

This was published 1 year ago


Beat the hikes: Five ways to get a discount on private health

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Kudos to the health funds that are delaying this year’s average 2.9 per cent premium hike from the usual April 1 application date to as late as November. But, it’s not so much ‘kudos’ as them just being clever.

About half of Australia’s health funds so far have recognised that 10 interest rate rises in, people are dipping out of cover.

Health funds are recognising that people are dipping out of cover because of rising interest rates.

Health funds are recognising that people are dipping out of cover because of rising interest rates.Credit: Steven Siewert

But before you cut your medical safety net, consider some ways to cut the cost of it instead.

Because public hospital waiting lists have blown right out post-COVID. And autonomy and options when it comes to your health could prove life-saving.

1. Get in before age 30: If it’s not too late for this, the government has recently allowed health funds to discount hospital premiums by up to 10 per cent for those under 30. You keep the full discount until you turn 41.


Insurance like health cover operates on a cross-subsidisation basis – younger, healthier, cheaper members are needed to balance the older, unhealthier, more expensive ones.

If you live at home, though, you can now be covered for free on your parent’s policy up to age 31.

But don’t delay beyond that, or you’ll really pay. A so-called lifetime loading of 2 per cent applies for every year you don’t hold cover past your 30th birthday, up to an extreme extra 70 per cent. And for 10 years.


But if it’s too late for that:

2. Up your excess: The government wants us all to hold private health insurance, so there are carrots and sticks to do so.

The carrot is a rebate on premiums of up to 25 per cent (you often pay them net).

Your health fund should be helping, not hindering, you. And it may prove priceless.

Apart from the lifetime loading ‘stick’ for 31-pluses, there is the Medicare levy surcharge. This is a tax penalty of up to 1.5 per cent that is payable by singles who don’t have private health but earn more than $80,000 a year, and couples who earn more than $160,000.

If you fall into those categories you may as well get cover, as you will wear this cost impost if you don’t. It effectively pays for the insurance.


And you might not realise that you can now be exempted from the Medicare levy surcharge by insurance with a far higher excess, singles of $750 and couples, $1500. Remember, each person pays this only once per calendar year. And kids don’t pay at all.

Be wary, however, of a related but risky ‘savings’ strategy – the co-payment. This is an amount you agree to stump up, say $50, for each night in hospital. If ill health befalls you, it could get expensive indeed.

3. Suit your circumstance: Some funds cynically do not let you tailor your policy to your circumstances. The good ones will instead allow you to turn off, for example, obstetrics once you are done having children. Or they will not require young members to be covered for hip replacements or kidney dialysis.

The savings from a semi-bespoke policy will be significant – obstetrics alone probably adds $500 a year to your premiums.

4. Milk your extras: Paying for extras (so non-hospital health services) may seem excessive in these tighter times, but in fact, claims on – and savings from – this part of the policy could combat your entire premium.


Think optical and allowances for contact lenses and glasses, dental, and the usually two free cleans, checks and X-rays a year for every family member.

Then there could be lesser-known benefits under something called a ‘health management’ limit. This might be things like kids’ swimming lessons and even gym membership, if your doctor signs off that it is medically necessary. Usually up to $200 per person is usually available per year.

5. Switch to save: Pull all the above levers… and also consider leaving. The excellent is the tool to use to identify the best-value funds for you. If you look at the policies that come up, there is typically $2000 a year between the cheapest and most expensive for families.

And the lead-up to April 1 and the price hike is the very best time to find a new fund.

A new fund has to honour waiting periods already served for hospital procedures, it will often waive the same for extras, and it will be giving out all sorts of bonus benefits – and even cashbacks – to attract new members.

Your health fund should be helping, not hindering, you. And it may prove priceless.

  • Advice given in this article is general in nature and is not intended to influence readers’ decisions about investing or financial products. They should always seek their own professional advice that takes into account their own personal circumstances before making any financial decisions.

Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon is the author of How to Get Mortgage-Free Like Me. Follow Nicole on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

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