

This was published 2 years ago


I work at a COVID testing lab. Please think before joining that PCR traffic jam

By Anonymous

The queue for a PCR COVID test this morning in my suburb snaked for over 1.5 kilometres, down an arterial road, around three street corners and through a roundabout. The cars pulling out of the queue in frustration looked to be more of an immediate hazard than Omicron.

A few hours later, the police arrived to close the queue, leaving many stranded and presumably cranky. It’s a sad indictment of government services if the only information on queueing times is through a community-minded Insta site (@bondi_lines). Best not to go between 7am and 9am.

The queue for PCR tests at Roselands Shopping Centre open-air car park this week.

The queue for PCR tests at Roselands Shopping Centre open-air car park this week. Credit: Flavio Brancaleone

I am a pathologist at a big Australian laboratory where these tests for COVID are conducted, so I’m at the coalface. You might ask, what’s it like to work in a busy laboratory? Or you might ask, what is a PCR, anyway?

A PCR is a molecular test that detects SARS-CoV-2, the COVID-19 virus. It can be done on high through-put machines in about five hours. However, getting the sample into the machine is the tricky part and requires manual handling. It has to be collected properly, driven to the laboratory (fine if you live in Sydney, slow if you are in rural NSW or on the Queensland border), and the details entered into computer systems.

The quick part is the machine performing the test and automatically sending an SMS to the person tested. A positive result also goes to the Health Department which then, in principle, quickly contacts the case to provide advice.


Laboratories are busy places at the best of times, unpacking boxes and boxes of samples, checking the paperwork, doing the testing and verifying results, answering phones and managing logistics. As with any pathology test, the staff well know the implications of positive results, and that people are anxious and want speed.

PCR capacity has increased dramatically over the pandemic, but limits are being reached. Labs can combine or “pool” specimens to increase testing numbers – if the combined sample is negative, then all the samples in the pool are called negative. That approach works when the numbers of cases are low, but Australia is well beyond that stage now. The figures released on Thursday morning showed there were more than 17,000 positives in NSW and Victoria alone for the previous 24 hours.

Errors can creep in, as we have seen this week with a private laboratory issuing incorrect results, the Ruby Princess debacle early in the pandemic, and the occasional lost specimen. Staff need a break as they’ve been going full pelt for nearly two years. They are committed but constantly asking them to do extra shifts, work longer hours, and go faster: it’s starting to feel like we are shuffling the deckchairs on the Titanic. And it’s becoming increasingly hard to access the reagents needed for the tests from overseas.


Expert scientists and technicians are not easy to find, and burnout is a real problem, as in the hospital wards. It doesn’t help when people wanting a holiday test abuse the laboratory (often the wrong one!) staff or the drive-in clinic swabbers.

Australia has private and public laboratories, and they generally serve different populations. The private labs have higher capacity and mostly look after the community through GPs and specialists; the public laboratories service the public hospitals and in the case of infectious diseases perform specialised testing. For example, the public labs at Westmead Hospital in NSW and the Doherty Institute in Victoria grew the virus, developed blood tests, and sequenced the different strains of SARS-CoV-2.


So who should be tested? You can’t do everyone. People who have COVID-19 symptoms, or who live in the same house as a case, need a PCR. The ICUs and hospitals are the pointy end of the health system, so PCR testing should be done quickly and accurately on people who need hospitalisation through serious illness or to deliver babies. Testing is needed to protect healthcare workers so they can do their work.

Healthy, asymptomatic people don’t need PCR testing in the current surge as Omicron is probably not as severe as what we’ve seen before, and vaccination numbers are good. So please don’t become part of the problem – joining those hours-long testing queues when you are not a priority. Now that Queensland is dropping its requirement for PCR tests for any interstate visitors, many thousands of well travellers have no reason to queue. And, by the way, get your booster.

What about rapid antigen tests to reduce the strain on the laboratories? The problems: they are about 20 per cent less sensitive than a PCR, and a positive RAT needs to be confirmed with a PCR. They are quick, but you can’t do many at the same time. And they cost as much as $15 a test.


A negative RAT does, however, provide some comfort in asymptomatic people, especially if they have regular contact with people who are elderly or have compromised immune systems. They can also be used in workplaces or environments where close contacts are common. RATs are the solution for pre-travel checks, the requests putting the most strain on the country’s PCR capacity.

But can you get them? The NSW government said on Wednesday (now we are in the midst of the Omicron wave) that they’ve ordered an extra 30 million, but they won’t be in warehouses until mid-January and then they have to be distributed. It’s a bit like surfing – you make your decisions before the wave arrives, not when the crest of the wave is breaking. This should have been sorted earlier.

If you are sick or the public health people tell you so, get a PCR. If you are heading on holidays, or worried about gatherings, do an RAT yourself. If you can find, or afford, one.

The author is a pathologist in a large Australian laboratory.

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