

This was published 2 years ago


Debt and tax: the unmentionables for both major parties vying for election

January used to be a laid-back, lazy month in Australia, when people turned off the news and tried to avoid anything to do with politics. For the third successive year most of us have been denied that summer idyll, as first the 2019 bushfires and then successive waves of the pandemic have demanded our constant attention.

Illustration: Joe Benke 

Illustration: Joe Benke Credit: The Age

There will be no escape from politics this summer, not only because of the constant updates to public health orders and seemingly ever-changing social restrictions. A federal election is no more than 16 weeks away. In reality, the campaign for the 2022 poll has been under way for some weeks, and is already shaping up to be one of the most fascinating in many years.

On the far right, the United Australia Party wants the election to be about “freedom”, based on a kind of magical thinking that the mutating virus could be stared down by a strong-man leader in the mould of Donald Trump. On the left, the Greens are again hoping for a referendum on climate change, but the issue is no longer theirs to control, with the rise of moderate independents putting it at the heart of their campaigns to unseat high-profile government MPs.

The teal independents represent a boiling-over of frustration among politically engaged voters, many of them former moderate Liberals, at the government’s recalcitrance on what most regard as fundamental truths: that climate change is real, that government must not be corrupt, that women must have equal rights.

When it comes to the major parties, Labor wants a fight focused on the perceived failures of Scott Morrison’s leadership over the rolling crises of the past three years, while the Prime Minister’s plan to go to the polls after a relaxed summer in which the economy roared back to life has been laid waste by the explosion of Omicron.

Unlike 2019, in which Bill Shorten’s Labor attempted to sell a reformist agenda to a nation not yet convinced of the need for change, neither side is offering anything too bold: Albanese’s platform is as small-target as he can get away with without alienating Labor’s true believers, while Morrison apparently wants government to get out of the way entirely in favour of “can-do capitalism”. These competing offerings, of course, are framed against the spectre of government debt at its highest levels since World War II, meaning that spending restraint is a key consideration for both sides.


Yet this is likely to be the most consequential election in decades. We are now under extreme pressure to act urgently to reverse global heating, requiring the kind of large-scale industrial and economic reform not seen since the 1940s. At the same time, the pandemic has exposed huge cracks in the foundations of our social and economic infrastructure, resulting from years of failure to adapt to changing demographics or to invest appropriately in the essential services that keep us safe and well.

The truth is, our current economic system is simply not up to the task of reaching net zero emissions, supporting working people to make the transition to new jobs and industries, and providing the comprehensive health and social infrastructure needed to enable everyone to live safely and well. In a post-carbon economy that is likely to be hit with ongoing public health crises due to emerging viruses and widespread climate-change-induced ecological disasters, these are massive challenges.


The increase in public debt over the past two years was necessary, if badly targeted, but as the calls for so-called “budget repair” begin, neither party of government is willing to talk about the only real solution to reduce that debt and secure our long-term prosperity and security: tax reform.

We simply do not have the economic infrastructure to support the revenue base we will need in the years ahead. We need support for people to retrain for new jobs in renewable industries and for business to invest and innovate; we need a massive investment in the care economy to allow people to participate fully in society. All are big costs, but have potentially huge returns if we get the policy settings right.

Yet our tax system is simply not up to the task. Whichever party forms government in a few months, it cannot put this question off much longer. It has been urgent for at least 20 years. Australia relies too heavily on personal income taxes, which are set to be cut even further for high-income earners next year and likely to be further reduced for those in the middle brackets in the coming campaign.


Yet, unlike the tax cuts of the Hawke-Keating and Howard governments, there is no structural reform of the broader tax base proffered to compensate for the loss of revenue these cuts will impose. Economists have offered a range of solutions, going back to the Henry Review more than a decade ago, but whether it be increasing taxes on assets or wealth, overhauling the GST, imposing a national resources rent tax or cracking down on multinational tax avoidance, successive governments have baulked at the hard work of convincing voters that reform is necessary, and have let the tax system fall into disrepair.

As shown by the 2001 cabinet papers, released on Saturday, the election of that year began a cycle of relentless wedge politics, a constant campaign in which the power has become the end, rather than the means by which to build a better country. The weaponising of any mention of tax has been a woeful outcome of this political shift. And yet the willingness to take on difficult but necessary reforms is a measure of real leadership, which we have not seen for far too long.

If we take one lesson from the pandemic, it must be a reminder that the power of government is to shape the future of the nation. Whomever is trusted with that power this year, they will find it impossible to wield without significant reform to Australia’s taxation system. It remains to be seen who is up to the task.

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