

This was published 5 years ago

Australian stories must be told by us

By Barnaby Joyce

I might not agree with Mark Latham but I believe the Latham Diaries are a very good insight into the machinations of internal Australian party politics. As much as it antagonises me Kevin Rudd’s latest tome is obviously a fair insight of Kevin’s view of his time in politics.

Robert Hughes’ book is a brilliant analysis of the initial white penal colony which was paradoxically instrumental in our nation being the great democratic egalitarian society it is today.

"Write about Australia in a way Australians will read": Barnaby Joyce.

"Write about Australia in a way Australians will read": Barnaby Joyce.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Those in public life have a podium and a reason to reflect this nation in the way they see it; I have done this myself with my book Weatherboard and Iron. Costello, Bowen, Pyne, Abbott, Bob Brown have all written about their view of politics and the critical issues for our nation.

The drought, the flood, the expansion of Chinese power; the more formal the discussion then the more considered the response. By their very nature books are the consideration of many views not the ephemeral bleating of one.

The impulse of a book is the culmination, at times, of years of observation. The immediacy of social media inspires a thought drifting in the ear of the vacant space of purposeless time. No one refers to the famous tweet of Barack Obama nor do I believe that Churchill’s A History of the English-Speaking Peoples would have had the same effect on Facebook.

Manning Clark needed space to write his trilogy on the history of Australia and that same space is required for further analysis of who we are. To be frank to converse too much via Twitter is a sign of a better wine cellar or insomnia.

Beyond the political divide we must have an Australian narrative whether fiction or fact, stories and analysis . The narrative of Australia is granular not general. Weatherboard and Iron was not a book about the seat of Wentworth though I hoped it would be read there. I hoped it would read by those not living in the weatherboard house.

I needed this to be in a form that worked through the issues of a comparably neglected constituency from bored urban capital. It needed some salt to keep someone reading; something not possible in the 280 characters of Twitter or observed from a brief visit where one contextualised regional villages as the happy home of Crocodile Dundee.

Media releases, tweets, Facebook, speeches are all transient; temporary with almost immediate use-by dates. Books endure, in hard copy and online and need never disappear. Social media is in many instances no more than the ambit scratchings on the electronic lavatory door.


I am currently reading Farrell’s biography on Richard Nixon after reading another biography on Eisenhower. I also read Perry’s biography on John Monash. I imagine there are a lot of other Australians who have read a biography on Nixon but not many in the USA who have read about Monash. That’s why Australian publishing about Australia is vital.

I was fortunate to be published by New Holland but with the change in the publishing policy of Melbourne University Press I fear we are shutting down access to the published Australian story from an Australian publisher with an eye to the authentic Australian narrative on issues of national importance.

Many of my colleagues in The Nationals have consistently supported the local book industry . During successive reviews and inquiries regarding copyright and parallel importation regulations, we have backed the principle of Australian stories for Australian readers produced by Australian publishers.

My view is we should be deeply concerned by the University of Melbourne’s decision to change the MUP publishing strategy and curtail its editorial independence by installing a committee of academics to approve all publications.  We are living in complex times where open and rigorous debate about who we are matters more than ever before.

So sit down and take a breath because this is reaching a long, long way across the political divide. Left wing Labor Senator Kim Carr’s suggestion about seed funding to protect political culture and public debate is worth strong consideration, dare I say it, support.

Senator Carr has to show how it will be balanced, its integrity depends on a utterly bipartisan commissioning mandate . The public square, the open and respectful exchange of ideas about our society, politics and culture is fundamental to a civil society. If Senator Carr can deliver on that promise he has my wholehearted support.

Have books from the left and have books from the right. Have books about the power of the better address and the anguish of the poorer gullies, but write about Australia in a way Australians will read.

Barnaby Joyce is the National Party member for New England.

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