

This was published 5 years ago

An $825m IT refit and super amnesty reboot: ATO's wishlist revealed

By Adele Ferguson

The Australian Taxation Office is getting ready to sit down with the new government.

Across the table it will push a bulging list of policy suggestions, administrative actions and funding requests, not the least of which is a likely request to help with a more than $800 million revamp of its IT systems to cope with an explosion of digital transactions.

A well-placed source said in the first 30 to 60 days in office, the ATO was also likely to want to clear up a botched amnesty for businesses that had failed to pay workers super as far back as the 1990s.

It would also remind the government that it needs to announce the appointment of a second commissioner after Neil Olesen flagged his retirement last year then went on extended leave. Since then Jeremy Hirschhorn, a former KPMG partner, has been acting second commissioner.

It is understood Tax Commissioner Chris Jordan, also a former KPMG partner, is keen for his appointment.

And the ATO is believed to want to tap the government for fresh funding for an $825 million project titled: Improving ATO IT Systems Program.

Chris Jordan Commissioner of Taxation

Chris Jordan Commissioner of TaxationCredit: Andrew Meares

A source said the plan was to seek government co-funding rather than the full amount and to make it clear that if the ATO didn’t get any funding, and was required to completely self-fund the project itself, it would need to limit investment to critical priority areas, and likely extend the timeframe for delivery of key outcomes.

Sources said the IT program was as ambitious as an earlier Change Program announced in late 2003 to modernise the ATO’s technology systems and replace disparate legacy systems with a standardised operating system. That project ended up blowing out to more than $750 million, more than double the original estimate, and attracted huge criticism and scathing reports from agencies including the Inspector General of Taxation.


In 2013 the Australian National Audit Office released a report which found that poor software and data management practices had created a situation where the ATO's records and reporting functions were at risk of becoming unreliable. It sheeted home many of the data handling failings to the Change Program.

Leaked documents say digital transactions at the ATO have ballooned from 1 billion in 2018 and are forecast to increase 2000 per cent to 20 billion by next year. The ATO will warn that, like all large-scale IT projects, there are risks associated with the deployment, no doubt the spectre of the Change Program will loom large.

Digital transactions at the ATO have ballooned from 1 billion in 2018 and are forecast to increase 2000 per cent to 20 billion by next year.

A ministerial submission on further technology developments would be provided to keep the government informed, the source said.

The ATO would also attempt to clear up the government's shambolic super amnesty. In short the government announced a 12-month amnesty was in May 2018 with then Minister for Financial Services Kelly O’Dwyer encouraging employers to "wipe the slate clean" and pay workers their super entitlements.

In a press release it said the amnesty would run "from today". But the amnesty never made it through parliament after being blocked by Labor and the cross bench creating confusion for hundreds of employers who came forward only to be told the amnesty existed only in a press release.


The ATO will ask the government to make a public announcement on its position on the amnesty within 30 days to provide certainty to employers who planned to come forward and admit to unpaid super as far back as the 1990s. Unpaid super is estimated to be worth up to $6 billion a year.

The ATO is also preparing a list of strategic litigation matters that could result in significant revenue or administration risk. The cases expected to be presented to the government include the $180 million GST input tax credit claimed by refiner of gold, 154 520 199 Pty Ltd. The ATO is expected to brief the government that an adverse decision would likely attract media attention and impact a line of other similar cases. There are currently more than $1.15 billion in assessments for primary tax and penalties in relation to these schemes.

Other litigation includes the Glencore case which was heard in the Federal Court in December, which relates to the company’s transfer pricing arrangements for the sale of bulk copper concentrate to their Swiss-based parent.

The old chestnut of the ATO’s treatment of small business after the joint Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and Four Corner’s expose Mongrel Bunch of Bastards, is also likely to be addressed in a deep dive with the relevant minister.

It is understood that three Australian National Audit Office audit reports are expected to be finalised by the end of next month.

One of the reports relates to the management of small business tax debt arising from compliance activities. The source said the ATO executive, including Jordan, requested the audit following the media coverage. He said a ministerial submission, including the department's media strategy would be provided, on the back of the report.

The ATO declined to answer any questions, saying most of the questions appeared to relate to drafts of a document that had not been cleared by the ATO and "do not necessarily reflect the ATO position, and have no official status." It said: "If you have copies of ATO internal documents we ask that you return them."

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