


‘Like an electric shock’: Why shingles is the ultimate nerve pain

It hides in the body then suddenly erupts. It can return; symptoms can linger. Who gets shingles? And what’s the new vaccine?

World experts tackle myths and misunderstandings about common health issues in our Explainers.See all 21 stories.

Karin Cahill woke to nagging pain sliding along the top of her ribcage. Cahill, 59, had been pushing weights at the gym the day before; this is what comes of it, she thought to herself. She jiggled her arm and pulled at her shoulder, trying to work the sore muscle, but the pain wouldn’t budge.

Cahill, a marketing manager who lives in Sydney’s northern beaches, shook her head. “It wasn’t overly sore,” she recalls. “I thought I’d pulled a muscle.” She slapped a heat pack on the problem area then got ready for work.

But the pain did not ease. Then Cahill noticed a rash starting to form. When that did not go away either, she resolved to go to the doctor – on Monday. “But by the time I was driving to go see the doctor, I had quite significant pain, like laser beams shooting through my body, and the rash had started to blister. It was horrendous,” Cahill says.

“That was really the first indication to me it might have been shingles.”

Shingles: the disease no one thinks about until they get it. Symptoms and complications can be horrible and lifelong. And cases are on the increase, with almost every Australian over 50 having several risk factors. Yet vaccination coverage among those most at risk is estimated to range from between just under a third to nearly half.

Karin Cahill: “I had quite significant pain, like laser beams shooting through my body.”

Karin Cahill: “I had quite significant pain, like laser beams shooting through my body.”Credit: Photo Nick Moir, Artwork Monique Westermann

What’s shingles, and how does the virus hide?


Shingles – from the Latin cingulus, or girdle, because the rash often extends around the middle of the body – is the end of a long shared journey between person and virus. Almost always, this journey begins in childhood – typically in winter – when the varicella zoster virus begins its annual trek through childcare centres and schools, hospitals and refugee camps.

VZV, as it is known, is an extraordinarily successful virus. A member of the Herpesviridae, which includes the viruses that cause cold sores and, yes, herpes, human VZV diverged from a monkey strain about 23 million years ago and has been co-evolving with our species ever since.

The virus creeps up towards the dorsal root ganglia … There it shelters, nothing more than a strip of rogue genetic material.

The virus first goes after the tonsils at the back of the throat. There, it has direct access to our immune-warrior T cells, which spread it around the body. Our innate immune system fights back but is soon overcome, and widespread infection and viral replication occurs on the skin – the virus’ preferred site to copy itself causing small blisters to break out, burst and scab over, leading to the characteristic red, itchy rash of chickenpox.

The symptoms of chickenpox range in severity but are rarely lethal, and they go away. The virus does not. It slinks into the nerves in the upper layers of skin, then deeper into the nerve tissue that wires our bodies, creeping up towards the dorsal root ganglia, where the nerve roots hook into the spinal cord. There it shelters, nothing more than a strip of rogue genetic material. The body goes to great lengths to preserve its delicate nervous system; nerve cells are exempt from attack by our immune system, so the virus can hide in the ganglia for decades.

Herpes simplex, VZV’s viral cousin, pulls the same trick. When it reactivates, it causes cold sores or genital herpes. People can be infected with both VZV and simplex at the same time in the same cells, although there’s now some evidence that having the simplex infection may be partially protective against VZV.


Over the years, VZV periodically returns to life, spinning up proteins and preparing to infect, only to be beaten back by a healthy immune system before any symptoms arise. These bursts of reactivation actually retrain the immune system, keeping protection high over time.

‘You can almost map the nerve distributions of the body by the outbreak of shingles.’

Professor Tony Cunningham

But as we age, the nerve cells that have long harboured the virus start to bleed and die. The virus moves from one nerve cell to the next, infecting entire nerve wires and provoking an inflammatory response. Those inflamed nerves are the root cause of the severe pain of shingles.

“You can almost map the nerve distributions of the body by the outbreak of shingles – and shingles can occur virtually anywhere,” says Professor Tony Cunningham, a world-leading shingles expert and director of the Centre for Virus Research in Sydney (Cunningham’s institution has received consulting fees from GSK, makers of the latest shingles vaccine). “I’ve seen it affect the sacral nerves, which means it extends over the genitalia. I’ve seen sexually transmitted chickenpox from a guy with shingles, who gave it to his girlfriend.”

People with shingles can spread the VZV virus to others, either through direct contact with fluid from the shingles blisters or from breathing in airborne viral particles from those blisters.

Cherie Davis: “Even now, every now and again, I just get a tingling ...”

Cherie Davis: “Even now, every now and again, I just get a tingling ...”Credit: Joe Armao

What’s the worst that can happen?


Cherie Davis, 76, had just arrived in Queensland for a holiday in 2022 with her sister when a sudden pain turned up near her ear. She thought it was an earache, and took some Panadol, but it did not go away. Soon, “I couldn’t stand touching the skin near my ear, or my ear. It was like an electric shock,” she recalls. “My sister pulled my ear forward and said, ‘Oh Cherie, I think you’ve got shingles.’ It was scabby and blistering and weeping.

“It was extremely painful. It spread down my neck and across and in my scalp. I was very fortunate it did not go in my eyes and across my face – a lot of people get that.”

Davis’ rash, and the pain, eventually faded, but the area remains sensitive. “Even now, every now and again, I just get a tingling – it’s not pain – or some sensation in the skin where all the lesions were.”

Shingles pain typically precedes a rash by a few days. The itchy rash usually starts as lesions, which form blisters, and then, over a couple of weeks, scab over; it generally takes between two and four weeks to heal.

‘It’s kind of the ultimate neuropathic pain, in many ways.’

Professor Michael Vagg

Reinfection in the neck can lead to lung and arm weakness; reinfection near the spine can lead to leg weakness; near the eyes, to blindness. In rare cases, shingles can lead to secondary infections and, in rarer cases, death. Between 1997 and 2016, shingles caused 438 deaths in Australians, nearly all aged 80 or over.

The most common complication is post-herpetic neuralgia, or chronic nerve pain, which occurs in about 15 per cent of cases. This can last from months to years. “It can have a devastating effect,” says Associate Professor Michael Woodward, head of aged care research at Austin Health in Melbourne. “You can feel like someone has plugged you into the electric power-point or that people are cutting you with knives.”


When the virus reactivates in the nerves, it both directly causes pain and triggers a powerful immune response that causes inflammation along the nerve. Think of a finger smashed with a hammer, except this time it’s a nerve root. “It’s kind of the ultimate neuropathic pain, in many ways,” says pain specialist Professor Michael Vagg, immediate past dean of the faculty of pain medicine at the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists.

Bruises fade and vanish, but our bodies aren’t terribly good at healing nerve tissue. After an acute bout subsides, the nerve can be permanently hyper-sensitised. “These patients have a patch where the shingles was. They can’t wear a shirt there, they can’t have a sheet on it. It’s just super hyper-sensitive,” Vagg says.

The infection and immune response can even kill parts of the nerve root. “That triggers a reaction back in the spinal cord that can then create secondary nerve pain on the area where there’s no nerve sensation. The area is completely numb to the touch, but it’s also extremely painful. And that type of pain is really hard to treat,” Vagg says.

The link between stress and shingles hasn’t been robustly studied yet.

The link between stress and shingles hasn’t been robustly studied yet. Credit: Monique Westermann/Getty

Who’s at risk of shingles?

Everyone who has had chickenpox is at risk – so, everyone. Yes, even if you can’t remember having chickenpox, you’ve most likely had it or been vaccinated against it. All children in Australia are now offered a free vaccination against chickenpox. This vaccine contains a live but weakened version of the virus, meaning it can reactivate and cause shingles late in life. However, a large study of American children published in 2019 found vaccination against chickenpox seemed to cut their risk of shingles by 78 per cent. It’s not yet clear if this protection will carry over into adulthood.

Shingles is rare among young people. The most recent data shows about two people in every 1000 under 25 will get the disease. The problem comes as we age. Your 50th birthday seems to be about the time when protection starts to drop sharply year-on-year – in line with our immune systems slowing down, a phase scientists gracefully call “immunosenescence”. Without a vaccine, about half of people who reach age 80 will have had the disease. Using one measure of the data, for every 1000 people under 50, about 3.5 will get shingles; that jumps to 6.3 for those under 59 and 13.6 for those aged between 60 and 69. Increasing age also increases the risk of getting post-herpetic-neuralgia when you get shingles.


Shingles does seem to run in families, meaning it may have a genetic component. People whose immunity is compromised are also at greater risk, as their systems cannot so easily beat the virus back into its box.

NASA’s astronauts have also revealed another key risk factor: stress.Chronic stress is known to suppress the immune system, but many researchers have been sceptical of a link between stress and shingles. Yet in 2019, NASA revealed that more than half its astronauts had signs of active herpes virus replication; the longer they spent in space, the higher the viral loads became, although they didn’t experience any symptoms. That reactivation might be being driven by the stress of space travel suppressing their immune systems, NASA’s researchers speculated.


When countries rolled out childhood chickenpox vaccination in the early years of the millennium, some scientists feared they were setting up a shingles timebomb. The virus’ symptom-free reactivations were crucial for keeping the immune system prepared. Without them, would we all be at greater risk of shingles? “It was modelled this could potentially contribute to a rise in cases in shingles down the track,” says Professor Kristine Macartney, director of the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance. “But to date, no country that’s been using the chickenpox vaccine, it hasn’t really been clearly apparent.”

Even so, while the data is patchy, it suggests shingles has risen in Australia by as much as 20 per cent from 2000-2006 to 2006-2013. The overall rise could owe to society getting older – but we also see increased rates by age. That may be driven by medical advances that allow us to treat many diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, by suppressing the immune system. The trade-off is an increased risk of shingles.

So what are the treatments for shingles?

Doctors can try to treat shingles using antiviral medications such as Acyclovir, which directly attack the virus. They’ve been shown to cut pain and blistering and lower the chances of developing post-herpetic neuralgia. To be most effective, the medicines need to be taken within the first 72 hours – they appear to be under-used in Australia for shingles, possibly because many people seek treatment late – but there’s evidence they may still work even outside this window.

Treatments for the pain run up the normal ladder of medications, from paracetamol to morphine.

If you’re one of the unlucky ones who gets post-herpetic neuralgia, pain specialists might try nerve pain drugs or even infusions of local anaesthetic. In extreme cases, they will try to kill the nerve or install a spinal cord stimulator (an electrical stimulator that is wired into the nerves to interfere with nerve signals). Generally, these treatments are pretty successful, says Michael Vagg. But sometimes none of them work.

What’s the new vaccine?

We’ve had a vaccine for shingles for a decade. Zostervax was registered in Australia in 2006, though it took until 2014 for vaccine programs to really ramp up. Zostervax provided reasonable protection for people in their 50s and 60s, but it tapered off to, essentially, zero for those in their 80s – a problem given that age is the major risk factor for shingles. And because Zostervax is a live vaccine, it cannot be used in immunocompromised people, who are already at higher risk of shingles. Two deaths have been recorded in immunocompromised Australians accidentally administered the vaccine.

The new vaccine, Shingrix, does not use a live virus and is generally much more effective. It will be free (at a federal budget cost of more than $800 million) for everyone over 65, First Nations people aged over 50 and immunocompromised people over 18. The program starts in November.

A phase III clinical trial of 13,900 people across 18 countries, published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2016, found that the vaccine reduced the risk of shingles by 89.8 per cent. Importantly, the average age of volunteers in the trial was 75. The process of immunosenescence means most vaccines don’t work very well for older adults; this one is “certainly one of the most, if not the most, effective vaccines we have seen registered to date for old people”, Macartney says. A follow-up study suggests the vaccine’s protection is long-lasting, too, dropping to 73.2 per cent 10 years after vaccination (there are no recommendations for boosters at present, but that could change). And even if you do get shingles, the vaccine dramatically reduces the chances of going on to develop chronic nerve pain.


The vaccine’s manufacturer, GSK, is ploughing some of the funds it is making from the government into a marketing campaign, urging people to get jabbed. That raises obvious questions about profit motives and overtreatment. But the vaccine is recommended by the Cochrane Collaboration, an independent group of researchers from around the world who work to eliminate financial bias from scientific evidence. And Macartney, who has no financial links to GSK, also strongly recommends it.

So far, Australia’s shingles vaccination rate remains low, with estimates reaching no higher than 46 per cent in the over 70s. That may be down to complacency. “People do say, ‘It’s a younger person’s thing, it comes from chickenpox’. And most people think chickenpox is something young people have,” says Cherie Davis. Even her own husband, who’d had a bout of shingles, was reluctant to get a jab. “He said, ‘Oh I’ve already had shingles, so I’m all right’. But my GP said it’s something you can get again and again.”

‘This is such a preventable disease. To have nobody thinking about it or talking about it is disastrous, in my opinion.’

Associate Professor Michael Woodward

Or, people don’t understand they have the risk factors. “They don’t appreciate it’s sitting in their body,” says Flinders University Associate Professor John Litt, who has studied shingles vaccine uptake (he has received consultancy payments from GSK). “It does not matter if you’re living in a cave, you can still get it.”

Michael Woodward urges his patients to get the vaccine, but often finds it is an uphill battle. “The biggest problem I have is most of my patients know about shingles but they think: I’m healthy; if I have it, it will be just a couple of days,” he says. “This is such a preventable disease. To have nobody thinking about it or talking about it is disastrous, in my opinion.”

While the health advice for people who are immunocompromised or aged over 65 is straightforward, Shingrix poses a tricky choice for younger Australians, particularly those aged between 50 and 65, which is when the risks start to rise. To get it, they’d need to pay out of pocket – likely about $300 per injection for the two-dose vaccine.


Health experts we spoke to were divided on whether this was worthwhile.

In the pro camp are Michael Vagg and Michael Woodward. “It is an expensive vaccine,” Woodward says. “But if you can’t work for several weeks, or you can’t look after your grandkids, the cost is tremendous. I would see the cost of this as an insurance policy.” (Woodward has received payments from GSK for lectures and expert opinion, something that is not uncommon in medical research.)

Macartney, who is among Australia’s most senior vaccine experts, was more equanimous. “I think this will be a matter for personal choice and discussion with their GP,” she says. If someone has a family history of shingles or they have other chronic illnesses, it may be worthwhile. But if you’re aged between 50 and 64, on average, your chances of developing post-herpetic neuralgia is less than if you’re over 65.”

Karin Cahill and Cherie Davis are, not surprisingly, adamant about avoiding the disease at all costs. “I just can’t stress enough,” Davis says, “if you can avoid getting it, avoid it because it really isn’t a nice thing.”

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