

This was published 4 years ago


It's that time of year ... the left are trying to steal Christmas!

Did I tell yers, or did I tell yers! I told yers just last week that we were due for a big "they're trying to kill Christmas" story and, right on cue, there it was! I refer to this week's storm over Minister Angus Taylor's maiden speech six years ago when he implied that American author Naomi Wolf - oh, the outrage – tried to steal Christmas when they had been Rhodes scholars together at an Oxford college in 1991. That is, Mr Speaker, until Taylor and his righteous mates had stood up to this "political correctness" and restored the Christmas tree to the common room!

There are two problems with his story.

Naomi Wolf and Angus Taylor did not study at Oxford at the same time, despite Taylor's claims in his maiden speech.

Naomi Wolf and Angus Taylor did not study at Oxford at the same time, despite Taylor's claims in his maiden speech.Credit: Marco Del Grande/Alex Ellinghausen

As the formidable Dr Wolf chronicled this week, she has never opposed the celebration of Christmas and – rather more to the point – had left Oxford three years before Angus Taylor got there. The minister is not backing down, however, and maintains that he did see Wolf at Oxford. Not only has he refused to apologise but has called on Wolf to apologise to him for accusing him of anti-Semitism.

Now, it has been difficult to keep track of all of Minister Taylor's scandals as they keep going off like a tight chain of Catherine wheels on a dark night – just when one starts to give its final fizz the next one along explodes into action, all to the roar of the crowd.  For I was personally fascinated this week to note that despite the minister's fierce denials that anyone in his office had had anything to do with the infamously doctored report on lord mayor Clover Moore's travel expenses – now being investigated by the police – lo and behold, it seems it actually was one of his staffers who came by the false figures, one Josh Manuatu, and ...

And hang on, I know that name! I remember him well, for he, too, has been previously mentioned in this column. Do you remember? He was the then president of the Young Liberals, and a leading monarchist who I debated on Radio National last year. Like this:

FitzSimons: "Josh, do you believe that being a member of the royal family makes someone special? Better than the run of the mill person? Automatically finer and wiser?"

Manuatu: "Well Peter, as you know ... there is a divinity of the sovereign ..."

FitzSimons: "A divinity?"

Presenter: "A divinity? What do you mean by that?"


FitzSimons: "A divinity? Given by God? Are you serious?"

Manuatu: "Absolutely ... you know the Church of England, and Christianity generally but especially in the Church of England, believes that the sovereign is gifted that by God."

Presenter: "And you believe that?"

Manuatu: "Well, I'm a member of the Church of England, so yes I do believe that."

Josh Manuatu. I found him a nice enough young bloke. And it all fits together. He worked under Senator Eric Abetz before going to Taylor – a unique tutelage to provide a career of endless Catherine wheels. They're not as big or as important as Taylor's yet, but they show promise.

Can't see the wood for the trees

Strange days indeed, most peculiar, Mama.

Never before have I left the weather of Sydney to land in London with relief, but so it proved leaving the smoky hell of "Coughs Harbour" on Thursday afternoon to arrive here on a beautifully cold, drizzly Friday morning!

Stranger still? To be here in the final days of this extraordinary election campaign where – I kid you not – everyone has a ferociously strong opinion for or against Brexit, bar one person. And that person is ... Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. While Tory PM Boris Johnson is red hot to trot to leave Europe, and Liberal Democrats leader Jo Swinson is on fire with desire to remain – the nearest anyone can nail down Corbyn's position is that if Labour wins next Thursday, he wants to have another referendum and won't personally back either side. This is in my view, electoral suicide.

Joy to the world

Meantime, gotta love this city. At Coles Neutral Bay on Friday: the young Muslim woman Fatima, who works on the cash registers there, in her regular black hijab – with a Santa hat over it.

Joke of the Week

A frog is consulting a psychic, who tells him straight out, "Before long, you will meet an absolutely stunning woman who will want to know all there is to know about you."

The frog, beside himself with glee, says, "That's great! Will I meet her at a party, or what?"

"No," says the psychic. "Next term in her biology class."

Quote of the Week

"At a time when so much of the landscape has burnt, it's a very damaging act to be logging some of the last unburnt refuges of koalas in particular and many other species. It's like they've got the foot on the accelerator to have the last go at these forests." - Dominic King, the mayor of Bellingen a formerly lush shire now desiccated and encircled by bushfires pleading with the Berejiklian government to halt logging of native forests until the bushfire crisis is over and the extent of the damage to koala populations and their habitat is understood.

"I'd prefer it was called the Longford Lyell Half-Way Award, you know, the lifetime thing sounds a bit terminal." - Actor Sam Neill, accepting AACTA's lifetime achievement award for outstanding contribution to the Australian screen industry.

"We stand at a critical juncture in our collective efforts to limit dangerous global heating. By the end of the coming decade we will be on one of two paths. One is the path of surrender, where we have sleepwalked past the point of no return, jeopardising the health and safety of everyone on this planet. Do we really want to be remembered as the generation that buried its head in the sand, that fiddled while the planet burned?" - Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, briefing journalists this week before the UN climate change conference in Madrid.

"It's not just wrong on humanitarian terms, it's dumb in security terms." - Reverend Tim Costello, now of Micah Australia, about government plans to take aid money away from Asia to concentrate it on the Pacific.

"Cancelling would be of little practical advantage to those who have lost so much in the bush[fires]. We are going through really tough times now and it brings us together to celebrate a new year with hope. It's a really important time to be together to support each other." - Lord mayor Clover Moore insisting that the city will go ahead with this year's New Year's Eve fireworks in an effort to unite the community, despite some organisations cancelling their celebrations in the wake of the bushfires.

"They were there because they were ordered to come and look after me. I don't hate them at all. And some of them, I have great respect for – and great love for, almost." - Australian academic Timothy Weeks, after being freed since being taken by the Taliban in 2016, being very forgiving of his captors.

"There is nothing out here. The visibility has been so poor. To see Lenin come out of the mist was a massive sense of relief." - Solo Australian adventurer Geoff Wilson about reaching the Pole of Inaccessibility, the point in Antarctica that is furthest from any ocean, where a statue of Vladimir Lenin marks the spot once occupied by a Soviet research station.

"What stronger message is there than to say to young people: ‘do not take ecstasy because it can kill you'?" - Premier Gladys Berejiklian, refusing yet again to consider pill testing. And how has that "Just Say No" dogma worked over the course of history, Premier, and what possible reason do you have for thinking it will work this time?

"Fewer organisations and individuals are now caring about the correct use of the apostrophe in the English language. We, and our many supporters worldwide, have done our best but the ignorance and laziness present in modern times have won!" - John Richards, founder of the Apostrophe Protection Society in 2001, announcing its end.

Twitter: @Peter_Fitz

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