

This was published 5 years ago

How the 'egg timer' test falsely feeds women's fertility anxieties

By Kate Aubusson

Women anxious about their ticking clocks are being led to believe that a flawed test can predict their ability to have a baby.

Would-be mothers are seeking out the AMH (Anti-Mullerian Hormone) test to measure their “ovarian reserve” in a bid to learn how much time they have left to start a family.

Women concerned about their fertility are asking their GPs for the AMH test.

Women concerned about their fertility are asking their GPs for the AMH test.Credit:

Some fertility and pathology service are directing women to request their GP order the $75-$100 blood test followed up by a consultation with a fertility specialist. These consultations cost anywhere from $150 to over $300 after Medicare rebates.

Experts are concerned that women with no history of infertility are making life-changing decisions about when to start having children based on the so-called “egg timer” test. But the test cannot predict whether a woman with no history of infertility can get pregnant naturally.

“In terms of predicting natural conception, the test doesn’t do that,” said Michael Chapman, fertility specialist and professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at UNSW. “It was initially promoted as a measure of a woman’s ticking clock but that created more anxiety than was necessary."


“I see very anxious young ladies who need counselling when their AMH comes back very low,” Professor Chapman said. “I tell them to go away and keep trying. If they are ovulating and making an egg a month their AMH level makes no difference.”

AMH is secreted by egg sacs (follicles) that have started the maturation process, of which one becomes the dominant follicle of a woman’s cycle. The ovarian reserve test cannot determine the quality of a woman’s eggs or her total egg count.

Research shows the contraceptive pill can also trigger a false low AMH reading, and the test is not stable throughout a woman’s cycle.


A major 2017 US study found diminished ovarian reserve and low AMH levels were not associated with infertility.

Women with low AMH levels were no less likely to conceive that women with normal AMH levels, according to the study. “Women should be cautioned against using AMH levels to assess their current fertility,” the study authors concluded.

The AMH test cannot predict the chances a woman with no infertility history can conceive naturally.

The AMH test cannot predict the chances a woman with no infertility history can conceive naturally.Credit: Jamila Toderas

But websites for some Australian fertility and pathology services explicitly direct women to request an AMH blood test from their GPs.

These sites indiscriminatingly recommend the AMH test to women planning a pregnancy or for women who just want reassurance that their ovarian reserve is okay.


“If you’re considering the best timing for a possible pregnancy, it’s a good idea to have your AMH level tested,” one pathology site says.

Others describe ovarian reserve as a measure of “good quality” eggs within a woman’s ovaries and suggest fertility treatments and egg freezing as an option for women with reduced ovarian reserves.

The test is a useful tool for fertility specialists when determining the dosages of fertility treatments or the chances of harvesting eggs for IVF. It can be used in conjunction with other assessments when there are concerns that a woman may be at risk of early menopause.

The over-promise of the AMH test has been tempered since its introduction, “but the problem we still have is women worried about their fertility are reading about AMH on the internet and going to their GPs wanting this ‘egg-timer’ test,” Professor Chapman said. “It’s pretty easy for women to talk their GP into doing it if they really want it.”

The fertility specialist says women are being referred to him about once a month by a GP because their AMH level was below normal.

Gynaecologist and fertility specialist with Monash IVF Dr Bronwyn Devine said plenty of women who have low AMH will conceive spontaneously.

“For this reason a lot of fertility specialists don’t bother with it.”

But there are services pushing AMH as a precursor to egg freezing and fertility treatments, Dr Devine said.

“Not everyone is so scrupulous ... some operators think they can milk women’s insecurity about their biological clock,” she said.

“It can be a useful test for guiding fertility treatment as part of a very robust discussions, along with assessing a whole range of other factors; their history, a general lifestyle assessment.”


“It should not be about panicking women into getting their AMH tested, and if it’s low telling them they better get their eggs freezed, where your's money, let’s get started,” she said.

Dr Harry Nespolon president of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners said when his patients ask for the AMH test he sees it as a cue to start broader conversation about their plans for parenthood.

“Often what they are really asking is ‘Am I fertile’ and the answer is ‘I don’t know’,” Dr Nespolon said.

“The only way to know if you can have a baby with your partner is to try.”

He said he hoped his fellow GPs would no bow to pressure from their patients.

“But there’s an aspect of ‘never stand in the way of a woman who wants a baby’. It can be quite a heart-rending situation for many of these women."

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