

This was published 2 years ago


Djokovic saga highlights a need for a fairer migration process

It’s been a rocky road to the Australian Open, with world No. 1 Novak Djokovic in detention, diplomatic tension with Serbia escalating, legal proceedings under way and the Commonwealth, Victoria and Tennis Australia pointing fingers at each other as the world looks on.

In addition to creating a poor international image, Australia’s treatment of Djokovic highlights key problems with our migration process and policy that deserve continued attention after his situation resolves.

World men’s No. 1 Novak Djokovic.

World men’s No. 1 Novak Djokovic.Credit: AP

As Djokovic has not been vaccinated, his ability to enter Australia and play in the Open depends on establishing a valid medical exemption from vaccination requirements. This involves satisfying both Commonwealth law, which governs Australia’s borders, and Victorian law, which governs entry to key Australian Open venues, such as Melbourne Park.

The simplest, most logical approach would have been for Tennis Australia to work with both the Commonwealth and Victoria to establish a clear process via which players seeking a medical exemption could make an application and have it assessed. This would have meant all players would have had a clear answer in advance about whether they were allowed to come to Australia and compete.

Tennis Australia and Victoria were able to agree on such a process. Two independent panels reviewed applications for vaccine exemptions. The panels, which included medical experts and drew on ATAGI guidelines, operated blind, without viewing the applicants’ identifying information such as name, age, nationality and whether the applicant was a player. Players such as Djokovic, whom the panels found to have valid exemptions, were cleared to attend Open venues and compete.

Ideally, a similar process would have been established at the Commonwealth level. This did not happen, but the Department of Home Affairs granted Djokovic a condition-free visa to enter Australia without quarantining. While the Commonwealth says this approval was via automated process and dependent on proof of a right to enter, it was reasonable for Djokovic to think he had been cleared to come to Australia and play.

But at the border, Djokovic’s visa was cancelled, and after several hours at the airport he was transferred to immigration detention in Melbourne’s notorious Park Hotel, where dozens of refugees and asylum seekers brought to Australia from offshore detention have been held, for years and under harsh conditions.

On Monday, Djokovic will argue before the Federal Circuit Court that Australian Border Force was not on good legal ground when it cancelled his visa. While many details are yet to become clear, those that have emerged suggest he has reasonable prospects of success.


Djokovic’s submissions state that the Border Force officer who cancelled his visa relied on non-existent Migration Act grounds. If proven, this will mean the decision will be invalid because it was not made within power.

Djokovic’s submissions also state that he was pressured to agree to a decision being made in a shorter timeframe than was originally suggested, and before he had the opportunity to consult fully with his lawyers. This may point to a lack of procedural fairness.

A woman holds up a picture of Novak Djokovic during a protest in Belgrade, Serbia, over the tennis player’s detention.

A woman holds up a picture of Novak Djokovic during a protest in Belgrade, Serbia, over the tennis player’s detention.Credit: AP

If Djokovic loses, he faces deportation. But even if he wins, his path to the Open may not be clear. If the decision to cancel his visa is found invalid, the Minister for Home Affairs will be able to use any powers available under the Migration Act to cancel the visa again. This is effectively a second bite at the cherry. If a second attempt at cancellation is made without error, Djokovic will face deportation. To be truly safe, he needs to show there was no rational basis in the circumstances for a cancellation decision to be made at all.

This is much harder, because of the sheer breadth of the Minister’s visa cancellation powers. Section 116(e), for instance, allows the Minister to cancel a person’s visa if their presence “might be” a risk to “the health, safety or good order of the Australian community”. The fact that Djokovic does not have proof of vaccination might be enough to enable his visa to be cancelled under this power.

Whatever happens in the case, the events of the last few days highlight important questions about what good migration process and policy looks like, in a COVID context and beyond. Travellers to Australia should expect clarity about whether they are allowed to enter before they board a plane. People should be entitled to legal advice before they are detained or deported, and should not be pressured out of receiving it.


Djokovic is not the only person to have been denied these things. People who lodge asylum claims at Australian airports, or who are suspected of intending to do so, have had visas cancelled by Border Force officials.

Like Djokovic, they have faced detention and difficulty accessing legal advice. Unlike him, they have often been deported, in secret and without any opportunity for judicial review. For them, deportation means return to a place where they may face harm or death.

We deserve a process that is clearer and fairer – for them, for tennis players and for the rest of us.

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