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Good Weekend letters to the editor: November 25

This story is part of the November 25 edition of Good Weekend.See all 13 stories.

It’s complicated

Thanks to Deborah Snow for her revealing presentation of Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers [November 18]. Aged 45, he has tremendous drive and perspective, and achieved his PhD in political science and international relations. Most importantly, he has a “great relationship” with the PM, Anthony Albanese. Australia is still lucky to have two such high-principled leaders working together for socioeconomic progress. Chalmers succeeded with his surplus budget, and also pushed ahead with his aim of it being centred on wellbeing.
Barbara Fraser
Burwood, NSW


Jim Chalmers’ mistake is to consider intergenerational inequity as a long-term rather than short-term challenge. According to the recent Mapping Social Cohesion report from the Scanlon Foundation, only 36 per cent of Australians who said they were poor or financially struggling have a great sense of belonging in Australia, while just 51 per cent of Australians between 25 and 34 believe Australia is a land of economic opportunity, where hard work brings a better life. Chalmers’ personal manifesto that “economic inclusion is fundamental to the health of democracies” is correct but is not being actioned. Whether he is up to serious reform – especially over how superannuation funds and wealthy retirees are taxed and financially favoured – in order to ease the financial burden on, and change the mindset of, the young generation will be the true measure of his capabilities.
Graeme Troy
Wagstaffe, NSW

Thank you for the insightful read on Treasurer Jim Chalmers. What a smart, personable, principled and driven man. It’s absolutely clear why we are in such good hands in these challenging times.
Cecilia Stenstrom
St Peters, NSW

Jim Chalmers greatly admires Paul Keating and Wayne Swan, but he is far better than them. Who knows, a prime minister in the making?
Felicity Rooney
Sale, Vic

Despite “bouts” of imposter syndrome, “intellectually restless” Jim Chalmers “himself reckons he’s achieved plenty, two budgets in 18 months, overhauled the Reserve Bank, introduced tens of billions in cost-of-living relief, raised the petroleum resource rent tax”. Is this the same economic genius who has gifted voters a huge overshoot on his immigration target, a fall in real household disposable income, palpable energy-bill shocks via failing to curb the gas cartel, poor real-wage growth, a rapid return to record house prices, all-time lows in rental vacancy rates, spreading homelessness and top-nation billing for inflation in The Economist?
Stephen Saunders
O’Connor, ACT

When Treasurer Jim Chalmers says, “I’m always going 100 miles an hour …“, that doesn’t include tax reform. Later in the story it’s confirmed that Chalmers (and the federal government) are wary of overstepping their modest first-term mandate. Unfortunately for Chalmers, he is likely to be impacted by increasing inequality on his watch, while stuck between a fiscal rock and a political hard place.
Geoffrey Williamson
Woollahra, NSW

Could the comparison between admirable or offensive, nuanced or oafish, creative or pedestrian, talented or inept, eloquent or inarticulate be more clearly illustrated than in the Good Weekend profile of Jim Chalmers? In the negative I refer, naturally, to “Dr No”, Peter Dutton. I hope for many returns of Chalmers, both as treasurer and then PM.
Ann Morrison
Leura, NSW

There are so many ways Chalmers is similar to the former treasurer and PM Paul Keating, except for qualifications: Keating left high school early while Chalmers has a PhD. Keating was a brawler in parliament, mouthing the Coalition every day in Question Time and taking evening news headlines, while Chalmer is classy and gentle, telling the Coalition similar things but in a nicer manner. Chalmers was never a minister before 2022 but, from day one as treasurer, he has come across as if he has been in the job for a very long time. Like Keating, he is sure to make it to the Lodge one day!
Mukul Desai
Hunters Hill, NSW


The jizz biz


Reduced male fertility from decreasing sperm counts [November 18] could protect against the population boom, Earth’s further degradation and the decimation of non-human life. With eight billion homo sapiens nowadays, our species is not going to become extinct. Stuttering sperm counts are a hidden blessing for by-choice non-procreators like myself. Man(kind), I’d urge you to adopt a child if your sperm is spurned.
Joseph Ting
Carina, QLD

It took “balls” for Tim Elliott to write an article about sperm counts. Maybe he’s a little “nuts” to tackle the “family jewels” in such depth! Anyway, I found it quite interesting, to lay bare all the facts. Looking forward to his slant on the female equivalent!
Myra Fisher
Brighton East, Vic


Taryn Brumfitt and the body-positivity movement

Really appreciative of [journalist Jane Cadzow’s] fact-checking and honest writing. Reminder to me, today, to apply a more critical lens when someone in a position of responsibility throws stats at me. Em B

I remember the viral post with the two [“before” and “after”] pictures and being a bit, “Meh, so what?” about it at the time. The post came out at the beginning of what I’d describe as [an] “authenticity” content [trend], which is very common now, so it was a bit of a front-runner. Body acceptance (and acceptance generally) is very important, but I’m very grateful to journalist Jane Cadzow for all the factual context in this story – good work. Details matter


Yes, we’re not all able to look like models. But encouraging people to think it’s okay to be fat isn’t the solution. Many kids have poor body image because they are actually overweight and they (or their parents) should be doing something about it. If someone had addressed my weight issues when I was a child, then I wouldn’t have had such an obsession with food and exercise for my entire adult life. And while I look better now after recently losing a few kilograms, what really makes a difference is how much better I feel. Gym Bunny

I saw [Brumfitt’s documentary] Embrace when it came out – a group viewing organised by school mums – and all I walked out with was a sense of unease. It just didn’t sit right with me, and I’m dismayed that she has continued onwards and upwards and has received so much government funding. I give our children way more credit than this: they are not constantly worrying about their bodies, they’re wondering if the world will be on fire when they’re grown-ups. Thank you for this article, I hope it is widely read. car

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All letters are edited for reasons of clarity, syntax and space.

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