

This was published 8 years ago

Women's biggest money mistakes are easy to fix

By Sally Patten

​I have been asking experts recently about the biggest mistakes that women make when it comes to managing their finances. I was expecting a laundry list of errors and so was pleasantly surprised when my friendly experts put forward just two. I say pleasantly surprised, because how hard can it be to rectify two mistakes?

Furthermore, the mistakes don't even require complex remedies. By the end of the conversations I was feeling even more encouraged.

Kristianna Michaelides quit a business management degree to become a hairdresser.

Kristianna Michaelides quit a business management degree to become a hairdresser.Credit: Penny Stephens

So, what are the big blunders? The first is the failure of women to take an interest in their finances. The second is the failure to take advantage of the small things that can save us money and improve our household budgets and savings.

Let's consider the former.

Women are not engaged enough.

The problem is more widespread among women in their 50s, 60s and 70s, but even younger women all too often don't take notice of their finances. It might be 2016, but there is still a tendency for women to outsource the household budget to their male partners, or to bury their heads in the sand if they are single.

Living day to day, with no thought of what sort of future they want, is a common recipe for a crisis of confidence – or cash – down the track.

It is critical that women know how much income is coming into the house, how much is being used to fund day-to-day living, how much is being used to pay down the mortgage, the size of the outstanding mortgage, how much life insurance they and their partners have and how much the household has in retirement and other investments.

Engagement is important for two main reasons: you need to be confident that you and your family are on the right financial track and will be able to meet future spending needs, and if anything happens to your partner, you will need to be in a position where you can take over the reins fully.


"What will you do if something happens, like a death or divorce? Not understanding the family finances can make women very vulnerable at an emotional time," says Graeme Yukich, chief executive of Entrust Wealth Management.

The solution? Understand your finances. Start asking questions about the household balance sheet and don't be afraid to admit if you don't understand a concept.

You could also ask a trusted friend or family member who is further along the path what approach they take to issues such as their household budget, savings, insurances, superannuation and the like. You may well discover that paying for some professional advice is money well spent.

And so to the second big mistake – the failure to take advantage of the little things that can save you money.

And we all know that those little things can quickly add up to make a big difference.

So many people, for example, don't bother with an offset account on their mortgage, which can save them tens of thousands of dollars over the life of the home loan. Too many women have cash lying around in the bank earning no interest, have debts on credit cards which charge exorbitant interest rates, don't have the best value mobile phone plans for their needs and aren't making sufficient use of super tax concessions.

So, take a moment to look at the little stuff. Go through your outgoings, including bills, and see if there is a way you can save money. Check that you have only one super account and find out how much interest you are getting from any bank savings.

Make a checklist and go through it systematically. It doesn't matter if it takes six months – or more – to get through it.

Unconventional choices are not always mistakes

Dropping out of university to take up hairdressing should have been the biggest money mistake Kristianna Michaelides ever made.

Twenty years later she can safely say it has proven quite the opposite.

Skill, enthusiasm and being in the right place at the right time – at least a couple of times – have translated into a flexible, sustainable career. Winning some national hairdressing awards and being employed by a hair care company have translated into lucrative bonuses.

"I may not be on the high end of the income bracket but I have real stability, particularly since I've become my own boss," says the 39-year-old.

"My parents were most worried when I left uni but they've noticed over the years that there's less job volatility in my industry compared to my sister's, who's white-collar. White-collar workers may earn the mega-bucks but they are always under the threat of redundancy and these days have periods of earning nothing.

"I'm the tortoise in 'the tortoise and the hare'."

Michaelides was studying a business management degree when she had a "light bulb moment" while having her hair done at her local salon in Townsville. "I thought 'this is what I need to be doing'. I was good at working with my hands. And I was 100 per cent right." She learnt her trade from a "beautiful, old-fashioned cutter" and then when he retired moved to the "cool" salon of Townsville.

"Hairdressing's not a business to make money. It's a terrible paying job, to be honest, and money didn't really come into it until I had a national presence and became an educator," she says.

Her breakthrough came when some prominent Australian hairdressers noticed the killer jumpsuit she was wearing at a 70s-themed hairdressing conference in Brisbane and suggested she drop by should she ever be in town again. She was and she did and her boldness led to high-profile work with the fledgling Australian Fashion Week. "A whole other world of competitions and things I hadn't had a clue about opened up and then I won," Michaelides says.

She went to work for the "guy of the moment" Brad Ngata in Sydney, worked in London as an educator for KMS hair care and, with an impressive portfolio, took a job at a leading salon in Melbourne's South Yarra. "My wage was still terrible. I was still earning award wages even when I'd won national awards. But I got to negotiate," she says.

Today, with a young daughter and fitness trainer husband to consider, she works three (long) days a week for herself out of a St Kilda Road salon. "The best thing is I'm still joyous about my work."

Case study: Natasha Hughes.

The information in this article should not be taken as financial advice. Please consider your personal circumstances before making any financial decisions.

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