

This was published 7 years ago

Federal budget 2017-18: Hard sell begins for Treasurer Scott Morrison

By Mark Hawthorne

Joe Hockey's disastrous first budget will always be remembered for the term "lifters and leaners". Malcolm Turnbull's second budget loomed as the year of "good debt and bad" debt, until the Prime Minister unleashed a new political slogan on the nation.

At least it's three words this time. This will be the budget of "fairness, opportunity and security".

Facing reporters in Canberra, the Prime Minister said this budget will help Australians "realise their dreams".

The key announcements within the budget should surprise few when Treasurer Scott Morrison stands on Tuesday night. Much has already been leaked in recent weeks and months.

Treasurer Scott Morrison

Treasurer Scott MorrisonCredit: Mick Tsikas

There will be a major increase in education funding of $18.6 billion under "Gonski 2.0", but there will also be changes that will impact funding for 24 of the country's richest secondary schools.

There will be a rise in university fees by an average of 8 per cent, and graduates will have to pay back their debts sooner and faster.

There will be a significant infrastructure spend, with much of it centred on a second Sydney airport at Badgerys Creek, a $2.3 billion road and rail package for WA, and funding for a Brisbane-to-Melbourne inland freight route.

But for many measures, the devil will be in the detail, and those details won't be released until Tuesday night.


They include details on the government's promised housing affordability package through to impending changes in the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme and potential rises in the Medicare levy. But for now, just what will have to give in order for the Prime Minister and Treasurer to fund their measures remains a mystery

Amid the speculation, Mr Turnbull toured a forensics complex in Canberra on Monday to announce a $321 million boost for the Australian Federal Police's domestic operations. That only sparked further speculation, this time that the government will divert money from its aid pool to deliver the extra funding to the AFP and other security agencies, such as domestic spy agency ASIO, and ASIS, the overseas secret intelligence agency.

"Once again it is a government robbing Peter to pay Paul," Opposition leader Bill Shorten told reporters in Canberra.

Mr Turnbull refused to comment on the speculation. "The budget is tomorrow and I can assure you this is all fully funded," he said.

Charity groups warned deep cuts to the foreign aid budget are reckless and inhumane and could result in more refugees undertaking dangerous journeys to Australia.

The Coalition government has cut $11.3 billion from foreign aid since coming to power. World Vision spokesman Tim Costello said the government should absolutely fund national security services and federal police, but not off the backs of the poorest people in the world.

"If you aren't, with aid, giving hope to refugees, guess where they come? To Australia and Europe. If you aren't dealing with their humanitarian needs then they will go on the move, I would if I was in their situation," Reverend Costello said.

The Prime Minister is betting that economic growth will help provide the nation with wages growth through a better-paying job or a lift to their business.

New economic figures suggest the nation is edging towards better times. Business confidence has hit its highest point since 2010, and job ads point to a sustained period of employment growth.

"In time this should be reflected in a pick-up in wage growth," said ANZ head of Australian economics David Plank.

Westpac chief executive Brian Hartzer urged the government for more clarity on "taxation and infrastructure", which it says will be crucial if business investment is to help offset a feared drop in consumer spending, should interest rates rise.

Despite the Reserve Bank holding the cash rate at a historic low of 1.5 per cent, Australia's big banks have raised mortgage rates to reflect higher funding costs, a desire to slow riskier lending, and increased capital requirements.

Mr Hartzer on Monday championed the role of infrastructure spending in giving business the confidence to expand and invest.

"We've seen in our own book where infrastructure commitments, especially in transport, have given businesses the confidence to invest in their capacity – leading to a positive spiral of jobs and investment in those regions," Mr Hartzer said.

While Mr Hartzer might welcome the budget's infrastructure announcements, it wasn't all god news for the banks.

A day before the budget, Mr Morrison asked the Productivity Commission to hold a year-long inquiry aimed at ensuring Australia's financial system is competitive and innovative.

The commission will consider how to improve consumer outcomes, the productivity and international competitiveness of the financial system and economy more broadly.

It will look at the level of concentration in key segments of the financial system while examining competition in the provision of personal deposit accounts and mortgages, as well as services and finance to small and medium businesses. "It is important ... that we understand what are the barriers and what are the things preventing customers getting a better deal," Mr Morrison said.

with AAP

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