

This was published 3 years ago

FMG confirms population of elusive night parrot at WA iron ore mine

By Emma Young

New recordings confirm a species of critically endangered and vastly mysterious night parrot lives on in Western Australia after only a handful of confirmed sightings in the past century.

Fortescue Metals Group monitoring using acoustic recording devices has confirmed one definitive and several possible calls of the bird next to the company’s Cloudbreak iron ore mine, about five hours’ drive south of Port Hedland.

The 2017 image of the night parrot.

The 2017 image of the night parrot. Credit: Bruce Greatwich.

The calls were subsequently confirmed by night parrot experts Nick Leseberg, Steve Murphy and Nigel Jackett of Adaptive NRM.

The nocturnal bird, which has a distinctive call, has been described by researchers as like a larger and “dumpy” or “stout” budgie.

It had largely disappeared since the 1920s and several sightings between the 1980s and 2005 did not provide sufficient detail to eliminate other possibilities.

A 2005 sighting on a Fortescue environmental survey associated with the original approvals for Cloudbreak was the first peer-accepted sighting of live night parrots in modern Australian history.

Perth biologist Rob Davis and colleague Brenden Metcalf described the sighting in peer-reviewed Taylor & Francis journal Emu – Austral Ornithology.

Dr Davis told WAtoday it was like seeing a “living ghost”.

“There was nothing much at the site at that time, before the mine was built,” he said.


“Brenden and I were sitting at a well at dusk, getting a species list together. Many creatures came to the well to drink and we saw a couple of parrots fly in and land.

“We looked at each other, sitting side by side on an old tank, and we didn’t speak for a couple of minutes. Finally, I said, ‘Are you thinking what I am thinking?’ and he said, ‘If you are thinking that was a night parrot, then yes.’

“We knew there was a huge weight of evidence required to verify a sighting.

The elusive night parrot.

The elusive night parrot.Credit: Steve Murphy

“We decided we needed to try to get a photograph. I stood up slowly to get my camera and the birds flushed.”

Dr Davis and Mr Metcalfe put forward detailed notes, written independently, and submitted them to Birds Australia, which after several rounds of deliberation accepted the sighting.

“But while we have always been unwavering about what we saw, we always knew that we didn’t have the photograph or call recording,” Dr Davis said.

But what the sighting did achieve was to prompt the government to require Fortescue to offset its impact on confirmed night parrot habitat, with funding towards conservation work for the species.

This enabled further surveys over the years that followed, but without luck.

Then came several breakthroughs – in central Queensland, in Bush Heritage Australia’s Pullen Pullen reserve 3½ hours south of Mount Isa.

In 2013, naturalist John Young captured a live night parrot on camera.

In 2015, ecologist Steve Murphy and his wife, Rachel Barr, captured and tagged one.

The Fortescue funding was diverted to the Queensland research, resulting in the development of automated call recognition and recording technology that led to the first successful recordings of the bird’s call.

Dr Steve Murphy holds the night parrot.

Dr Steve Murphy holds the night parrot.Credit: Rachel Barr

So when in 2017, four expert birders who had been searching for the species for seven years found it at an undisclosed location in inland WA, they were able to not only capture a striking action shot of the bird in flight – the Queensland shots had been of the birds stationary or held still – but also capture its calls.

Over the past three years, Fortescue was able to use these breakthroughs for more monitoring near Cloudbreak.

“Finding these calls has been an amazing achievement,” Fortescue’s group manager for environment Adam Meyer said.

“Our environment team will continue to monitor for the night parrot near the Fortescue Marsh, as part of our effective environmental management practices and ongoing protection of biodiversity during mining operations.”

And Dr Davis, a senior lecturer at Edith Cowan University, is feeling vindicated after 16 years, knowing a population does exist precisely where he and Mr Metcalf said it did.

“It’s understandable, that as scientists we understood that some people would not necessarily believe our sighting, but it’s fantastic news that through this hard work that we now have the call recordings,” he said.

“And the story is not over yet. The bird has huge ongoing threats from feral cats and fire. Without active management their populations everywhere are under great risk.


“I hope that this will result in further investment in research and conservation efforts for night parrots in Western Australia.”

The night parrot is listed as endangered under federal law and critically endangered under state law.

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