

This was published 4 years ago


Dear Angus Taylor ... let me remind you of our encounter at Oxford and why it matters

By Denise Meyer

Dear Angus Taylor,

When you say that you remember Naomi Wolf living a few doors down from you in Oxford 28 years ago, I wonder if you’re mythologising a much less glamorous encounter with a fellow female student – me?

Naomi Wolf wasn’t at New College when you and I were fellow Rhodes Scholars there in the early 1990s. She had been there in the 1980s, but she was long gone by then, riding the wave of publicity for her book, The Beauty Myth. Newly arrived from the patriarchal colonies, I was avidly reading the bestseller at the time – I would have noticed if Wolf was living among us or had come back to visit. She did not.

Federal Energy Minister Angus Taylor.

Federal Energy Minister Angus Taylor.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

But the reality she depicted in The Beauty Myth, where women are held to impossible standards of beauty even as they make gains in formerly male institutions, was certainly recognisable at Oxford in the 1990s. And it was our different experiences of that reality that led to our encounter — not Christmas trees. You may not remember when I questioned you about your intention to join New College’s covert men-only drinking society.

Known for an exclusive ball where female students receiving sought-after invitations were rated for beauty/sexiness in a secret members’ competition, this not-so-secret club was populated with all the rowing club jocks and wealthy public school boys who dominated common room culture.

We were just acquaintances, but you seemed like a nice guy. And I wanted to understand why you, and so many of your peers, were drawn to that environment. So I asked. Had you thought about what it might feel like to be your female peer, barred from membership in your exclusive club and aware of the implicit evaluation of her taking place whether she was invited to the ball or not? About the message it sent me about where my worth lay and how I didn’t fully belong? Were these really your values and what you stood for?


As I recall, your reaction to having your choices questioned was similar then to your reaction when Wolf refuted your story and called you out on your language – injured outrage and sulky resentment. And seeing yourself as the one in need of an apology.

Why does it matter that Wolf was not at Oxford with us and had nothing to do with discussions about Christmas trees among a group of international students far from home? And why does it matter to remind you of our encounter all these years later?


Of course, you’ve recently had to apologise to another woman for being loose with the truth. And every lie in the political scourge of "alternative facts" needs calling out. But it’s not the individual lies themselves that matter so much as their context. That you were mistaken about an encounter with Wolf is less important than the giant lie you were peddling when you used her to illustrate your anecdote — the one that casts you as an everyman hero, fighting against "shrill elitists" everywhere.

Dr Denise Meyer asked Angus Taylor to explain his membership of a men-only drinking society.

Dr Denise Meyer asked Angus Taylor to explain his membership of a men-only drinking society.

That giant lie looms large in this week of a generation-defining general election here in Britain, where looseness with the truth has been a feature of conservative campaigning for years. It’s the same giant lie that public school boys Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage, and their chum, billionaire Donald Trump, are successfully peddling – that you and they are the champions of the ordinary, downtrodden everyman, that you help that everyman "take back control" and "be great again" in the face of his very real frustrations and sense of injustice. You and they point the finger of blame at other imagined elites or competitors for resources while the giant lie obscures the reality that it is you who are the sons of privilege, the real elite, and the ones who continue to perpetuate inequality and injustice.

When you mentioned Wolf and a battle to preserve a Christmas tree in your first speech to Parliament, you were attempting to portray yourself as a heroic, embattled (yet "mainstream") underdog fighting against "politically correct voices who insist that they know what is best for people who are not remotely like them". But you were not an underdog. Instead of countenancing a more inclusive decoration of the common room for the holidays as a way to help minority students feel more welcome, you portray yourself fighting and winning the right to maintain your own symbols of belonging. Those same minority students probably didn’t receive invitations to join your covert club and powerful old boys’ network either.

You were the elite then, and you have remained the elite.

Quite a bit has changed since we met nearly 30 years ago, Angus, but much has stayed the same. Women are now better represented in the corridors of power, and Oxford is just waking up to its need for a more proactive approach to improving access and retention for black, Asian and minority ethnic students. But as Wolf tweeted recently, and Julia Gillard, Theresa May and Hillary Clinton can attest, even a woman with "ostensibly all the voice in the world can still have no voice" sometimes, and powerful men are getting away with lies and disinformation on a grand scale.


Here in the UK Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage will continue peddling their lies as the British everyman sleepwalks into a Brexit that will make him much worse off, but will enrich the powerful elites who have been pushing for it all along.

And you may have had to apologise to Clover Moore, but this week you’ve represented Australia in global climate talks as front man for your government’s dodgy carbon emissions accounting. The giant lie is winning while the planet burns.

Dr Denise Meyer was a Rhodes Scholar (New College and South-Africa-at-Large) for three years from 1990.

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