

This was published 2 years ago

From the Archives, 1982: Lindy Chamberlain sentenced to life imprisonment

By Lindsay Murdoch

First published in The Age on October 30, 1982

Azaria mother gets life

Parents guilty on both charges, says jury

The Chamberlains arrive at the Darwin Court

The Chamberlains arrive at the Darwin Court Credit: Nigel Scot McNeil

DARWIN. Mrs Alice Lynne Chamberlain has been sentenced to life imprisonment with hard labor for the murder of her daughter Azaria.

Her husband Michael has been remanded to appear in court for sentence on Monday after being found guilty of being an accessory after the fact of murder. He faces a maximum sentence of two years’ jail.

Mrs Chamberlain, 34, was sentenced last night by the acting Chief Justice of the Northern Territory, Mr Justice Muirhead, immediately after the foreman of the nine-man and three-woman jury told the judge that it had reached a unanimous verdict of guilty on both accused.

The jury retired to consider its verdict at 2pm Darwin time and returned to the jury box at 8.30 pm.

Mrs Chamberlain stood stony-faced in the dock as Mr Justice Muirhead passed sentence. Mr Chamberlain bit his lip and looked strained.

Mrs Chamberlain stared slightly to the right of the jury as the foreman, asked by Mr Justice Muirhead what verdict they had reached on the murder charge, replied: “Guilty.”


The foreman said “guilty” when asked the verdict on the charge against Mr Chamberlain. The court will sit this morning to hear submissions on the sentence for Mr Chamberlain.

Mr Chamberlain, a minister of the Seventh Day Adventist church, shook his head slowly from side to side after the foreman had given the jury’s verdict against him. He rose slowly to his feet and slumped slightly to one side as Mr Justice Muirhead adjourned the hushed court.

The judge then thanked the jurors and said they would all be excused from jury service for 10 years.

Mr Justice Muirhead had allowed the couple, from Cooranbong, New South Wales, to remain seated in the dock while the verdict was announced.

He told the Chamberlains’ chief counsel, Mr John Phillips, QC, of Melbourne, that there was only one sentence he could pass on Mrs Chamberlain. He then turned to Mrs Chamberlain, who was still seated, and pronounced sentence.

Mrs Chamberlain was taken from the court to Darwin’s Berrimah Jail in the back seat of a van owned by the Correctional Services Division.

Lindy Chamberlain being driven away from the court

Lindy Chamberlain being driven away from the courtCredit: Nigel Scot McNeil

A bystander called out “Appeal! Appeal!” and another called out “You’ll be right, love”. Mrs Chamberlain was crying.

Mr Chamberlain, also weeping, walked out a back door with his solicitor.

Mr Justice Muirhead released Mr Chamberlain on $5000 bail until Monday.

Mrs Chamberlain, who is eight months pregnant, and Mr Chamberlain spent yesterday afternoon and evening in custody. The trial judge revoked their bail of $5000 when the jury retired.

Lindy and Michael Chamberlain

Lindy and Michael ChamberlainCredit: The Age Archives

Mr and Mrs Chamberlain paced and talked quietly together in a room off the court. Three Correctional Services officers were with them. They had a meal about 6.30 pm.

Mr and Mrs Chamberlain, who pleaded not guilty, appeared strained as Mr Justice Muirhead completed his summing up to the jury yesterday morning and for one hour after the luncheon adjournment.

Before the court resumed at 9am yesterday, the couple said prayers with friends at the Darwin house where they have been staying since the trial started, on 13 September. The Crown alleged that Mrs Chamberlain cut nine-week-old Azaria’s throat while sitting in the front seat of the family’s car at Ayers Rock on 17 August 1980.

Mrs Chamberlain told the court that she saw a dingo at the family’s tent, which was pitched at the Ayers Rock tourist park. Both Mr and Mrs Chamberlain said they believed a dingo took the baby.

Azaria’s damaged and bloodstained clothes were found at the base of the rock, about four kilometres from the tent, seven days after the baby disappeared.

The jury, when it retired to the jury room, had access to more than 200 exhibits which had been tendered during the trial.

The Chamberlains’ 1977 Torana car was taken into the Chief Justice’s garage in the court basement so the jury could inspect it if they wanted to. The tent was pitched in another basement area.

Earlier yesterday, about 30 people queued at the court door hoping to get a seat inside when the jury returned to bring down the verdict.

Shortly after 5pm, court sheriffs closed the court precincts to the public. They said there would be no verdict before 7.30pm.

Under the Juries Act of the Northern Territory, the jurors, if in disagreement on a verdict, could not be discharged until six hours had passed.

Mr Justice Muirhead told the jurors that if they wanted any of the evidence recorded in more than 3200 pages of transcript read to them, they need only knock on the jury door and ask orderlies.

The Chamberlains, whose chief counsel is Mr John Phillips, QC. of Melbourne, received assistance from Australian Legal Aid.

During the trial the defence called 28 witnesses and the prosecution 45.

The jury was brought a meal of cold meat and salad and soft drink shortly before 7 pm. By 8.30, about 60 people, some drinking beer, gathered on the steps of the court waiting for the doors to open.


The Chief Prosecutor, Mr Ian Barker, QC, had told the court that there was no middle ground in the case presented by the Crown; either a dingo took the baby or she was murdered by Mrs Chamberlain. He said the dingo story was preposterous, a transparent lie.

Mr Barker said the Crown relied on circumstantial evidence. It could not provide a motive for the killing.

Mr Phillips told the court that Mrs Chamberlain did not come into the category of a person who could have killed her baby.

He said that in the area of motive, the Crown was bankrupt. Mr Phillips said the evidence of Mrs Sally Lowe of Tasmania, who said that she heard the baby cry while Mrs Chamberlain was standing near her was a fundamental bar to a conviction for murder because the Crown alleged that the baby was already dead at the time of the cry.

Years later, after the discovery of new evidence, the Chamberlains were officially pardoned in June 1987, and their convictions were unanimously quashed by the Supreme Court of the Northern Territory on September 15th, 1988.

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