

This was published 3 years ago


Joe the pigeon might give us happy ending we all need

Nikola Tesla was a pigeon lover. Yes, the man behind so many breakthroughs in electrical power – remember to thank him when you turn on that energy-thirsty air-conditioner – also loved pigeons so much he fell in love with a very special white one. “I loved that pigeon as a man loves a woman, and she loved me,” he once declared.

I am reminded of Tesla and his love for pigeons upon hearing the news that a racing pigeon has survived an extraordinary 13,000-kilometre Pacific Ocean crossing from the United States to find a new home in Australia. The case inspired emotions around the world. Some praised “Joe” - named after Joe Biden – and desperately wanted it to live while the authorities seem to consider the bird a quarantine risk and planned to kill it.

Joe the racing pigeon was thought to have 13,000 kilometres across the Pacific Ocean.

Joe the racing pigeon was thought to have 13,000 kilometres across the Pacific Ocean.Credit: AP

I know not everyone loves pigeons. Some believe they are little better than feathered rats. Yet others know their true worth. In 2019, one Belgian racing pigeon named Armando, considered the “Lewis Hamilton” of racing pigeons, went for the princely sum of $2 million.

Like Tesla, I am personally biased in favour of birds. I love Australia’s rich blessings of avian wildlife, from the cheeky lorikeets to the raucous cockatoos. I love the bird show at Taronga Zoo. During the early COVID-19 lockdowns, I missed seeing birds in the park, particularly the pigeons. I love how they curiously cock their heads and look at us. Research suggests that wild pigeons can recognise individuals – perhaps they also remember me?

After the devastating bushfires of 2019 and 2020, during which nearly 3 billion animals were killed or displaced, including millions of birds, we should be wary about casting aside creatures that have survived against the odds. We should rightfully be outraged at mistreatment of animals, whether it be the reprobates who carved “Trump” into the back of a manatee or tourists who killed a baby dolphin while trying to get the perfect selfie.

I am also old enough to remember the uproar when Colin the baby humpback whale had to be euthanased after being stranded in a Sydney waterway. We came together as a society as we hoped the young calf could be coaxed into open water. Sadly, our best efforts failed – but we tried.


Fortunately, there was a twist in the tale of Joe. After people followed the coos – sorry, clues –it seems that Joe will be spared because his leg tag was found to be fake (who fakes a pigeon foot ring?). Joe is probably Australian after all and will get to live. A happy ending for all creatures great and small ... and right now we could all use a happy ending.

Charles Purcell is a Sydney writer.

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