

This was published 6 years ago

Shane Rattenbury targeted in scathing critique of needle swap inertia

By Steven Trask

Former ACT Chief Minister Jon Stanhope has targeted Justice Minister Shane Rattenbury in a scathing critique of government inaction over the territory's prison needle exchange program.

The program, designed to stop inmates sharing dirty needles behind bars in a bid to curb the spread of diseases, was a key element of the Labor-Greens 2012 parliamentary agreement.

Justice Minister Shane Rattenbury, who blamed the stalled initiative on former chief minister Jon Stanhope.

Justice Minister Shane Rattenbury, who blamed the stalled initiative on former chief minister Jon Stanhope. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Prison guards have been strongly opposed to needle exchange programs in the past and comprehensively voted to reject a proposal in 2016.

Mr Rattenbury blamed inaction on what he said was Mr Stanhope’s decision in 2008 to give the Community and Public Sector Union a veto over the program via a clause in guards’ enterprise agreements.

Mr Stanhope rejects that the union was ever given a veto power, and said his government only ever committed to consulting staff on the implementation of the program.

Mr Rattenbury had essentially accused him of lying by asserting otherwise, Mr Stanhope said.


Mr Rattenbury made his statement about the needle exchange program earlier this year, after it was revealed a prisoner had been reinfected with Hepatitis C in the Alexander Maconochie Centre.

“When the AMC opened, the Minister responsible, Jon Stanhope, provided a veto power to the CPSU in the enterprise agreement,” Mr Rattenbury said.


“This meant a [needle and syringe program] could not be introduced without agreement from staff. Subsequent ministers have been hamstrung since that time.”

Documents released to Mr Stanhope under freedom of information laws showed he supported consulting with staff on the design of the program, but did not support a union needle exchange veto.

“I’ve attached the email trail from the [chief minister's office] around the development of the words,” a senior official wrote in a 2007 email.

“The intention was to limit the involvement of the CPSU as to how, rather than whether, a needle exchange is implemented.”

In April, Mr Rattenbury said he had made some progress removing “the direct veto power” from guards’ enterprise agreement, amending this to a vote among officers.

But the clause in question makes no mention of a direct veto power, instead saying no needle exchange program could be put in place until unions and the ACT government agreed on details of implementation.

In 2016, after Mr Rattenbury amended the clause to allow the vote, staff overwhelmingly decided against a prison needle exchange program by 150 to 4.

Earlier this year ACT Health Services Commissioner Karen Toohey urged that plans to implement a needle exchange program be revisited.

“Sharing needles continues to pose a risk of HIV and other blood borne virus transmission,” Ms Toohey wrote in a report triggered by the death of Steven Freeman in custody.

“It is important that the issue of an [needle and syringe program] continue to be progressed by the ACT Government to find a workable solution to reducing risks of blood borne virus transmission at the [Alexander Maconochie Centre].”

The report's recommendations were welcomed by Hepatitis ACT, which has been pushing for a regulated needle and syringe program at the prison.

Hepatitis ACT interim executive officer Rebecca Vassarotti said needle exchange must be part of any serious effort to reduce the harms arising from drug use within prison.

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