

This was published 8 months ago


Information can empower women about their health – and cancer prevention

Every January, the Sydney Cricket Ground becomes a sea of pink for the annual Pink Test.

An initiative of the McGrath Foundation, which supports individuals and their families experiencing breast cancer, the Test acts as a fundraiser for the foundation’s program of funding breast care nurses for cancer patients.

Women over 50 make up 80 per cent of breast cancer diagnoses.

Women over 50 make up 80 per cent of breast cancer diagnoses.Credit: iStock

It also plays a vital role in reminding Australians about the prevalence and impact of breast cancer, which is still the most common cancer affecting women nationally.

It was estimated that more than 20,000 women and more than 200 men were diagnosed with breast cancer in Australia last year – an average of 57 people a day, Breast Cancer Network Australia said.

Other statistics compiled by BCNA are just as sobering – for women, the risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer over a lifetime is one in seven.

It is a risk that increases with age – about 80 per cent of new cases are in women aged 50 and over, a number that is forecast to rise as the population ages.

While we are fortunate in Australia to have one of the best breast cancer survival rates in the world, the likelihood of a continued upwards trajectory in diagnosis means the call to expand Australia’s free mammogram service BreastScreen is worthy of consideration.

The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists recently updated its position to advocate that BreastScreen provide women with an assessment of breast density as part of its screening report.

Australia is fortunate to have BreastScreen, a joint initiative of the federal and state governments that offers women aged over 40 a free mammogram every two years.


More than 1.8 million women aged between 50 and 74 received a mammogram in 2021-22 through BreastScreen, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare said.

It has undoubtedly ensured early detection, and thus life-saving intervention, for countless patients.


However, at present, BreastScreen services only in Western Australia and South Australia inform women with dense breasts of the reduced sensitivity of their mammogram. BreastScreen services in other states do not report density, which can be assessed from a mammogram by either a radiologist or a computer program.

As the college of radiologists points out, dense breasts may obscure small masses or lower the sensitivity of mammography, meaning cancer can only be detected through additional scans.

The BreastScreen program is now being reviewed to consider recent advances in breast screen research and technology and explore the integration of new evidence and best practices.

This makes it timely to consider the college of radiologists’ proposal.

Overseas, health authorities have incorporated density assessments into their screening programs.


As we report today, the United States updated its mammography regulations in March to require density reporting. Changes were made in Europe in 2022 to guidelines that recommend women aged 50 to 70 with extreme density receive a breast MRI every two to four years, in addition to mammograms.

A 2019 Monash analysis of BreastScreen Victoria data found 43 per cent of a cohort of almost 17,000 women of screening age had dense breasts, according to the internationally accepted American College of Radiology density classification system; 12 per cent, specifically, had extremely dense breasts, which are associated with reduced mammogram sensitivity.

BCNA director Vicky Durston is correct to say there needs to be a nationally consistent approach to reporting density, as well as pathways for women with dense breasts to manage their risk.

While causing anxiety is presented as an argument against breast density notification, we agree with the view of Associate Professor Jennifer Stone that information empowers women to be more vigilant about their breast health.

We welcome the review of how BreastScreen can expand to be more comprehensive, and for breast density to be included in its processes. It is not hyperbolic to say this is a matter of life and death.

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