

This was published 7 months ago

Asbestos-contaminated mulch found at another Sydney park

By Jessica McSweeney

A newly opened riverside park in Sydney’s west has partially closed after asbestos-contaminated mulch was discovered in a publicly accessible area.

Two sites tested positive at the Regatta Park at Emu Plains on Thursday, one a fenced-off area still under construction and another a recently opened section of the river walk.

Part of the newly opened Regatta Park was found to have asbestos.

Part of the newly opened Regatta Park was found to have asbestos. Credit: Penrith City Council

Penrith City Council said it began reviewing suppliers of mulch to council sites this week to determine if any mulch had been supplied by the same company as the Rozelle Parklands.

After its review, the council discovered this supplier also provided mulch to the Emu Plains site.

“Council immediately fenced off the area on Thursday evening, which impacts access to the river walk. Pedestrians will detour via the new section of River Road around the area, rejoining the walk on the southern end of Regatta Park,” a statement from Penrith City Council said.

“Council officers are working with the principal contractor for Regatta Park on the actions required for identifying, testing and removing the mulch which are in line with Council’s stringent Asbestos Management Framework, and regulations set by the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and SafeWork NSW.”

Penrith City Council Mayor Todd Carney urged other Sydney councils to conduct similar reviews, given the mulch supplier was engaged by a third-party contractor in this case.

“It’s very disappointing that this has occurred, but we have put the right things in place to make sure there’s no impact to the community,” he said.

“I encourage anyone who has purchased mulch in the last 18 months to see where it comes from.”


A spokeswoman for Greenlife Resource Recovery said the company does not concede it was the source of the asbestos, and said the company stands by its product.

“Greenlife is extremely concerned that people have been exposed to asbestos at Regatta Park. The company was one of a number of suppliers of mulch,” the spokeswoman said.

“The company has no visibility of how its mulch product is used on sites and sites that are often known not to be pristine or have undergone forms of remediation for previously found contaminants. Greenlife cannot be held responsible for how its products are used once delivered, including if it is mixed with other mulches, materials or existing soil.”

In early January, multiple sites at the Rozelle Parklands were discovered to contain bonded asbestos supplied by the company.

On Wednesday, the EPA slapped Greenlife Resource Recovery with a prevention notice, effectively barring it from providing mulch to more projects until an investigation is complete.


The spokeswoman said the company was fully cooperating with the EPA, but “categorically refutes” the asbestos found in Rozelle is from their product.

On Wednesday, Transport for NSW identified multiple sites along the Bankstown rail line and a highway project in Sydney’s south-west that also tested positive to traces of bonded asbestos.

Under construction Sydney Metro sites at Dulwich Hill, Canterbury and Campsie had traces of asbestos-contaminated mulch which was laid in October. The areas were never publicly accessible.

Contaminated mulch was also found at landscaped sites at the Prospect Highway project between Prospect and Blacktown, contractor Fulton Hogan discovered.


Four out of 31 samples taken at the highway returned a positive result. The areas impacted have been fenced off and plans to remove the mulch are under way.

Bonded asbestos is considered low-risk compared with friable asbestos, which can easily be crushed into a powder and become airborne.

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