

This was published 2 years ago

Isolation. Strip-searches. Rape: Inside a Tasmanian youth detention centre

Alysha was hired to introduce better care to the Ashley Youth Detention Centre in Tasmania. It took only days for the first shocking incident to show her what was really going on.

By Nick McKenzie and Joel Tozer

Alysha became a key whistleblower in the case of abuse at the Ashley youth detention centre in Tasmania.

Alysha became a key whistleblower in the case of abuse at the Ashley youth detention centre in Tasmania.Credit: Ross Swanborough

This feature article is part of a collection of some of our most loved long reads in 2022.See all 6 stories.

Just a few days into her job as a clinical care consultant at Ashley Youth Detention Centre, Alysha heard a senior staff member tell a young inmate he would turn him into an owl.

When Alysha asked what this meant, the jail worker said it involved bashing the young man so severely his head would resemble an owl’s concave face.

“I’m going to cave his face in,” she recalls the senior public servant saying.

Alysha started work at the detention centre in northern Tasmania in October 2019. Her job was to help staff rehabilitate troubled child and teen inmates. The owl comment came out of the blue, but she had no time to stay shocked: within weeks, she says she was confronted by a series of escalating incidents.

In her first extensive interview since becoming a key whistleblower in one of Australia’s worst abuse scandals, she has revealed her belief that sexual and other abuse of vulnerable children and teen detainees was systemically covered up or mishandled, including by senior Tasmanian public servants. In paperwork kept in locked cabinets and archived CCTV footage, Alysha discovered allegations that continue to haunt her.

For almost 100 years, youth offenders in Tasmania have been sent to the Ashley facility at Deloraine, west of Launceston.

For almost 100 years, youth offenders in Tasmania have been sent to the Ashley facility at Deloraine, west of Launceston.Credit: Luke Bowden, ABC News 

But when she first raised her concerns inside the youth jail, colleagues pulled her aside to offer informal advice. “Snitches get stitches,” was one piece of guidance. “Fit in, or f--- off” was another, from a senior public servant. A third warned her that a senior manager at the centre had been denigrating her to other staff by describing her as a “Japanese f---doll”.


Eventually, she would raise her concerns with two Tasmanian premiers, as well as a commission of inquiry which, within weeks, is likely to call her as a key witness. To date, 32 Tasmanian public servants have been stood down pending the commission’s findings.

Rachel* was 14 years old when she was remanded at Ashley Youth Detention Centre for stealing a bag of chips in 2012. Homeless and without an address she could be bailed to, she stayed there for two months. Her punishment would be far worse than the loss of liberty.

A decade on, Rachel remains nervous as she recalls her first night locked in Ashley, one of the few youth jails in Australia where females and males are detained together.

“I was the first girl that had been in there for about a year, so I remember the boys were very excited to see me. I had people banging on my window, and yelling out to me,” she says.

Rachel speaks about her traumatic experiences at the Ashley Youth Detention Centre.

Rachel speaks about her traumatic experiences at the Ashley Youth Detention Centre. Credit: Nine

But she says the first person to sexually assault her wasn’t an inmate, rather a medically untrained youth worker who was supposed to be treating her for an upset stomach.


“I felt violated and it was really uncomfortable. It wasn’t what I asked for. I needed medical assistance,” she recalls.

A current Ashley staff member, who spoke to this masthead on the condition of anonymity, confirmed the assault and that Rachel was encouraged to report it to the ombudsman. Paperwork confirms she did. The ombudsman wrote back, suggesting the incident – which should have been reported to police – be handled internally. Rachel says the perpetrator disappeared on paid leave, but returned a fortnight later.

“I had to continue working with him in programs. It was horrible,” she says.

The same worker who confirmed that account supported another of Rachel’s allegations: that another male staff member entered her cell and stared at the naked 14-year-old while she showered. Rachel says it was reported but again minimised.

She says her complaints made things worse. She was labelled a “dog” by staff and inmates. A few weeks later, staff left her unsupervised with several male inmates, who she says sexually assaulted her.

“It was the [Ashley] workers who left me. They had a duty of care to look after me. It could have been 100 per cent prevented,” she says.


Senior lawyer Angela Sdrinis, who is representing Rachel as she prepares to sue the state government, says the young woman’s story is far from isolated. Sdrinis is representing more than 150 former Ashley inmates who allege they were abused there over several decades when they were aged between 10 and 18. What strikes Sdrinis most is that their allegations are often so similar, even though many happened years apart. They include the use of isolation and strip-searching as punishment, in breach of internal prison policies and, possibly, criminal law.

Very often, they involve the same alleged perpetrators: officials who worked, or still work, at Ashley who either covered up abuse committed by inmates, failed to prevent it or allegedly participated in it themselves.

Lawyer Angela Sdrinis is representing Rachel and at least 150 other clients who claim they were abused while incarcerated at the Ashley Youth Detention Centre.

Lawyer Angela Sdrinis is representing Rachel and at least 150 other clients who claim they were abused while incarcerated at the Ashley Youth Detention Centre.Credit: ABC

A few of the allegations involving Sdrinis’ clients have been confirmed in previous criminal cases. One, Andrew*, was 14 when in 2007 he was placed in an Ashley cell with an older inmate, a known sexual predator. Then the two guards meant to be monitoring the teens both took their smoko.

“I was punched to the side of the jaw and then I was raped,” Andrew recalls. “To this day I remember exactly how it happened. And I still see it in my brain because there was no help.”

Andrew’s case was reported to police. His abuser was convicted and jailed for an attack that Andrew believes was preventable. But the involvement of police makes Andrew’s case a rarity among Sdrinis’ clients. Of the five official inquiries that have raised damning concerns about the treatment of inmates at Ashley during its almost 100-year history (including a 2016 report calling for the centre to be closed), a clear theme emerges: the expectation that prison staff would keep complaints quiet and deflect external scrutiny.


It was no different for Alysha, even though she arrived at the prison as a staff member in October 2019.

Within her first few days, Alysha says she encountered routine verbal degradation of inmates, whose numbers fluctuate from a few dozen to less than 10.

She recalls staff regularly calling inmates “little c---s, little shits, f---ing useless pieces of shit.” As days became weeks, she also began to harbour concerns that certain staff had weaponised the prison’s safety and discipline procedures. Isolating inmates (a form of solitary confinement) was supposed to be a carefully managed last resort, but she noticed it happening informally to punish children or because staffing was inadequate. Alysha says two staff members confided to her that they were told by superiors to backdate documents authorising the use of isolation.

Alysha took her concerns about the treatment of youngsters at the Ashley Youth detention Centre to the Tasmanian premier.

Alysha took her concerns about the treatment of youngsters at the Ashley Youth detention Centre to the Tasmanian premier.Credit: Ross Swanborough

Strip searches also appeared to be employed at the whim of certain staff members rather than according to policies. Alysha says a requirement for modesty gowns to be used during searches was ignored. When she queried whether strip searches were being used overzealously, a veteran staff member told her that this was a way of “breaking them [inmates] in”.

Six weeks into her job, Alysha was asked to review concerns that two older, stronger inmates were preying on younger, vulnerable boys. She accessed 12 months of files prepared by prison staff and uncovered a series of reports documenting alleged sexual assaults, including possible admissions of inmate-on-inmate rapes. Each report had been classified as a minor detention incident, meaning it avoided thorough scrutiny, within or outside the centre.

The files also suggested that some Ashley staff had previously raised concerns about young inmates being exposed to harm. On August 21, 2019, a youth detention centre manager, Madeleine Gardiner, wrote to the jail’s senior management. Her email, leaked to The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald by an Ashley insider, warned that despite a “number of incidents of serious sexually inappropriate behaviour” being inflicted on a young, vulnerable inmate by the two older inmates, the victim was still being locked in a unit with his alleged perpetrators.


“The unit placement is very inappropriate. It places [young inmate] at risk of being exposed to further sexual incidents. I cannot imagine [young inmate] would feel very safe,” Gardiner warned.

Alysha viewed archived CCTV footage that showed an inmate being sexually assaulted with a bottle. When she confronted senior managers at Ashley to ask why there hadn’t been further investigations, including by police, into this and other allegations like it, she met a hostile response. The files were taken from her and locked in a cabinet, she says.

The psychologist warned of the “corruption of the system entrusted with the care of some of the most vulnerable youth in the state”.

By this time, other staff were raising concerns. Confidential sources have confirmed the youth jail’s psychologist, who reviewed files documenting alleged assaults, also wrote to the jail’s managers, warning that detainees were at “high risk of harm and trauma” because they were being left alone with violent sexual offenders older than themselves.

The psychologist also warned of the “corruption of the system entrusted with the care of some of the most vulnerable youth in the state”.

The more Alysha interacted with inmates, staff and prison managers, the more she suspected serious allegations of abuse were not being adequately handled.

In late 2019, still only weeks into her job, she wrote to an official at Tasmania’s Department of Communities, warning it appeared serious incidents at Ashley were being systematically downplayed to avoid external investigations, including by police.

“I have reached the point where if I lose my job for reporting practises in place, it will be worth it to shine a light on the issues … I believe some practices currently in place are highly unethical and indicate incompetence at the least and negligence or acts of misconduct at the worst,” she advised.

Alysha also detailed the allegations of serious sexual abuse found on file.

By early 2020, Alysha had become a magnet for complaints from other concerned staff. She learned of what she says are credible allegations that a female inmate had been sexually assaulted after being left unsupervised with male inmates. When she queried how the matter was handled, she says a staff member told her the girl “wanted it.”

Tasmania’s Ashley Youth Detention Centre will close within three years.

Tasmania’s Ashley Youth Detention Centre will close within three years.Credit: Luke Bowden, ABC News

On January 10, a fellow staff member confided in her that he had witnessed the aftermath of a sexual assault on an inmate by a staff member. The allegations were distressing, involving a naked child on all fours. Alysha immediately reported the allegation to a senior departmental official. The four-word emailed response gave her no confidence the allegation would be reported: “Thanks Alysha. Certainly noted.”

“I followed up repeatedly. I wasn’t asking for details about him. I was just saying ‘this is an extremely concerning situation. This person is on site, interacting with children’,” she recalls.

By March 2020, after six months working at Ashley, Alysha had made repeated complaints to management about the need to improve the treatment of inmates and record-keeping. She had also lodged a formal complaint about the senior manager who allegedly told staff Alysha looked like a “Japanese f--- doll”. While some colleagues were supportive of her concerns, she says others were hostile. She alleges a veteran staffer even physically assaulted her. On another occasion, she says that person swerved a car towards her in the jail’s car park.

If Alysha’s concerns were only held by her, they could be easily dismissed. But they are backed up by three serving staff, who each spoke anonymously for fear of losing their jobs, and in internal Ashley documents reviewed by this masthead. The documents, leaked by an insider, can’t be disclosed because they name inmates. All three corroborators cautioned that many of the detainees at Ashley were troubled and that some allegations of abuse may be false. But they agreed that, as one said, “terrible things have been done to some young people”.

Senior Tasmanian barrister Greg Barns, SC, says Alysha’s concerns are supported by multiple official inquiries into Ashley over recent decades, as well as dozens of victims he is assisting to sue the state. Barns blames successive state governments for overlooking child safety in order to keep a stable employer in northern Tasmania.

Former Tasmanian children’s commissioner Mark Morrissey (left) and lawyer Greg Barns, SC,

Former Tasmanian children’s commissioner Mark Morrissey (left) and lawyer Greg Barns, SC,Credit: Rhiana Whitson, ABC News / Supplied

Former Tasmanian children’s commissioner Mark Morrissey agrees. He spent years trying to improve the oversight of the jail, but now wonders if he should have been more assertive with management and should have advocated more publicly for change.

“Politics were prioritised over children,” he says.

Morrissey urges all state governments to heed the lessons of Ashley and do what Tasmania has comprehensively failed to do: implement all the recommendations of the 2013 Royal Commission into Institutional responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

Recently appointed Tasmanian Premier Jeremy Rockliff declined an interview request, but said in a statement he was “committed to fast-tracking” the implementation of the dozens of royal commission recommendations that his state has not introduced. New laws to make it illegal to fail to protect a child will be drafted this year. Rockliff also apologised to victims: “On behalf of governments past and present we are deeply sorry that we failed you.”

In April 2020, Alysha left Ashley on stress leave but made further complaints to the department overseeing the jail. In March 2021, after allegations of abuse at Ashley and other state institutions were reported in the Tasmanian media and raised in state parliament, the premier at the time, Peter Gutwein, announced a commission of inquiry. In September, Gutwein met Alysha. A day later, he announced Ashley Youth Detention Centre would close in three years’ time.


But the thought of vulnerable kids being sent to Ashley for three more years worries Alysha. She believes it should close sooner and Tasmania’s youth offenders should be sent to facilities that prioritise the therapeutic model of custodial care she was hired to implement at Ashley. Alysha is now suing the state (her friends have started a gofundme page to help fund this action). For the last nine months, Alysha has also been working with the commission of inquiry. She hopes this inquiry, unlike those before it, will finally lead to change.

*Names have been changed to protect identities.

Watch Nick McKenzie’s investigation into Ashley on 60 Minutes at 7pm Sunday night.

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