

This was published 5 years ago

Super is delivering, so why do retirees feel financially insecure?

By Jeremy Cooper

Australians are starting to retire with meaningful superannuation balances.

New data from the Australian Taxation Office show that the average Australian about to retire has more than $300,000 in super.

Credit: Andrew Quilty

With most people retiring as a couple, this means the typical household will be starting retirement today with more than $400,000 in super. This is the good news.

But, as super balances grow, they correspondingly reduce entitlement to the age pension under the means tests.

Largely due to these increasing super balances, the majority of today’s retirees do not get the full age pension, and the majority of recently age eligible Australians (66-year-olds) do not get any age pension at all. This is the not-so-good news.

The age pension is like a retirement pay cheque. It gets paid every fortnight and you generally know exactly how much you are going to get.

Most super accounts are not like this at all. You can draw money out of your account-based pension, but you can’t be sure how long it’s going to last. If something happens to the share market, this only adds to the uncertainty.

Confident retirement

This is borne out by recent research by National Seniors Australia that shows that regular and constant income in retirement is the most important element for a confident retirement.


More than half of today’s retirees are worried about outliving their savings and many feel locked into "gambling" their savings on their sharemarket-dominated super.

Many new retirees are now entering retirement with a decent lump of super, but will have little or no regular and secure income in the earlier years of retirement due to their reduced access to the age pension. This leaves their super balances exposed to the elements, such as market volatility and ultra-low interest rates.

The good news is that policy reform is firmly on the agenda, with both the government and the superannuation industry focused on creating options for retirees that provide regular and secure lifetime incomes in retirement.

Means test changes

A good example are changes to Centrelink’s means test rules that came into effect from July 1, 2019.
The changes mean that only a proportion of an investment in a product like a lifetime annuity will be counted under the assets test, which could result in an immediate increase in your age pension.

Under the new rules, only 60 per cent of an investment in a lifetime income stream that meets new capital access rules will count as an asset up to age 84. Just 30 per cent of the amount invested will count as an asset thereafter.

Joe and Alison are a homeowning couple on the age pension, with $500,000 in super and no other financial assets. For each $1000 in assets they have over the assets test limit of $394,500, their age pension is reduced by $3 per fortnight, or $78 a year. With $500,000 in super, they are more than $100,000 over the limit and thus on a part age pension.

Peace of mind

Let’s say they invest $100,000 in a lifetime annuity, which provides guaranteed income as long as they live. Their assessed assets are now reduced by $40,000 under the means test. This has the effect of boosting their age pension by $3120 (40 x $78 a year) in the first year. They have lots of super left and can certainly use this extra, guaranteed income to cover some of their basic living costs.

The next phase for government and super funds is to make it easier for their retired members, like Joe and Alison, to convert part of their super into secure, lifetime income. This will give many more retirees like them the confidence and peace of mind that their savings will last as long as they do.

Jeremy Cooper is chairman, retirement income, at Challenger.

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