

This was published 3 years ago


Behold the high dudgeon! The reaction to Harry and Meghan is a contemporary clash of values

They say the accused should never repeat the allegation. So when Prince William told a reporter on Thursday that his family was “very much not a racist family”, I’m not sure the denial had the intended effect.

It was something about the “very much” that had an air of over-protestation, although given the seriousness of the charge – and the fact that it was non-specific, so as to besmirch the whole family – you can’t blame the bloke for defending himself.

Prince Harry and Meghan during their interview with Oprah Winfrey.

Prince Harry and Meghan during their interview with Oprah Winfrey.Credit: Harpo Productions

William was responding, of course, to the accusation of racism laid upon the Windsors by his brother and his sister-in-law, Harry and Meghan, a couple who are now so famous they need neither title nor surname.

Harry and Meghan told Oprah (how great was it to see Oprah again? Pink suits her) that an unnamed member of the royal family spoke, during Meghan’s pregnancy, about how dark the baby’s skin might be. Worries about tainting the royal bloodline are ironic given the amount of interbreeding they’ve gotten up to over the years. But this was a far more serious threat, apparently, than porphyria or haemophilia.

Oprah made it known the next day the remark definitely wasn’t made by the Queen or Prince Phillip (the latter has some form in this space). That led to a sort of Cluedo game whereby people speculated on who it was. Was it Kate Middleton, at the baby shower; or was it William, during a polo match? Perhaps Charles, over scotch and cigars in the drawing room at Balmoral.

The allegation could hardly have been more explosive, and the pearl-clutching and high dudgeon of the resulting media coverage has been fascinating to observe.

Commentators are so passionate on either side of the debate, and pretty soon you realise they are defending ideals more than people.

On one hand you have old-fashioned values of duty, privacy, discretion and fidelity to institutions. The Queen, of course, said the matter would be dealt with privately. On the other, you have a belief in transparency, a willingness to confront bigotry, a sympathy for victims, individualism and the faith in the transformative power of people’s stories.


A similar dichotomy was on display this week with the controversy at law firm MinterEllison, which is advising Attorney-General Christian Porter as he faces a historical rape allegation that he vehemently denies. The firm’s CEO, Annette Kimmitt, sent an all-staff email saying the decision to represent Porter had “triggered hurt” for her.


“I know that for many it may be a tough day and I want to apologise for the pain you may be experiencing,” Kimmitt wrote to staff. No doubt she was right – women across Australia have been upset by the story. Too many have a similar one themselves.

The firm’s institutional powers forced Kimmitt out, and she was (rightly, in my view) criticised for the implication that firms like hers should select only the morally “deserving” for legal representation.

But the contemporary clash of individual experience and feelings against the desire to uphold institutional values (like the right of all to legal representation) is real. It is not going away.

One of my favourite indignant responses to critics of the royals is it’s not fair to have a go at them because they can’t answer back. Really? Have they had their tongues cut out, Games of Thrones-style? Do they lack a platform? They literally own thrones.


Is it, perhaps, that no one will publish or broadcast what they say? A brief survey of the past few decades, during which a cottage industry of royal reporters has bloomed, making some of the commentators mini-celebrities in their own right, would indicate that is not a barrier either.

This assertion is nonsense – what it means is the House of Windsor daren’t do anything so vulgar as talk to the media openly, Harry and Meghan-style.

They prefer to unleash their hordes of Palace courtier-mice to whisper on their behalf into the ears of the toadies and sharks of the tabloid press. This rule is broken only in the most urgent of circumstances – a tightly controlled interview for a marriage or a birth, or like that time when everyone was wondering whether Prince Andrew slept with a trafficked teenager.

Suspicion landed on the Queen’s favourite son after the world realised how close he had been with his mate Jeffrey Epstein, a billionaire American paedophile who took his child abuse global. Close friend of the Prince’s, but Andrew never saw nuthin. He certainly didn’t sleep with the woman who claimed she was forced into sex with him after being trafficked to the UK.


Look, I quite like the Queen. I daresay a lot of Australians do. She represents endurance and she is a strong matriarch, and I’ll take one of those any day over the alternative.

Many people despise Meghan for “speaking her truth” as she would probably put it in her Oprah-ese language. They either think she’s making it up (royal commentator and professional boor Piers Morgan said he didn’t believe Meghan had been suicidal, as she claimed) or they just don’t want to hear it.

Interestingly, they are the same sorts of people who claim political correctness has killed truth, and that no one can speak honestly any more about race/immigration/trans people/feminism/the #metoo movement. It seems to me there are an awful lot of truths around, all competing with each other for attention.

As someone who studied at university during a time when postmodernism was in extreme vogue, I am not particularly threatened by that. But it does seem to me that the trend for transparency, truth-telling, “sunshining” and calling-out is only moving in one direction.

And it’s not going the Queen’s way.

Twitter: @JacquelineMaley

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