


Millions of people are battling superbugs. What happens when the drugs don’t work?

They could wipe 20 years off average life expectancy and rock the foundations of modern medicine. What are superbugs? What can we do about them?

World experts tackle myths and misunderstandings about common health issues in our Explainers.See all 21 stories.

Cassandra Anderson didn’t think much of the phlegmy cough that rattled through her lungs. It was worse when she exercised, and in the morning, and helped her earn a new nickname, Coughing Cassie. But a scan in 2019 revealed some bad news. “My lungs were grossly deformed,” she recalls. “There were cavities and abnormalities. It looked like I was a pack-a-day smoker.”

Anderson, 60, was diagnosed with chronic bronchiectasis, an incurable condition where the lungs inflame and thicken. But then, unlike most sufferers of the condition, she deteriorated rapidly, coughing so hard she convulsed or brought up blood. A biopsy of her lungs in 2020 revealed what doctors had feared. Anderson was harbouring a superbug, mycobacterium abscessus, related to the bacteria that causes tuberculosis. “It is one of the hardest, toughest, most opportunistic pathogens you can get in your body,” she says.

Millions of people around the world are battling superbugs – organisms that have evolved to become resistant to medicine. Anderson is one of the lucky ones – while she’s still fighting her infection, she’s alive. Some 1.27 million people die every year due to antimicrobial resistance, the World Health Organisation says; in Australia, the CSIRO estimates, 1000 people succumb. And the problem will only worsen. By 2050, the United Nations estimates 10 million people will die every year due to drug-resistant germs. Experts say it is a scenario that could set modern medicine back to a pre-antibiotic era.

Why are superbugs on the rise? What can we do to prevent them? And what are the treatment options when traditional medications fail?

“It’s one of the toughest pathogens you can get”: Cassandra Anderson, right, with nurse Cara Jongmahasawat.

“It’s one of the toughest pathogens you can get”: Cassandra Anderson, right, with nurse Cara Jongmahasawat.Credit: Photo: Janie Barrett. Artwork: Aresna Villanueva

What are superbugs?

Promiscuous and ingenious. That’s how Dr Norelle Sherry, an infectious diseases physician and clinical microbiologist at the Doherty Institute, describes superbugs. The term refers to bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites that have become resistant to the treatments meant to zap them - including the antibiotics, antivirals or antifungals we tend to take for granted.


While the evolution of animals and plants often takes place over thousands of years, microbes evolve quickly because they multiply so rapidly. Only those with the best defences against evolutionary pressures, such as a course of antibiotics designed to kill a strain of bacteria, survive.

“If you have 100 microbes and expose them to an antibiotic, and if one of them has a mechanism to resist that antibiotic, they will survive and prosper,” Sherry explains.

Microbes can be resistant before they infect someone, swirling around with inbuilt protection against the drugs we’d usually throw at them.

Microbes can develop resistance inside a person who’s taking antibiotics. But they can also be resistant before they infect someone, swirling around in the world with inbuilt protection against the drugs we’d usually throw at them.

“We are now seeing patients who have infections that are not that severe but they can only be treated with intravenous antibiotics,” says Sherry. “That is a disaster.” While they’re stronger, IV antibiotics are much more expensive, consume hospital resources, carry side effects such as kidney and liver toxicity and increase a patient’s risk of catching further infections from intravenous lines.

Anderson is unsure how she became infected with mycobacterium abscessus, which spreads through air and water. The keen gardener wonders whether she inhaled the bacteria from the potting mix she frequently packed into pots for her succulents and agaves. She never wore a mask to protect her lungs, which she later realised were more susceptible to secondary infections due to her chronic bronchiectasis. Or she could have caught the superbug from something as innocuous as the water from her shower head.

Norelle Sherry is seeing patients who respond only to intravenous antibiotics rather than a pill. “That is a disaster.”

Norelle Sherry is seeing patients who respond only to intravenous antibiotics rather than a pill. “That is a disaster.”Credit: Photo: Joe Armao. Artwork: Aresna Villanueva


What are the most common superbugs?

A drug-resistant form of golden staph, or staphylococcus aureas, is the most dominant superbug in Australia. Nearly a third of people in the community carry golden staph in their nose or on their skin; 5 per cent of them host a drug-resistant type. It is harmless to most people and they have no idea they’re carrying it. But it can lead to serious infection and even death if it enters someone’s bloodstream through a cut, surgical wound or catheter.

The latest data from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare shows that 1428 people were hospitalised in Australia due to staph infections in their blood in 2020. Around a fifth of these cases were resistant to common antibiotics.

A first-line antibiotic for urinary tract infections no longer works for a fifth of people with the common ailment.

But Professor John Turnidge, a senior medical adviser with the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, says it’s a myth that superbugs such as staph are confined to hospitals. In the past decade, the hospital strain of resistant golden staph has all but disappeared. “After spending 40 years wandering around Australia in hospitals, it’s been replaced by multiple strains that are carried by people in the community,” he says. “They bring it into hospital. Instead of leaping out of the hospital it is leaping into the hospital.”

The second-most common superbug has a multi-barrelled name: extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL) E. coli, an enzyme made by bacteria in the gut. It can cause serious infections in the bladder and urinary tract infections (UTIs), and it’s something Sherry has firsthand experience of. When her daughter was three, she developed a urinary tract infection with ESBL. There was only one oral antibiotic that could treat her.

Research has found that trimethoprim, a first-line antibiotic recommended for the initial treatment of a UTI, no longer works for a fifth of people with the common ailment. “A few decades ago, there would have been up to 10 antibiotics that would have treated the infection,” Sherry says.

Alexander Fleming, Ernst Chain and Howard Florey won a Nobel prize in 1945 for developing penicillin.

Alexander Fleming, Ernst Chain and Howard Florey won a Nobel prize in 1945 for developing penicillin. Credit: Photos: Getty Images. Artwork: Aresna Villanueva

Why should we be concerned?

Before antibiotics were widely available, an infected pimple, blister, scratch or shaving cut could kill you. An ear infection could spread into the brain, strep throat could be fatal and 90 per cent of children did not survive bacterial meningitis. One in 20 children died before their first birthday. Diseases treatable today – bacterial pneumonia, tuberculosis and whooping cough – were often a death sentence.

The discovery of penicillin changed all this. In 1928, British scientist Alexander Fleming returned to his lab from a holiday to find that a mould called penicillium notatum had thrived in petri dishes dotted with staphylococcus bacteria. It appeared the mould was producing a substance that wiped out the bacteria around it. Australian scientist Howard Florey later picked up Fleming’s work and with a team of researchers turbocharged the search for a drug to fight infection during World War II – huge numbers of soldiers in World War I had died from relatively minor but infected cuts. By 1945, Florey, Fleming and biochemist Ernst Chain had been awarded a Nobel prize for developing penicillin.

“I am already seeing antimicrobial resistance on a daily basis. What’s it going to be like in 20 years?”

Akhil Bansal

Yet today, widespread resistance to these antimicrobial medicines threatens the foundations of modern medicine, says Dr Akhil Bansal, a global health researcher on superbugs. “Even though it sounds a bit doomsday, there is a situation in which we return to an era that’s almost in the pre-antibiotic age,” says Bansal, who also works as a junior doctor at St Vincent’s Hospital in Sydney, “and that really limits a lot of what we’re able to offer and do for patients.”

The World Health Organisation has warned that returning to a pre-antibiotic era would lead to the average human life expectancy plummeting from 70 years to 50 and could undermine developments in cancer treatment. When a person undergoes chemotherapy, their immune system is put under intense pressure and they are more prone to potentially deadly infections such as pneumonia and sepsis. Effective antibiotics are vital. And caesarean sections, hip replacements and organ transplants would also become more perilous.


Already, Bansal frequently treats patients who don’t respond to antibiotics for common conditions. “We’ll think ‘why are they still unwell, why are they still having fevers?’” he says. “We’ll run some tests, realise they actually have a resistant infection. I am already seeing antimicrobial resistance on a daily basis. What’s it going to be like in 20 years?”

Turnidge doesn’t believe we will ever see a return to the pre-antibiotic era, due to our ingenuity in finding new antibiotics, but he is concerned about the cost of developing these new drugs (it costs between $500 million and $750 million to create a new antibiotic).

In the meantime, he fears the people who most need antibiotics – those in hospital for surgery, chemotherapy or having given birth with complications – will have very few options or none if they pick up a drug-resistant infection. “They will die when they didn’t need to die,” Turnidge says.

Credit: Getty Images

What are the options when the drugs don’t work?

Patients who don’t respond to first-line antibiotics (the medicine usually prescribed first) are given second or third-line antibiotics, which are stronger but carry more side effects and add an estimated $10,000 to the cost of hospital treatment for each patient.

In Anderson’s case, a nurse visits her Sydney home every day to connect a bottle of third-line antibiotics to a catheter in her arm. She carries the cocktail of drugs in a bumbag and they are pumped into her bloodstream 24 hours a day. While the drugs keep some of her symptoms at bay and allow her to hold down a job as a medical receptionist, they will never eradicate the superbug living in her lungs. They have also caused hearing loss, tinnitus, lethargy and tiredness.


“Living with chronic illness requires many adjustments,” she says. “Loss of independence and not being able to do as many things that I’d usually enjoy such as yoga, swimming at the beach ... there are moments of sadness and reflection on what may be the outcome of a shortened life.”

Anderson is so reliant on her medical team that she’s unable to travel to visit her son, 23, and daughter, 25, who recently moved to Victoria. This saddens her greatly. As well as the daily infusion of antibiotics, she has to inhale an antibiotic in a nebuliser and swallow two others. “From a mental health perspective, it’s exhausting,” she says.

Associate Professor Anthony Byrne is an infectious diseases expert who has been treating Anderson from St Vincent’s Hospital in Sydney since 2020. The physician says Anderson’s case illustrates the complexity of superbugs and the limitations of treatments. “It’s one of those things that we can’t do a lot about,” he says. “It’s a difficult choice between side effects or, essentially, getting worse.”


How can we prevent antimicrobial resistance?

Most of us have fronted up to a GP clinic with a sore throat, cough or earache and been prescribed antibiotics. Perhaps our GP suggested a course of antibiotics due to uncertainty about our condition, or maybe we demanded them in the hope they would speed up our recovery. It’s precisely this behaviour – the overuse of antibiotics – that is fuelling superbugs.

Australians are some of the world’s highest users of antibiotics on a per capita basis. More than 26 million antibiotic prescriptions were dispensed in 2019, about one for every Australian. It’s estimated that about half of these prescriptions were unnecessary.

When someone takes a course of antibiotics, the good bacteria in their guts take a beating along with the bad. This can create a bacterial vacuum that allows resistant bacteria to get in. “Of course, if you really need antibiotics, that’s a secondary consideration,” says Turnidge. “But if you think you need an antibiotic, and you’re not sure, the answer is you probably don’t.”

Antibiotics do not fight infections caused by viruses, such as colds and flu, nor do they combat bronchitis, most coughs or sore throats.

There’s a common belief that if you don’t finish a course of antibiotics, the bacteria you are trying to fight will become resistant. But Turnidge says the opposite is true. “The longer you take the antibiotics, the more likely your bugs will become resistant,” he says. “The only reason to finish the course is when we’ve worked out that’s how much you need to cure the infection.”

He says a five-day course of antibiotics is more than adequate for most common ailments that you visit a GP about.

Antibiotics do not fight infections caused by viruses, such as colds and flu, nor do they combat bronchitis, most coughs or sore throats.

There was a fall in the use of antibiotics during the pandemic. Not only were people locked down, and therefore not spreading as many germs, but a subliminal message was being disseminated: you don’t treat COVID-19 with antibiotics. “That is really positive because for so many years, the biggest waste of antibiotics and the biggest trouble with antibiotics was giving them [to people with] viral respiratory infections when they all get better by themselves,” Turnidge says. Doctors are hopeful this trend will hold.

Preventing infection is key, too: washing our hands with water and plain soap (there is evidence that some chemicals in antibacterial soaps could actually be creating superbugs), staying at home when we are unwell and disinfecting cuts. Access to clean water and good sanitation is crucial. In parts of the world with poor sanitation and unsafe water, many more people die from superbug infections. Deaths caused by antimicrobial resistance are estimated to be highest in sub-Saharan Africa, with 24 deaths recorded per 100,000 people.


What else can help?

The drug companies that sell antibiotics can also play a role. The discovery of new antibiotics has stalled since its peak in the 1950s and ’60s – about half of the drugs we frequently use today were developed in the postwar period. Just two new types of antibiotics have hit the Australian market in the past three decades – cefiderocol, which is used to treat drug-resistant bacteria, and daptomycin, which is used for drug-resistant golden staph. The reason? There’s not much profit in creating drugs that are only needed by a small proportion of patients harbouring drug-resistant bugs.

Experts are calling for new incentives for drug companies to develop antibiotics for resistant infections. One option, which is being rolled out in Britain, is known as the Netflix model: governments pay companies an annual subscription to access new antibiotics for drug-resistant bacteria. It flips their traditional business model on its head, with profits no longer tied to sales volumes and instead pinned to access. New antibiotics are quarantined for the neediest patients, preserving their potency.

Bansal would like to see Australia follow suit. “If we want Australia to benefit from these new drugs, we need to be sitting at the table,” he says. “This is one of the biggest public health threats of our age.”

“Whilst it may not cure me, it might give me more time to hold it at bay.”

Cassandra Anderson

Late in 2022, Anderson sent a sample of her mucus to Pittsburgh in the United States so a team of scientists could engineer a special bacteria-eating virus for her. It’s hoped this virus, called a phage, will effectively cure her. “The virus should aggressively work to fight my bacteria,” she says.

Phage therapy harnesses harmless viruses, known as bacteriophages, to kill germs in cases where antibiotics have failed. It was pioneered more than a century ago and a few Australian hospitals, including The Alfred in Melbourne and St Vincent’s in Sydney, are using the last-resort therapy. “When you’ve got not many choices, you obviously want to try new things and that’s what we are doing here,” says Anderson’s doctor, Anthony Byrne.

But there’s a lot of red tape involved in importing a virus (particularly in a nervous, post-COVID world) and Anderson is unsure when it will pass all levels of government and biosecurity. “Whilst it may not cure me, it might give me more time to hold [the superbug] at bay,” she says. “Whilst at times I feel fearful, I won’t let the fear of dying rule my life.”

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