

This was published 3 years ago


It’s time for a new era of respect

Some 60 years ago, at the age of 43, John Kennedy was sworn in as president of the United States. A few weeks ago, Joe Biden was sworn in, having just turned 78.

Kennedy’s womanising would not be tolerated today. Nonetheless, if you’re feeling a little jaded politically, a quick read of his inaugural speech will perk you up. It’s a shot of antibiotic to defeat the political melancholia infecting so many today. Its a double-roasted chicken stock soup to brighten a gloomy day. Biden’s doesn’t have the same cadence or power. Sixty years of history and three and a half decades separate these two men. Their inaugural speeches make interesting reading.

US President Joe Biden was sworn in at the age of 78.

US President Joe Biden was sworn in at the age of 78. Credit: Bloomberg

It’s hard to pick the most powerful message in Kennedy’s speech, but I think it’s fair to settle on the following: “So let us begin anew; remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness.”

Biden’s version is not as eloquent but carries the same message. We can see each other not as adversaries but as neighbours.


We can treat each other with dignity and respect.

We could all heed that message today. Not just the politicians. All of us.

How did we end up being a society that wants our journalists to see “gotcha” moments as some sort of achievement . Too many journalists seem to want to catch people out more than they want to inform the rest of us. Of course if a politician has lied, go for it. But making an issue of someone changing their mind isn’t catching them out, it’s encouraging them to be stubborn and inflexible in the future. The fact that someone doesn’t have a certain figure on the tip of their tongue doesn’t make them stupid or incompetent.

We can’t blame journalists alone. Why is it that so many people get riled up and aggressive when you disagree with them? Angry Bird is a cartoon character, not a human. We seem to have lost the pleasure of civil discourse.


It’s worse than that. Because when we shut down voices with which we disagree we risk losing out on important information. Shut your mind to being challenged or doubted and you’re on a loser.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted her fear that she was going to die during the Capitol riots.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted her fear that she was going to die during the Capitol riots.Credit: AP

Nastiness is often infectious. It spreads like wildfire on the net where, under the cowardly cover of anonymity, people who see themselves as some type of citizen warrior slag anyone they think they dislike. Truth doesn’t matter. At least with second-rate journalists, if you bother to read the whole article you can discover the headline and intro was a shocking beat-up. Not so these internet creeps.


This infectious nastiness brushed past me the other day and I nearly got it. Much was being made on social media to the effect that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had tweeted her fear that she was going to die during the Capitol riots, but was not in fact in the Capitol building. Someone whose politics I do not like appeared to have been caught out and I admit to a twinge of schadenfreude.

Now it is clear that the full story was not told. She was in an associated building, hiding in the bathroom. Guards who hadn’t clearly identified themselves rushed in, calling out “where is she?” It’s all plausible. So the little truth, that she wasn’t in the (main) building tells a lie. She was telling the truth about her particular experience. It wasn’t life-threatening but until she knew these people were guards she felt genuinely threatened. It’s a small example, but it does show how concentrating on one fact doesn’t help you understand the true story.

The assault on the Capitol on January 6.

The assault on the Capitol on January 6.Credit: Bloomberg

We hear so often the admonition to follow the science. I’m tempted to ask: before Galileo or after? Science is constantly moving on. We all know that statistics can be used to make a point without necessarily illuminating our full knowledge. A recent example highlights the point – apparently a study in 2019 concluded that just under 40 million Americans were living in poverty. However if you took the poorest fifth of the population and counted them as a separate nation, that nation would be one of the wealthiest in the world. As the author asks: “Is America an unconscionably cruel bastion of feudal inequality – or a beacon of prosperity where even the least fortunate live relatively comfortable lives? Both claims are supported by data.” Surely this highlights the stupidity of approaching political discourse with a view to establishing who is right and who is wrong.


The better approach is to have an enquiring mind, to ask what the person is trying to communicate and whether that point has merit. Hillary Clinton didn’t accept the advice offered in the schmaltzy piece Desiderata that even “the dull and the ignorant” should be listened to. They also have their story. Calling people deplorables was deplorable itself. She might take advice from Joe Biden. Biden admonishes Americans to treat each other with dignity and respect. He may not be as eloquent, youthful or charismatic as Kennedy but it’s the right call. For all of us.

Amanda Vanstone is a former Howard government minister and a regular columnist.

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