

This was published 3 years ago


Left’s identity politics crisis a progressive problem

In what must be a massive frustration for federal Labor leader Anthony Albanese, another ALP factional fight has broken into civil war on the Left, distracting attention away from the clear failures of the Morrison government.

That the deputy leader of the ALP in the Senate and former NSW premier, Kristina Keneally has been “parachuted” into the safe seat of Fowler – in a move that has displaced and disappointed an obviously outstanding local candidate, Tu Le, a human rights lawyer and the daughter of Vietnamese refugees – should not surprise many. Professional politics has always ridden roughshod over local communities.

Labor senator Kristina Keneally is a former NSW premier.

Labor senator Kristina Keneally is a former NSW premier.Credit: Rhett Wyman

But this nasty bout of intra-Left fighting carries significant implications for the future of Labor, and its ability to maintain a sufficient voter base to support the alternative party of government in our Westminster system.

Last week, I found myself caught up in this fight, after posting what I thought was a fairly obvious rhetorical question on Twitter: Could anyone imagine that a man of Keneally’s seniority within the party would be scrapping for pre-selection six months out from a federal election? I anticipated (and received) the usual denial from men that gender had anything to do with it, despite the obvious double standard: Bob Carr stitched up the top spot on the Senate ticket on his entry to Federal Parliament, and no one would have successfully challenged the position of my old boss, and Keneally’s predecessor, as deputy Senate leader, Stephen Conroy.

More worrying were the attacks from younger “progressives”, who took this question about gender inequality – which mentioned Tu Le not at all – as an attack on people of colour and their right to equal representation in Parliament. Indeed, this fairly typical situation – experienced party leader in search of a seat challenges first-time candidate – has been painted by some as a “takeover” of the culturally diverse seat by a privileged white woman, who has “booted out” the legitimate representative in a gross display of white supremacy.

Such critics were having none of the argument that women, regardless of racial background, remain woefully under-represented in federal Parliament. Women still make up less than 40 per cent of parliamentarians, despite being 51 per cent of the population. Nor did they care that the situation in Fowler has arisen because the Labor Right fails to pre-select enough women to winnable seats. This means that the ALP must use the Senate to meet its gender quota of 50 per cent female representation, resulting in too many talented women competing for Senate spots.

The only conflict many of Keneally’s progressive critics recognised as valid was between people of colour and the “white privilege” that locks them out of power. Albanese’s attempt to paint her as a migrant success story, given her American roots, only inflamed their scorn.

Labor leader Anthony Albanese has defended the decision to “parachute” Kristina Keneally into Fowler.

Labor leader Anthony Albanese has defended the decision to “parachute” Kristina Keneally into Fowler.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The Opposition Leader is right to point out that, a generation ago, an ALP with a leader named Albanese and a Senate leader named Wong was unthinkable. But as my colleague Osmond Chiu has pointed out, young Australians are not comparing the state of diversity in our politics with the Australia of yesteryear: they look overseas and see that Britain, New Zealand and the US, despite having less culturally diverse populations than Australia, do much better in the representation of people of colour in their parliaments, media and other institutions.


Young middle-class Australians from non-European backgrounds rightly see racial prejudice as the primary barrier to their ability to access the same opportunities as their white peers. They look at the corridors of power in this country and do not recognise themselves, as young people of colour in America do in Barack Obama or Kamala Harris, or those in Britain do in Rishi Sunak or Priti Patel. This matters: as the saying goes, you can’t be what you can’t see.

But equality of representation must be more than skin-deep. Neither Sunak nor Patel, for example, have done much to lift the material conditions of the majority of black, Asian and ethnic minority (BAME) people who are disadvantaged in Britain, just as female leaders who eschew feminism do little to advance gender equality.

Kamala Harris is the first woman of colour to become vice-president of the United States.

Kamala Harris is the first woman of colour to become vice-president of the United States.Credit: AP

It matters not what the racial backgrounds of our leaders are if they perpetuate class barriers that entrench power among the privileged; and perhaps the most worrying sign for social democratic politics is the utter rejection by many young “progressives” of the concept of class. It was clear on social media last week that, for many people, class equates to money. Many view class-based politics as reductionist: a means of excluding identity politics based on race, gender, sexuality, (dis)ability and other intersectional causes of oppression.

But class is not about money. It is about power. To quote the great (black) political scientist Adolph Reed jnr: “The class reductionist myth gives powerful expression to the class-bound desire to address the supposed interests of women, racial minorities, and other marginalised populations at the expense of broad, downward economic redistribution. Nothing declares one’s own class allegiances more eloquently, after all, than the accusation that one’s opponents care only about class.”

In racially and culturally homogenous societies, such as Nordic countries, power imbalances are primarily due to economic factors, and are ameliorated through their tax and transfer systems. In a settler nation such as Australia, founded on unresolved colonial violence and populated by successive waves of immigration from all over the world, power imbalances are much more complex and intersectional, and are therefore harder to address.


Denying this complexity – cherry-picking the elements of identity politics that relate only to one’s own lived experience and dismissing others such as gender, generation or wealth – makes this task almost impossible.

The misappropriation and shallow understanding of identity politics among many on the Left is a significant threat to progressive politics. Without class-based solidarity, across the lines of gender, race, faith, sexuality and (dis)ability, the social-democratic project cannot survive.

Whatever the outcome of the Fowler preselection, or indeed the next federal election, it’s clear that Labor, like all social democratic parties in the West, faces some existential questions in the years ahead.

Emma Dawson is executive director of progressive think tank Per Capita.

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