

This was published 2 years ago


I remember last century’s great reforms for cosmetic surgery (the ones never implemented)

By Anne Ring
This article is part of a series on what really goes on in the unregulated cosmetic surgery industry and what can happen when you are under the knife.See all 49 stories.

In the late 1990s, the business end of Australian medical practice was – finally – given the same rights as other businesses, to advertise. And almost instantly, some cosmetic surgery practitioners were using all the manipulative and misleading tricks of their cousins in the beauty industry – from photoshopped models to artificially enhanced before-and-after photographs – to “show” what cosmetic surgery could “do” for those who were encouraged to be unhappy with how they looked.

These come-ons were displayed in the social media of the day, including the Yellow Pages business telephone directories (remember them?), women’s magazines and especially in a range of newly minted cosmetic surgery magazines for the masses, as well as television shows.

Cosmetic surgery ... reforms never implemented.

Cosmetic surgery ... reforms never implemented.Credit: istock

At that time, I was analysing aspects of the popular media and – finding myself appalled by the misleading imagery – I started campaigning for honesty in advertising by a profession whose mantra was “trust me, I’m a doctor”.

And so, in 1999, I was one of many people contributing to the NSW inquiry into cosmetic surgery. This had been prompted by two main areas of concern. The first covered “the ways cosmetic surgery procedures are promoted”, and I presented evidence about some of the misleading strategies used. The other, and more critical focus, was “the quality and safety of those procedures” that had been raised by health professionals.

It is important to note that while plastic surgeons were and are highly trained, any medical practitioners in Australia who had completed their intern training could practise cosmetic surgery. And that continues to be the case today, despite a wide range of recommendations made in the report of the inquiry. Many of them were to be carried out by a Cosmetic Surgery Credentialing Council, which the inquiry also recommended should be established. It wasn’t. Indeed, nothing effective has been done since in this unregulated industry, which a cosmetic surgeon described to that inquiry as being the nearest thing “to retail medicine – or retail surgery ... This is the surgical or medical end of the beauty industry.”


To tackle misleading advertisements, a handbook was published with unenforceable guidelines on ethical advertising, but no controls were imposed on how cosmetic surgery could be promoted. When I did a before-and-after analysis, virtually nothing had changed. Now, of course, the social media of 2021 takes promotion to a whole new level of appalling.

Far worse, however, is the fact that while the practice of cosmetic surgery continues to be unregulated, horror stories such as those revealed by yet more concerned health professionals to the Herald-Age-Four Corners investigative team will continue untrammelled.

Dr Anne Ring is a health sociologist and freelance writer.

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