

This was published 3 years ago

Glass ceiling: meet the female collective disrupting the wine industry’s status quo

When looking for someone knowledgeable about wine, most turn to men. A group of women working in the industry are intent on changing that.

By Ben Groundwater

Women and Revolution member Ella Stening, who says she is “happy” at the push for change.

Women and Revolution member Ella Stening, who says she is “happy” at the push for change.Credit: Jennifer Soo

It’s a cold, quiet Tuesday night in Sydney’s inner west. Foot traffic is low on Marrickville Road, a sign of restricted times even before lockdown; not many people have wandered past the Where’s Nick wine bar and peered inside to see the crowd of women gathered here – sommeliers, wine buyers,
retailers, winemakers – sipping drinks, talking shop.

The atmosphere inside is a mix of emotions. There’s excitement, enthusiasm, frustration, anger. Those in the group are taking turns to speak, sharing experiences, floating ideas. Most have something to say. All want something to change.

Outside, a sign hangs on the door. “Closed: Revolution in Progress.”

“It was very moving,” recalls Ella Stening, a 29-year-old wine shop manager who helped organise this formative event. “I felt very emotional for quite some time afterwards. I always knew most women felt the same as me, I understood that most felt marginalised or not heard, but to see so many people around me that were motivated to actually change it, I felt this
immense gratitude. I felt happy.”

A few months on, that revolution has a name, a logo and a mission statement. What began less than a year ago as a loose series of social dinners for sommeliers and wine retailers who felt they hadn’t found a home in the Sydney industry has morphed into Women and Revolution, a nationwide collective of some of the biggest names – and also some of the smallest – in hospitality, women who choose the wine and run the floors at the likes of Quay, Bennelong, Rockpool, Merivale restaurants and more, and work for the country’s biggest liquor retailers and distributors. Several prominent Victorian sommeliers and winemakers are now among the 75-strong membership, with members also signing up from South Australia and Queensland.

Women and Revolution member  Bridget Raffal, who felt lonely at trade events that were predominantly attended by men.

Women and Revolution member Bridget Raffal, who felt lonely at trade events that were predominantly attended by men.Credit: Eloise Martin-Jones

Women and Revolution’s (WaR) stated aim is to disrupt the traditionally male-dominated wine industry, to ensure women can forge careers and attain positions of influence, to educate and empower them to challenge the established gatekeepers, like the Court of Master Sommeliers, the venerated institution whose American branch has been embroiled recently in accusations of sexual harassment.


“We want women to start getting noisier in the industry,” says Bridget Raffal, WaR’s inaugural president. “And we’re going to help them do it.”

“We want women to start getting noisier in the industry. And we’re going to help them do it.”

I’m sitting in front of four of the association’s founders: Raffal, 33, the former head sommelier at three-hatted Sydney restaurant Sixpenny, now bar manager at Where’s Nick; Stening, who runs the Surry Hills wine shop Native Drops; Jacqueline Turner, 37, former head sommelier at Chin Chin, now freelance wine buyer; and Saranya Kundasamy, 26, a relative newcomer who cut her teeth at The Oak Barrel wine shop in 2020.

Women and Revolution member and freelance wine buyer 
Jacqueline Turner.

Women and Revolution member and freelance wine buyer Jacqueline Turner.Credit: Kathryn Alley 

To be frank, interviewing four people over Zoom is usually a mistake. It’s too much. However, the Women and Revolution story is one of solidarity; I want to understand that spirit. And now it’s beaming out at me from the screen. When one woman talks, the others nod in agreement. They interject, they bounce off each other. There’s an energy, a purpose. I’ve been following this tale since its very beginning – Bridget Raffal is my partner’s sister – but still, I’m curious as to where it’s all come from.

“Historically there has been a gender imbalance in wine, and despite what industry professionals say, there still is a gender imbalance.”

“If I speak from the restaurant scene,” says Raffal, “a lot of the fine-dining positions and the buyer positions are occupied by guys. All the opportunities I got in wine, I got because I worked at Sixpenny. That opens a lot of doors. But all the trade events I was going to were just all dudes. So I was there, I was in a good position, I was getting educated and trained, but I wasn’t meeting any other women. And it was lonely.”


Women, of course, exist in the wine world. They make wine, they buy wine, they curate lists and sell wine. Some of the top jobs in the industry, head sommelier positions at large restaurant groups, are held by women. However, Sarah Andrew, co-president of Sommeliers Australia, a leading educational and certification body, agrees there are still significant challenges.

“Historically there has been a gender imbalance, and despite what a lot of industry professionals might say, there still is a gender imbalance,” she says.


“I speak to a lot of the big, national restaurant groups, and some of them were doing a great job of addressing that imbalance and had almost got parity at the first-line management level – not at the senior level, but they were addressing it. Since the pandemic, though, it’s gone haywire, it’s gone back to what it was quite a few years ago. It is now male-dominated in key senior positions.”

The problem, say the WaR founders, is the lack of established pathways for women to rise to these positions. To do that, they need better access to mentors and greater exposure to the industry’s upper echelons.

Women and Revolution newcomer Saranya Kundasamy.

Women and Revolution newcomer Saranya Kundasamy.Credit: Edwina Pickles

This will be part of the group’s focus when it rolls out its programs as COVID-19 restrictions ease. Think networking events and mentor pairings, classes on judging wine, coaching for scholarships and competitions, education on various winemaking regions presented by female winemakers, and perhaps most importantly, masterclasses that open doors that would previously have been shut.


Among other things, these would give women sommeliers exposure to the “big three” wines of the world: Bordeaux, Burgundy and Barolo. This is where the real money is spent in Australia, and where cachet is earned. Places at trade events that provide exposure to this trio are, however, limited and zealously guarded.


“If you can’t talk knowledgeably about those three wines,” says Raffal, “it’s a bit like, ‘Do you know anything?’ And that is really the area of wine that is so male-dominated.”

Each of the women in front of me, I learn, can recall a series of seemingly small moments that led to the realisation that they were not playing on a level field.

For Raffal, her exam to become a certified sommelier with the Court of Master Sommeliers (CMS) is still fresh in her mind. This is a hugely important step for anyone aspiring to a position of power in wine, a process in which judges critique every element of a candidate’s skills, from the ability to identify a wine – grape varietal, region and vintage – by mere taste and aroma, to their perfect presentation, opening and pouring of a bottle. The judges are master sommeliers, the top certification, of which there are only a few dozen females in the world.

“There’s no professional wardrobe built around women for this job, so I was like, ‘Great, I’ll wear this business skirt.’ In the exam, they said: ‘Oh, going to a party, are you?’ ”

“When you attend those exams,” Raffal explains, “you’re expected to dress formally, to wear a suit. But I wore a skirt to mine because it was the only piece of clothing I had with a pocket big enough to get a wine knife and a napkin into, which you have to have for the exam. There’s not really a professional wardrobe built around women for this job, so I was like, ‘Great, I’ll wear this business skirt.’ And in the exam, they said: ‘Oh, going to a party, are you?’ ”


On the computer screen in front of me, several eyes roll in sympathy. Turner explodes: “What? What?” Raffal smiles: “I passed, but it was written down: ‘Could dress more professionally.’ ”

Late last year, the US branch of the CMS was rocked by scandal. Twenty-one women who were studying with its educational unit went to The New York Times to accuse numerous master sommeliers of harassment, manipulation or assault. Resignations ensued.

Franck Moreau, head of CMS Oceania, a master sommelier and the head of beverage at Justin Hemmes’s powerful Merivale group, says the culture is very different in Australia. “You have to understand,” he says, “CMS is two different operations: you’ve got the CMS America and the CMS Europe.
Us as CMS Oceania, we’re affiliated with CMS Europe. In Europe there has never been any issue, we don’t tolerate anything like this.”

Is sexual harassment an issue in the broader Sydney hospitality sector? “Not at all,” Moreau says. “If I heard anything like this, I would be shocked.”

The founders of Women and Revolution disagree.


“I can’t think of a single woman who hasn’t been sexually harassed at work, in a bar or restaurant,” says Stening. Sarah Andrew concurs: “I have had very uncomfortable conversations with members; I’ve had people share stories with me that I wish I didn’t know. But they’ve come to me because they’ve got no one else to turn to. So, I know about horrific events that have happened to people that absolutely are sexual harassment. And it still exists.”


This is why WaR has been formed: to help women raise their voices, not just against harassment and sexism but about wine culture in general. To get
people – industry types, but also regular diners and drinkers – used to hearing women speak in an authoritative way about wine. This is the revolution – and it’s a work in progress.

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