’t climb ladders”. Louise Dolan, Birchgrove

Cruel but fair, Deborah Snow. I’m on the mend after joining the esteemed club of over-60s men who fall from ladders. From hitting the deck till now at six weeks, the lasting pain is the look of my GP life partner, ambos and RPA clinicians – I had crossed the Rubicon and no amount of winter swimming, hiking, yoga or renos would restore my place among the competent, able men of ladders. What’s next? Be kind and look the other way if you see me admiring RAMs and other large utes. John Feneley, Balmain

As a follow-up of what Deborah Snow wrote in today’s paper about 60 being the new 40, my thought entirely is “listen to your body”. Yes, keep active, keep moving, do not vegetate, but be realistic. Your 80-year-old body is not as fit, flexible, energetic as it was at 25. Listen to what it is saying, modify your movements, as frustrating as it may be. Bottom line – take care of yourself. After all, a fall plus broken bones equals hospitalisation. Marjie Williamson, Blaxland

Thanks, Deborah Snow. Your article makes essential reading for my kids. I’ve sent it to them and hopefully will be able to guilt-trip them into helping around the house repairs! Manbir Singh Kohli, Pemulwuy


Artist Warren was a true giver

Helen Pitt’s story on the late Guy Warren was a welcome acknowledgment of a great Australian artist (“Artist who made sky his canvas dies at 103”, June 15). Not mentioned was his directorship in the early 1980s of the Sydney University Art Workshop, affectionately known by all as the Tin Sheds. Formally catering to, and funded by, the architecture faculty and the fine arts department, Guy was part of the broader encouragement of other students to attend the workshops. And this extended to the broader community as a place of learning, debate and creativity.
Covering everything from painting, life drawing, ceramics, sculpture, printmaking, poster production, photography, film and beyond, it also became a much-loved venue for live music, poetry readings and community activism. He was pivotal in promoting the idea of arts practice across 24 hours a day and he benignly supported his tutors building lofts in the Sheds for us to “illegally” squat in, myself included. Throughout, he was gentle and supportive over those years of hundreds of artists, students and community members. Vale Guy Warren. Chips Mackinolty, Darwin (NT)

Guy Warren with Peter Wegner’s 2021 Archibald Prize-winning portrait of him.

Guy Warren with Peter Wegner’s 2021 Archibald Prize-winning portrait of him.Credit: Steven Siewert

Gong for Spence

It may be of interest to readers of the Herald’s Letters page that on Monday night, regular correspondent Bruce Spence will receive the 2024 Equity Lifetime Achievement Award. He wins this peer-voted award for his wonderful efforts over many years as a performer, role model, volunteer, fundraiser and supporter of others in the acting industry via his work with the Actors Benevolent Fund. Congratulations, Bruce. Bill Young, Killcare Heights

Home truths

Suppose we build all the new houses the Greens keep screaming about (“Attention-seeker or renters’ champion? The Greens MP driving pollies up the wall”, June 15). Will the Greens therefore answer the following questions? How many koalas will lose their homes in the land-clearing for all these new houses? How many other koalas will lose their homes for the sake of new transport corridors, shopping malls, parks, sporting fields and assorted open spaces?
How many of these new houses will be close enough to their residents’ jobs to let these people ride bicycles to work? How many of these new houses will be so far from solar-powered electric trains or trams that petrol-powered cars will still be needed to get to school, work or the shops? How many new roads, streets, footpaths, dams and water pipes, power stations and power lines, gutters, drains and sewage works will be needed to serve all these new houses? How many of the new houses will be next to a new sewage works? How will these new houses be allocated to those who need them? How many of these new houses will be built in areas the needy don’t want to move to? How many of the homeless, for instance, will be forced to relocate?
What will happen to those who refuse to move to a new house in a place that isn’t suitable to them? Will they be just cut loose and dumped? If the Greens can’t or just won’t answer these questions, then both they and we have to consider the alternative. How many houses in inner-city electorates do the Greens want to knock down and replace with blocks of flats, in order to provide homes for the needy? Grant Agnew, Coopers Plains (Qld)


Dutton’s ‘democracy’

Nick Bryant refers to Australian democratic safeguards (“The danger of leaning illiberal”, June 15). Vigilance is required to protect our full democracy. Truth in political communications is not legislated and Peter Dutton’s ride to the right usually does not embody it. “If you don’t know, vote no” seeks to suspend a key democratic safeguard, the right and obligation of the voter to participate in the democratic process. I would like to see the media challenge Dutton on the values and principles that underlie his pursuit of either Donald, Trump or [Polish prime minister] Tusk, to understand him and to inform our choices. Anne Eagar, Epping

Bryant is spot on in warning Dutton of the dangers of taking cues from other countries’ populist policies. From the current trends in European elections, it seems that rightist parties are gaining ground but in India and South America, recent elections have displayed that the populist policies do not always pay dividends as the government parties there have lost some ground. Negative and populist politics may give you a temporary ascendency but it won’t last long. Australia’s unique compulsory and preferential voting system doesn’t give the same advantage to populist leaders as in other countries. Let’s hope it works against Dutton, too, for his anti-immigration and anti-climate policies. Bipin Johri, Epping

Fiddlers, not diddlers

The little area known as Fiddletown was named after the musicians who played at country dances around there and not after tax relief gained by setting up small farms in the area. My family had a lemon orchard at Fiddletown. The NSW Lemon Board was very strict. To sell lemons via the board, all lemons had to be the same shape, the same size and with no lumps or bumps. That left out our lemons for sale so for about 10 years we gave all our crops to our favourite Chinese restaurant and dined on delicious Lemon Chicken every Friday night. Jane Waddy, Boronia Park

Here’s to Beer

Maggie Beer is an inspiration for all of us octogenarians (“People don’t think they’re being ageist: celebrity cook Maggie Beer”, June 15). Don’t give up; keep going; do what makes you fulfilled. Her busy lifestyle is now dedicated to helping others, especially in aged care, with practical and life-enhancing advice. Years ago at the Art Gallery of NSW to view the Archibald exhibition most people were clustered around the superb portrait of Maggie and Simon Bryant and relating to it as if they were old friends. Nola Tucker, Kiama

 Maggie Beer at home in the Barossa.

Maggie Beer at home in the Barossa.Credit: David Solm

Not so super

Sometimes Bec Wilson gives good advice for retirees but the one thing that she and many other economists never mention is that what seemed like enough retirement funds five years ago is now way under budget (“How to retire sooner with less (and still be comfortable)”, June 15). As the economy fluctuates, so do our nest eggs. What we could buy 10 years ago with our super is nowhere near that figure today. Everything is more expensive from food, energy costs and everyday goods. So the $200,000 in super you thought was a windfall is actually going to see you reach poverty levels much faster if you live longer. Inflation affects super, too. Pamela Shepherd, Balgowlah

Mark of cane

Jordan Baker’s article brought a wry smile to my face as it made me recall my first Communion at Holy Innocents, Croydon in 1952 (“Tradition’s mass appeal to young Christians”, June 15). This required some practice in moving from the pews in an orderly manner, kneeling down along the altar rail, opening our mouths to allow the priest to place the host on our tongues, swallowing (not chewing) the host and then, when everyone had received Communion, returning to our seats. The practice was conducted by two nuns. One walked behind us as we kneeled and to anyone who wriggled, looked sideways or was otherwise distracted, she gave a whack across the back of their legs with the cane she was carrying. The nuns and their habits. Michael Costello, Ashfield

Shop floor blues

What will this mean for the Ladies in Black (“Online buys force DJs, Myer to cut floors”, June 15)?
Allan Gibson Cherrybrook

Ladies in Black, 2024 tv series

Ladies in Black, 2024 tv series

Vivid wordplay

Covid. Vivid. Livid. Covid (“The night our crush on Vivid became a problem”, June 14). Alicia Dawson, Balmain

Parent problems

I, like Charlotte, am a closeted high school teacher, but at a state school (Letters, June 15). The reason that I am, is not due to the students, it’s actually because of the parents. The parent in Charlotte’s case used the internet to bring her down. Now that’s hate in anyone’s book. Name and address withheld

Recipe musts

I’m sorry, The Old Fitz, Woolloomooloo, but you simply can’t serve Yorkshire pudding with crackling pork belly or chicken Maryland (“Roasts with the Most”, May 23). Paul Hewson, Clontarf (Qld)

God golfers

It seems unfair that Malcolm Knox chose to single out golf champion Scottie Scheffler’s relationship with God (“Why Scottie, and God, never miss tricky two-foot downhill putts”, June 15). I’ve heard lots of golfers talking to Jesus Christ. And on any day of the week, not just the Sabbath. Kent Mayo, Uralla

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