

This was published 4 years ago


A Sydney circled by fire could never have hosted the Olympics

Three years ago I was shaping a chapter on climate for my political memoir. For this bit of futurology, I described a Sydney in 2050 where the air is full of smoke: “Right now all parks around Sydney are up in flames. There is a new fire regime. They blaze all year ... Outside, the howling winds seem to pick up, blowing the burnt matter from the Blue Mountains.”

My idea was that this was 30 years off. Instead, Sydney is now experiencing air pollution that would have disposed of Sydney’s Olympic bid.

How could we have asked athletes to heave in lungfuls of particulate pollution when merely walking in a park is a health risk? We would have been running harder than Cathy Freeman to persuade the IOC that while we now suffer savage fires in November, we should be safe in September.

The CSIRO first warned in 1988 that, with the climate changing, we would see a worsening fire danger in grasslands and forests. Since then, it has revisited the subject on multiple occasions. In 2005, its scientists predicted that by 2020 the number of days when forest fire danger was very high to extreme would rise by up to 25 per cent – which is where we’ve arrived– and up to 70 per cent by 2050.


The idea that the climate shift is speeding up was captured in an authoritative November 27 article in Nature. It warns we are in danger of shooting beyond tipping points in the earth system. It had been thought that these “large-scale discontinuities” would be triggered if warming exceeded 5 degrees but in the past two years, there is evidence the tipping points could be exceeded with only 1 or 2 degrees.

These tipping points include frequent droughts in the Amazon, reduction in Arctic sea ice, the accelerating loss of Greenland ice and the thawing of permafrost.

Scientists are struggling with the last. How fast is the permafrost breaking up? How fatal are the gas releases?

As a rule, scientists have erred on the side of caution. If the CSIRO had tipped fire seasons so unkind that Sydney’s air would be as polluted as Jakarta’s and a jog along Bondi was a health risk, the climate deniers would have shrieked “Alarmist!”


Are the deniers absorbing the evidence – even as they read last week in The Australian Financial Review that medical experts believe Sydney’s Third World air pollution poses a cardiac risk? Neither the Institute of Public Affairs nor the Centre for Independent Studies has sponsored a conference or commissioned a report on climate in memory, not even exploring market-based solutions. Are the conservative think tanks ready at last to treat the thing as real?

Australia's Cathy Freeman sits on the track after winning the women's 400m final at the Sydney Olympic Games.

Australia's Cathy Freeman sits on the track after winning the women's 400m final at the Sydney Olympic Games.Credit: Ian Waldie

I recall arguments on climate with the late right-wing columnist Paddy McGuinness. It was not over data or research, about brittle coral or fire frequency. The thing most distasteful about this climate talk for him, as I think for John Howard or Tony Abbott, was that it was being championed by people on the left.

“All I know was that Al Gore was for it so I had to be against it,” said Bob Inglis, a former Republican Congressman, capturing this sentiment. He changed his view after seeing Antarctica and today leads the US "eco-right". His quote exposed the tribal prejudice, the cultural orthodoxy, behind climate denialism.

But with smoke in the air, it’s time for conservatives to stop dilating on the bogey of the Australian Greens party or university Marxists. Heightened concern over climate is coming not from revolutionary sects but from scientists who study coral bleaching or methane leaking from exposed Arctic soils.


None of the nature conservationists I got to know when I was NSW planning and environment minister in the 1980s had an anti-capitalist agenda. People like Milo Dunphy enjoyed an intimate feel for wild Australia and wanted to save as much as possible before it was too late. Their campaigns sprang from the smell of the eucalypts, the melody of wild flowing rivers like the Kowmung or the majesty of the Colong Plateau or the north coast rainforests.

Scott Morrison has promised a statement on climate next year. He has an opportunity to commit to a transmission system so resilient that it will allow cost-competitive energy to surge from distant wind farms and thousands of rooftops to any consumer who wants to be green; plus, storing this renewable energy so it’s not there only when the wind blows and the sun shines.

Dismissing sceptics and deniers in his own ranks, he could say what most of us believe: the evidence is in.

“Even if it weren’t,” he could add, “this fire season suggests we ought to assume the worst, and take out insurance, specifically by exceeding the Paris targets we’ve signed on to.”

He could even announce it before Christmas, while eyes and throats are still stinging.

Bob Carr is a former foreign minister and NSW premier. He is professor of Climate and Business at UTS.

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