This was published 3 years ago
‘Blokey banter’ between casino watchdog and Crown compliance team exposed
‘Blokey’ emails in which Crown compliance staff and WA’s casino watchdog joke about gender reassignment and being ‘hen-pecked’ by their partners have been read aloud in a cringe-inducing grilling of the company’s legal and compliance boss.
On Thursday, Perth Casino Royal Commission senior counsel assisting Patricia Cahill questioned Crown Perth’s general manager of legal and compliance Claude Marais over his personal relationship with former state chief casino officer Michael Connolly.
The emails from the highly paid public servant’s departmental address to Crown compliance staff show them teasing each other about getting permission from their partners to go on fishing trips and revealed the nicknames they had for each other from the 1960s TV show Gilligan’s Island.
Radio 6PR’s Gareth Parker revealed in February that Mr Connolly had gone on several fishing trips with Mr Marais and his Crown compliance colleague Paul Hulme. In May, Mr Connolly admitted to the commission he had also sold Mr Marais a boat for $13,000.
Ms Cahill hammered Mr Marais with questions about whether he thought it was appropriate to first accept the invitation to go fishing with Mr Connolly in 2012.
She then dissected their relationship, which was so familiar that Mr Marias called Mr Connolly ‘The Skipper’ while he was called ‘Gilly’, nicknames based on characters from Gilligan’s Island.
“Has everyone got their permission slips in order ... or are we postponing until gender reassignment is complete?”
Casino watchdog Michael Connolly to Crown compliance staff
In one email chain read out by Ms Cahill, Mr Connolly , who was also deputy director general of the department in charge of gambling regulation at the time, tells Mr Hulme and Mr Marais he “wore the pants in his house” and had permission for a “sleepover” fishing trip at Jurien Bay.
“What is the story with the rest of you? I can send a note home in your school bag if you like,” Mr Connelly added.
Ms Cahill read the response from Mr Hulme, who said he didn’t need permission unlike the other “hen-pecked males” in the group.
“I have not heard from the other girls, have you built up the courage to request time away?” Mr Hulme went on to say.
Ms Cahill then read Mr Marais’ response: “... been out fishing all week while [your] wife looks after the kids and mows the lawn.”
She then read another exchange that took place when the men were arranging another fishing trip where Mr Connelly wrote: “has everyone got their permission slips in order ... or are we postponing until gender reassignment is complete?”
Ms Cahill asked if Mr Marias used “blokey banter” to fit the tone set by Mr Connolly, which he agreed with.
She then grilled Mr Marias on the appropriateness of the emails.
“And you would agree that these emails fall well short of that standard of formality and professionalism appropriate to a licensee-regulator relationship?” Ms Cahill said.
Mr Marias defended the emails and said they were part of a friendship that had been declared, which was always kept separate from their professional relationship.
“I think the emails in context, which was a friendship, which was open and declared, is not uncommon,” he said.
“I accept, looking back, and particularly given the personal nightmare that I’ve now gone through and am still suffering, that the behaviour may have been somewhat ... unfitting.”
He said his work-related emails to Mr Connolly were only few and were professional.
The royal commission is investigating whether Crown is a fit and proper entity to run a casino following the NSW Bergin inquiry that found evidence of money laundering and criminal infiltration in the company’s Australian operations.
An interim report by the commission tabled in WA Parliament on Tuesday raised several concerns about conflicts of interest and said in addition to Mr Connolly’s friendships several examples of relationships between the department and Crown staff, including one marriage, had been found.
On Wednesday, current Crown chief executive Lonnie Bossi admitted problem gamblers accounted for between 22 and 60 per cent of total revenue from electronic gaming machines.
Former Crown Resorts chief executive Barry Felsted will give evidence at the commission on Friday.