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Good Weekend letters to the editor: October 28

This story is part of the Good Weekend October 28 edition.See all 15 stories.

D is for discipline

Your cover headline – Class Struggle – of the issue [October 21] containing the feature on chaotic classrooms perfectly encapsulates the nature of modern Australian education, where public education has struggled to stay effective. The struggle for “class” is helping to divide society more and more into two main “classes”, the educated and the (relatively) uneducated. There is a high correlation between higher education and economic success.
As a retired high school teacher who served five years at one of the nation’s troubled “fringe” towns, Walgett, NSW, I enjoyed my teaching time at a successful school with about 50 per cent First Nations children mixed with white locals and a conglomerate of cultures from Lightning Ridge to the north. It seems Australia is hell-bent on replicating the British class system in private education and society. While Australia boasts about its multiculturalism and equality, some government policies have helped undermine the social fabric, and teachers in public schools – the coalface, so to speak – bear the brunt of those policies. Ultimately, the consequences of a struggling public education system are long-lasting and very costly, not just in economic terms.

Ian Muldoon
St Kilda, VIC

The end of my teaching career came one afternoon, only a few weeks ago, when I was cleaning up my classroom. Some bright spark had drawn a phallus on every single chair – in permanent marker. I realised it would take weeks of Friday afternoon scrubbing to get them off. Far more concerning was the question: “What sort of message is this sending to the young women I teach in this classroom?” Despite decade-long promises, there are no funds for new chairs and basic equipment. Even with Gonski, public school education has been bled dry by successive Liberal governments. I ask anyone reading this letter: Do you work in a physical environment where walls are routinely graffitied? Where worn carpet has ground-in, blackened chewing gum? Where teachers buy their own fans to keep the air circulating, so the mould doesn’t take off up the walls? Where misogyny rules?
The cumulative effect of this and the daily disrespect we teachers are meant to tolerate, work around and cope with finally did my head in. After three decades, I’m out. Until schools realise that the teenage brain will only learn if there are immediate consequences for their actions, there will be no change. I know who drew all those grossly exaggerated phalluses, but I’m not allowed to keep him in at lunch or after school to scrub them off. His parents think he’s a legend. Instead, I am meant to have a “restorative” conversation with him about how upset I am that he did this in my classroom. Yup.
(I cannot put my name to this letter as I am employed by the Department of Education in NSW and under the Code of Conduct we must abide by, I am not allowed to criticise the department. I am currently on workers’ compensation after a Year 10 student tried to ‘judo-kick’ me in the head when I had the temerity to ask for his overdue assessment. So I am not leaving a teaching career I have worked incredibly hard at “on a high”. Instead, I leave diminished, demoralised and highly distressed.)
Name and address supplied

The difficult behaviour of schoolkids started with kids born in about 1994, which was the year that house prices created enough stress to distract parents from managing their kids’ manners and social skills. I taught prior to 2005, when behaviour became a problem in senior schools. It might help to allow the teachers to chair staff meetings so that schools would be less authoritarian and teachers’ issues might be dealt with. The problems are worse than you think.

John Murray
Cowan, NSW


Having taught for 50 years, now retired, I have seen the deterioration of classroom behaviour over the years. Sadly, some of the behaviour seen in high school is seen in all classes in primary school to a greater or lesser degree. There are multiple reasons for poor behaviour, but it comes down to the fact that behaviour starts in the home. It has become increasingly difficult for teachers to turn lack of discipline outside school into discipline in school. Many teachers do need to be taught how to “be a presence” in the classroom and school. That has to come from strong leadership. I remember the days when the principal would walk into assembly and a hush would immediately descend as that person had presence. Many teachers these days do not have that, some deliberately try to play it down by being every child’s friend. That is not possible. A professional distance has to be maintained so that when discipline has to be used, it is done professionally; a friend cannot do that.
A new teacher needs to be taught how to take control of behaviour and watch experienced teachers. It can be difficult to achieve consistency in a school as what one teacher finds acceptable, another does not. That is where strong leadership is needed to help staff set consistent standards.
Knowing how teachers have been treated by society, parents and students, is it any wonder they are not lining up at the door to do the job?

Augusta Monro,
Dural, NSW

I am amazed that anyone would claim to be, or allow themselves to be named as, a “behaviour expert” [on education]. I’ve seen a few gurus come and go in my time as a teacher and principal, and if they were any good, our behaviour crisis would have been solved. Basically, my view of kids behaving badly while I was teaching was: it wasn’t their fault. Invariably I found that the issue was parental attitudes and low or unrealistic expectations at home. The factor that I believe led to the “worsening” of discipline in schools has little to do with teachers but more to do with the hijacking of education, health and welfare by politicians who, from the later 1980s on, saw the power that could be theirs by asserting that they had the solution to solving problems in these areas, namely, by appointing old mates and political allies to leadership positions in these departments of government. It is only this year that the new NSW government has sorted out years of conflict and dysfunctionality in the NSW Education Department by appointing a former teacher and principal to the leadership of the Department. The past 30 years saw NSW Directors-General hamstrung by politicians with little real commitment to public education.


The other major factor in our world of kids behaving badly, I would suggest, has been the degrading of teacher education courses at universities in Australia. Much of this, I suspect, has been the result of employing teacher-educators in the universities who have Doctorates and Masters in Education but little if any record of successful teaching in front of classes of challenging students.

The failure of governments of all kinds to adequately fund public education is obvious. Twenty-five years ago, at high school principals’ conferences, the leaders bemoaned the apparent imperative of politicians (who resented the influence of teacher unions) to reduce public schools to residual, marginalised institutions while at the same time promoting the ludicrous theory of “choice!” through the gross funding of private schools. These governments failed to apply Gonski’s much-vaunted principles of funding. I am yet to come across a parent from a low socioeconomic household who had the disposable income to enjoy the same “choice” as a wealthier parent.

Kevin Farrell
Beelbangera, NSW

My late father, born in 1907, taught in primary public schools for 45 years and never had a problem with discipline. In those days, teachers were respected by pupils and their parents. He didn’t believe in corporal punishment with his pupils or his four children. I would like to think he would still have control of the classroom now.

Susan Munday
Bentleigh East, VIC


Julia Baird: How do you go about grieving the death of an ex? 

Thank you for a wonderful article. Hearing of your grieving from a distance and the solitude of that grief is something that brought my emotions to the surface as I remembered my ex. She was such a pure soul, and I still cherish the time and moments we spent together. But I am not about to rewrite history, the relationship failure was my doing, I wasn’t ready for a family. She began flooding my dreams from out of nowhere after 15 years. I was happy, life was wonderful. Yet for six months it continued, then the intensity had moved to almost daily, with fleeting thoughts of her. I finally Googled her name, and there was her obituary. Her face smiling back at me. She had passed away only days earlier after a relatively short fight with cancer and there was her funeral service online. I broke down. My heart ached. But I had no one to turn to, and I grieved in isolation before calling my mother. They had adored each other. We cried over her passing, felt an intense sadness for her children and husband, but the grief was largely silent and still is. Life’s a Gift

Long after I read this, I recalled how sad I felt when I learnt my first teenage love was dying from cancer; we were both grandparents. His sister let me know when he died and I cried because I’d always loved him, and even when he was about to marry he told me he still loved me. Yet when my first husband died two months ago, I felt nothing! Suzee


My husband of 30 years left and sent me a text. I pretend he’s dead, to myself, so I can grieve the loss of the person I loved, who no longer exists. Trying to hate him failed. Love is not logical, it just is. Carmine

Thank you, Julia, for your insightful article on dealing with the death of Morgan, who so sadly was too young to die and a great loss to the world. As a mother, the reminder that “Icarus flew before he fell” has given me strength and comfort that our beautiful daughter Odette, who died unexpectedly aged 24 in France 2008, did indeed fly and soar in her time on this earth before fate claimed her precious life. (Jill, her mum.) Garrett Upstill

The writer of the best letter to the editor in October will win a Smeg coffee grinder offering 30 grinding levels and 350-gram storage capacity, RRP$389.

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All letters are edited for reasons of clarity, syntax and space.

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